Native American ways


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I need help from anyone who can give me information on the Native American religion. I have been searching for a religion and Native American beliefs interest me greatly. So please if anyone knows someone i could talk to or knows about it themselfs please let me know
Thank you
You might find this link to be helpful. It's from a very reputable source.

Interestingly enough, I had the opportunity to attend a "sweat" last week. It was a great experience, and I'd recommend it if you are interested in exploring Native American spirituality.
Question ...

Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
Interestingly enough, I had the opportunity to attend
a "sweat" last week. It was a great experience, and I'd
recommend it if you are interested in exploring Native
American spirituality.
Just out of curiosity - did you pay to attend the sweat?
Jade and Evilpoet,

what are you talking about? what sweat..?!!

evilpoet bless me with an appropriate link, please.

Thanks for your help Evilpoet ! Please let me know if you find anything else on American Indians.
You're welcome sugarpie. :)

Here is the only other link I have: New Age Frauds & Plastic Shaman. I also thought this quote might be of interest, it's from a book entitled "In The Spirit Of The Crazy Horse" by Peter Matthiessen.

We did not ask you white men to come here. The Great Spirit gave us this country as a home. You had yours. We did not interfere with you. The Great Spirit gave us plenty of land to live on, and buffalo, deer, antelope and other game. But you have come here; you are taking my land from me; you are killing off our game, so it is hard for us to live. Now, you tell us to work for a living, but the Great Spirit did not make us to work, but to live by hunting. You white men can work if you want to. We do not interfere with you, and again you say, why do you not become civilized? We do not want your civilization! We would live as our fathers did and their fathers before them. -Crazy Horse (Lakota)
Take care,
Originally posted by everneo
Jade and Evilpoet,

what are you talking about? what sweat..?!!

evilpoet bless me with an appropriate link, please.
The link I mentioned above has some information. Here is a sample:

Sweat Lodge: This is structure which generates hot moist air, similar to a Finnish sauna. It is used for rituals of purification, for spiritual renewal and of healing, for education of the youth, etc. A sweat lodge may be a small structure made of a frame of saplings, covered with skins, canvas or blanket. A depression is dug in the center into which hot rocks are positioned. Water is thrown on the rocks to create steam. A small flap opening is used to regulate the temperature. As many as a dozen people can be accommodated in some lodges.
Re: Question ...

Originally posted by EvilPoet
Just out of curiosity - did you pay to attend the sweat?
Kind of, but not really. Depends on what you mean by "pay". An elder will usually facilitate the sweat, and it is a sign of respect to bring tobacco as an offering. Tobacco has long been considered a sacred substance to aboriginal peoples, and I believe this ties into the power that they perceive the peace pipe to have.
Originally posted by sugarpie

Can you tell me where you went for this sweat? I am very interested in attending one
It was on the Samson Cree Nation reserve in Hobbema, Alberta, which is about 45 minutes south of Edmonton. I was introduced to the elder by an instructor I had on a course I had attended. If you know any aboriginal people, ask them for a referral. If this is not possible, you might want to try calling the nearest band to your location and express your strong interest in Native American spirituality and your desire to participate in some of their rituals. Perhaps you'll be invited. :)