Native Prophecies Confirm the Reality of UFOs


Registered Senior Member
Native Prophecies Confirm the Reality of UFOs

[From an article by Richard W. Kimball, Daily Courier Prescott]

Date: Sun, 24 Dec 1995

An old American Indian rock carving near Mishongnovi, Arizona accurately describes the existence of
"flying saucers" and space travel, according to a Hopi Indian leader.

In the summer of 1970, the late Chief Dan Katchongva, in the company of his counselor Ralph
Tawangyawma and interpreter Caroline Tawangyawma, went to the city of Prescott to learn more about the
rash of UFOs recently seen in that area.

The residents of that central Arizona community said they saw hundreds of flying saucers in the night sky
over the city for more than two weeks prior to the Hopi leader's arrival.

Katchongva, who died in 1972, said he believed the sightings were intimately connected to Hopi prophecy.
The traditional Hopi chieftain had long been interested in UFOs because he believed they were a part of
Hopi religious beliefs.

UFO researcher and former Prescott resident Paul Solem said the existence of the saucers justified an old
Hopi prophecy that a "Day of Purification" was soon to arrive. It would be a day when all wicked people and
wrong-doers would be punished or destroyed. Contact with flying saucers would signal the first step of an
massive migration northward by Indians from Central and South America, Solem said.

Chief Katchongva told reporters of the Prescott Evening Courier that the petroglyph on the Hopi
Reservation shows a definite connection between the Indians and visitors from space.

"We believe other planets are inhabited and that our prayers are heard there," he said. "The arrow on
which the dome-shaped object rests, stands for travel through space," Katchongva said in explaining the
rock carving.

"The Hopi maiden on the dome-shape (drawing) represents purity. Those Hopi who survive Purification
Day will travel to other planets. We, the faithful Hopi, have seen the ships and know they are true," he said.

"We have watched nearly all of our brethren lose faith in the original Hopi teachings and go off on their
own course. Near Oraibi the Plan of Life was clearly shown and we know that those who have forsaken the
original teachings will pay with their lives when the True White Brother comes," he went on.

According to Katchongva, the Hopi prophecies say the Hopi people will be divided three times.

The first division occurred in 1906 when Chief You-kew-ma and his followers were forced out of the ancient
Indian town of Oraibi to begin a new community in Hotevilla, he said.

"The second division took place in 1969 when Paul Solem came and contacted the flying saucers and they
flew over and whispered their message. Shortly before Mr. Solem came, Titus Quomayumtewa saw a flying
saucer and the Kachina that piloted it. "Paul Sewaemanewa saw the saucer years before when he had made
his prayer rites," Katchongva said.

"These two men are of the faithful. We know we are to be divided once more and few will be left just before
our True White Brother arrives with the matching pieces of stone tablet. Many Hopi men wear their bang
haircut that represents a window from which they continue to look for the True White Brother," he added.
Very interesting. please find some more Hopi stuff :)

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
Originally posted by H-kon:
Very interesting. please find some more Hopi stuff :)

are you genually interested or what.
so you want more, okay.

Check out

Released 7 October 1999
by Robert Morning Sky

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Before I begin this paper, allow me to make my position very clear:


I have, in fact, written several books in which I suggest that human beings are the direct result of intervention by
extra-terrestrial beings. I have suggested that a 'hidden' history of humankind exists, one that indicates that humankind
has been guided, manipulated, and directed by, star beings. I have also suggested that we are the direct descendants
of these very same star beings, that we possess in our veins the very blood of these star beings. Not only have I
suggested that star beings are real but I have also suggested that they are still here…that they walk amongst us.

In recent papers, I have suggested that the most serious contributors to the 'UFO cover-up' and the greatest
deterrence to legitimate extra-terrestrial Life investigations are the members of the UFO community today - those very
same people who walk the corridors of the UFO conference gatherings and proclaim themselves seekers of
knowledge and expert investigators. Damage is also done by those 'believers' who report UFO sightings and insist that
they 'know what they saw', that they are eyewitnesses and therefore they are living proof that extra-terrestrial craft and
extra-terrestrial beings exist - all of this done without a shred of evidence offered for their claims. This paper is
dedicated to all those who continue to use the statement - 'I know what I saw!' - as proof of their experience.

Quote - 'A large silvery disk flew over our car! Suddenly the engine stopped. But not just our car, so did the car that
was on the road ahead of us. The disk landed in the field for a moment, then it took off in a brilliant flash of light. This
was not like any aircraft I had ever seen before! When it was gone, the car started up again! It was an alien UFO! It
had to be! I'm telling you...I know what I saw!'

Quote - 'I saw a magician last night. First, he pulled a rabbit out of a hat. Then a little later, he cut a woman in half. That
was amazing! But the greatest trick came when he actually flew over our heads! It was utterly amazing! It was the
greatest illusion I had ever seen!'

Both events revolve around an extraordinary visual event. In one case, however, the viewer insists that what he saw
was real, while in the other case the viewer knows that what he saw was not real. The difference is, of course,
knowledge. At the magician's show, the viewer knew that his eyes were going to be deceived. He knew it was a trick.
But long ago, when he was a child, as we all did when we were children, when we did not know there was a trick
behind the illusion, we believed. We believed with all our hearts that there really was magic happening on the stage.

The UFO witness above is actually in circumstances similar to the child. Without knowing what the actual
circumstances were behind the event - and without knowing what is going on in the human brain - the eyewitness
sincerely believes that what was recorded by his consciousness was real. These things really happened. The truth is,
the chances that what he saw was real are more than a million to one against him!

Each UFO 'sighting' is unique. While occasionally, there are numerous 'witnesses' to the event, it seems as if in most
cases, there is usually only one 'experiencer'. Events vary, locations vary, atmospheric conditions vary, and what was
seen vary - in short, there are so many variables in each individual report that a legitimate researcher will soon find
himself or herself frustrated with the details, wondering which one is real, which one is imagined and which one may
be the result of misinterpretation. Many legitimate UFO researchers have begun to build enormous detailed data
bases. And, in fact, patterns have begun to emerge. But the question that must be asked is: Do the patterns say
something about UFOs? Or do the patterns tell us something about the observers, the people who witness these

For your information, a topic all legitimate UFO researchers should be familiar with. A topic that you will read only on
the website of a Renegade. For your consideration…

want to read more check out:

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited February 01, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited February 02, 2000).]
Yes, I have a genuine interest in what the Hopi says :)

Thanks a lot for this, i really enjoy reading this :)

Now, off to read and comment :)

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
Were is H-Kon, and has any one read this information.

H-Kon, you took your time reading this stuff
Yes, i have been reading it ( i got to read it again though since i can't remember it anymore.

Thanks for your E-mail, I am still around, allthough not as often as i'd like to due to the work i am doing at being an Admin and all there.

Just so that you know, i am REALLY REALLY interested in whatever the native american, or indian (not from India) people around the world has to say about many of these things as i feel they are collectivelly a voice that have been forgotten to be reconed with since the dawn of the industrial age ( I live in Nevada, USA, so i have talked to some Hopi's and some from "Kayenta" in Utah)

I'll try to give either the forum, or you a personal comment to these sites as soon as i can, just have patience if you can, and i'll be back as soon as time allows me. :)


.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
Okay H-Kon no problem.

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited March 02, 2000).]