Neandertal human?


Registered Member
As we understnad there were many kinds of human. Some are direct ancestors of all some branched off. Within humanity we have the genus Homo. We are part of it and so were Neandertals. They and teh Cromagnons lived around France, Spain , and Germany. Not only are they a close cousin but I'm getting research that they are us.

SOme scientests mistakingly called them the ancestors of all humans although they are clearly white. If you go to Wikipedia you see that Neandertal overlaps with the Homo Sapien species. It seems the Neandertal and modern humans in EUrope are the same. How could this be? Are white people multispeciesed?


SOme scientests mistakingly called them the ancestors of all humans although they are clearly white.

Findings have found that they existed at the same time as homo sapiens did and there is some debate in whether it was our species that wiped them out. No, neanderthals and white humans are not one and the same. There might, and I say might because there is a lot of conjecture there as well, have been some interbreeding between the two species, but no solid evidence of that has yet been found.

They are not "us" by any stretch of the imagination.

And seriously, colour has nothing to do with it.

And yes, niet is correct. This does belong in pseudoscience. So toodlepip.
Well if they did interbreed with humans then some of us(europeans) are neanderthal.
Kind of like being biracial. If one parent is black, and find out that your long last nother was white then you can say you are not only black but white.
Well if they did interbreed with humans then some of us(europeans) are neanderthal.
No not really if both your parents are black and you find out that that one of your ancestors was a mulat when he was shiped to US back in the 1700's then your still black.

Their is however reasons to believe that Neanderthals and homo sapiens lived at least at some places and at some time in piece.
As neanderthals and humans seemed to have used the pretty much the exact same tools. So they must have copied from each other.

They are probably for us humans (except for ourselfs) the most interesting creatures that ever walked on this planet.

Who knows if we will ever be able to restore their DNA and recreate them
SO maybe that's what happened to them. Maybe we do didn't war with them and hunt them to extinction. Maybe we interbred and mated with them. SO we really made a hybrid race.

So if this is the case then there should be some traces of their DNA in europeans. Now I was taught that 2 different species can't interbreed. ANd if they did their offspring would be sterile. SO was there enough commoness between us to have sex and create neanderthal=sapien babies?

Another thing, neanderthal-cromagnons are always portrayed as white skinned, fine are wavy haired, green or blue eyed and looking liek modern europeans. Science says sapiens(us) evolved from Africa. We moved out of Africa and mae the different racial apearances. Europeans have the white green eyed appearance. But Neanderthals who are not our ancestors or even in the sapien group evolved the same apearance. How is this so when even before the supposed intermating the looked alot liek white folks.?