Necromancy--a bunch of mumbo-jumbo or real?


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Does anyone here believe in communication with the dead? I'm just curious...
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Haha, well I HAD responded to this thread, but it seems the mischif elves (or perhaps just banshee) keep deleting my posts in this board and parapsychology.

Essentialy what I said is that yes, I believe in necromancy and both the restless dead, and the undead, can be very entertaining. What was so offensive about the way I put it origionaly is beyond me, so I'll refrain from going into details and keep everything nice and simple like.
Yeah, I noticed that the forums emailed me saying that someone had replied, but the reply kept vanishing :eek: :bugeye:
heyya Ozymandias

why do you think the dead would want to talk to you?

would you listen in disbeleife?

analyse with distainful discension?

i am more curiouse as to why you would want to talk with the dead rather than if they would talk back to you.

just taking another point of perspective on your question :)

groove on :)
Necromancy as well as all other ideals of magic are in truth false, as i have stated before if you try to believe in something too hard then it becomes real to you

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: `Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear --
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.'

-Ozymandias, Percy Bysshe Shelley

Or, if you've read this one:

"Look on my works, ye Mighty,"
read the placard in the sand,
yet all around lay trackless waste
in which no other works I scanned.
I drew from this a lesson, grim
Impermanence of man,
But then a voice came from within
the stone to whisper this demand:
"Consider this: a forest grove
Once stood where I forgotten stand.
You still, I fear, don't understand.
We made this desert from the land."

-Ozymandias and the Traveler, Alan P. Scott
alas allack
to chop
and hack
burning all
for amusement
all shal fall
from short to tall
as guns cool nightly vigilance
the monger walks
the greedy stalks
the meek pier from thier houses
its all so intwined
the souls unbind
i think ive lost my trousers :confused:

ripleofdeath 1st may 2003

sorry couldnt resist it :D

groove on all

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above
Have you ever seen the show Crossing Over? It seems real but I bet he is just really good at assumptions. He first takes very broad guesses about the person and they tell him everything he needs to know through their explanations. He only needs to drop in the occasional nonsense which they somehow associate with their lives. I suppose he is trying to act as a sort of "Necromancer". I don't believe it personally. Sorry.
I've heard that in order to get on the show Crossing Over, you have to give your name and address, which of course allows for extensive background checks.
If they bought their tickets with credit cards they can look up a WHOLE fucking lot about you, from perchasing history to name and address, and you can go from there. That's how many phone psychics work, I hear.
I've heard that in order to get on the show Crossing Over, you have to give your name and address, which of course allows for extensive background checks.

Do you know any shows that don't require you put in your name and adress for securities sake before you get in? Don't you have to sign up for just about any studio audience? I've seen the same on Oprah, Montell, even The Price is Right, after all the credits the announcer comes on... "If you would like to participate in our studio audience, please send your name and address too..."

If they bought their tickets with credit cards they can look up a WHOLE fucking lot about you, from perchasing history to name and address, and you can go from there. That's how many phone psychics work, I hear.

Yeah, well anybody can do that. Have you ever examined the work of psychics before? Not everything is going to be where you can research it. Some of the details these people find about other peoples lives are such details that no one find in a background check, and certanly would not be researchable through normal means. Be reasonable - is a psychic going to spend a few hundred dollars to get a PI to research every person he is about to interview? That can add up in the hundreds of people in turn. Of course you might say that this is balanced with their book sales, but many psychics and the like don't make as much money as you would want to believe. Burdon of proof, sir. Burdon of proof...