Naughty Ted Haggard

OH! how the mighty have fallen, and hopefully these sob's will continue to fall. Next should be Pat Robertson, can't wait to see this dipshit fall flat on his face. ;)
OH! how the mighty have fallen, and hopefully these sob's will continue to fall. Next should be Pat Robertson, can't wait to see this dipshit fall flat on his face. ;)

Haven't you been paying attention?

Pat Robertson is a known Republican.

How much worse could it get?
I find it interesting how we all condemn hipocricy and weakness, while at the very same time, most, if not all of us are guilty of the very same things.

Baron Max
Speak for yourself, Baron Max. I don't publicly denounce homosexuality and influence politicians and voters against their civil rights on the Sunday morning after I just got through snorting meth and playing the skin flute with a male prostitute.

This is a bit different than telling my kid to wear her seatbelt but me not putting mine on for a quick trip to the corner store.
Why act surprised. Just add Haggard to the list of sexual deviants who preach gospel. What's even more amazing is watching these guys work the flock and eventually regain some status and retain followers.

Let me shine up the Crystal Ball and see what's in store for Mr. Haggard...I see a book, a script, a television series or a movie and a huge payday for Mr Haggard.
Even the most caring and loving shepherd eventually leads his flock to slaughter!

:D One is usually done shepherding by then but:

'tis better to fleece the flock as it ensures they'll come back for more. Never kill a sheep for its wool.
"Preserve the ewe for she will offer up lambs for the slaughter."

This has all got me thinking about marinating some lamb chops.
Indeed. Kind of put a long tail on that kite.

And if anyone saw the shit-eating grin Haggard had on his face during that in-car interview he did on the matter, you can't help but appreciate the many levels of comedic value that come from this.
Yes I saw the in-car interview - holy cow - the body language the pause while he went over the lie in his head - LOL - so transparent. What a jerk!
this is so delightful and fantastic I shrieked like a little girl and nearly wet myself.

it couldn't have turned out any better.
The pauses. The lip-licking. The sickly smile. The way he closes his eyes to block out his accusers.

He's telling the truth.

“The fact is I am guilty of sexual immorality. And I take responsibility for the entire problem,” Haggard wrote. “I am a deceiver and a liar. There’s a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I have been warring against it for all of my adult life.” - Ted Haggard

Haggard finally 'fesses up, and manages to still find a way to demonize the gay community in the process. Bra... vo.