
Registered Senior Member
i will not talk about the STS 48 & STS 80 missions as these have been run-out, the STS 84 footage has got some of the best evidence i have seen.

i know all the "ice" and "junk" explanations will be offered but when all the work is done on this footage i think that NASA and Oberg will find this footage a little bit harder to deal with.

there is a lot of good footage from NASA, but what we have to find is the footage that has the best evidence and not what looks best on video for the only purpose of MONEY.
I haven't seen sts-84, have you got it?, if you do are you willing to send it on over my way?.

BTW have you got a satisfactory answer for sts-48?
hi Rambler,

yes i do have a copy of the STS 84 footage.........where are you?

the STS 84 footage is something myself and other people have been working on for nearly 2 years.

there area few objects on the footage but one objects is the MAIN one as this object stops and hovers right near Space Station Mir for about 4 seconds before flying (what appeares) to be right behind Mir at a distance of 2800 that is big Ice.

i hope to be able to have some stills toput online very soon.

as for STS 48, i like many people have my own opinion but what we have to remeber is that when NASA or Oberg have a reasonable explanation for the fooatge then the footage has been debunked even if we do not agreew withg what they say. for STS 48 they say it was ice that was blown......and yes they have the proof to show that at that time a adjuster rocket was fired (i have seen the flight plan) so ice could have been the explanation they give fits.

BUT i dont buy it as this piece of ice appeares to fly from Earth, and what about the streak of light that looks like it was fired towards this object?????????more questions.

that is why i say we need NEW footage as much of this footage (STS 48, STS 80) has been blown all over the place, i dop think that if we get the good evidence to show that the object on STS 84 does pass behind Mir then NASA are going to have a big problem calling this one ice.

we must educate ourselves
Hi chucky,

You say you have the flight plan, well I put it to you that flight plans can be doctored. Also if the retro was fired why isn't the earth moving in reference to the (now moving)camera, as a matter of fact during the supposed adjustment the earth reference is perfectly still. I may not be any expert or world authority on dynamics but if you fire a rocket it will produce movement. The analysis I have read suggests the object was many miles away and in fact accelerating at 14000 g's (or was it 1400), pretty quick ha? I am yet to read an explanation of the beam that seems to be trying to knock into the next just doesn't wash. I believe this was the last realtime transmission NASA made from a shuttle. If it was clearly a case of ice being blown off a recket then why go to the expense of buffering transmissions?....why hide? surley a tiny ice particle can't justify it.

Anyway I'm in Brisbane Australia. I would really love to see the 84 footage. Let me know if its possible and I will give you my email address.

Why hide? Well, were you NASA, would you want the entire world to see it if something went horribly wrong with the shuttle (like an astronaut died in space or something?) If such footage was broadcast, you could safely say it would haunt the agency for decades, and be a major thorn in their side any time they set out to do anything. It could also severely hurt the space program as a whole (for example, that Challenger footage is still alive and kicking). Also, sometimes shuttle flights participate in classified operations (like releasing classified satellites) -- which you wouldn't want to broadcast to the world. In general, sometimes what you see in space can be sensitive, and not properly allowable for immediate public viewing. Now granted, you can use that very same excuse to cover up UFO sightings -- but even aside from any potential aliens, there are indeed contingencies that justify the buffering and the censorship. That's the problem with space -- it's part civilian, yet part military, and in a large way part national security.

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited April 04, 2000).]
Hi Rambler,

i agree the flight plans can be changed....but all i am saying is that they can prove that a rocket was fired.

as for the picture of the Earth, i use to think like you that if a retro rocket is fired then the whole craft would move.....well at leat the picrure of the Earth, but i am sorry to say hat that is not the case.

it would be too ,long for me to go into but i now know that a retro can be fired and NO change top the picture, you might not belive it but that is true.

so yes NASA and Oberg can say this thing is Ice but how can it appear from the Earth? and what about he streak that flys past?

as for the speed of the object here is the info:

if the object was 1 mile away from the shuttle it would be doing 10.5Gs and 250 mph.

10 miles away and 105Gs and 2500mph

100 miles away and 1000Gs and 25000 mph

and so on till the horizon.

what video system do yo have is it PAL or NTSC.
My system is PAL, but I can convert to NTSC via a capture device on my PC at home.

Tx's yes they happen but I believe its no longer in real time. There's a few minutes buffer time in there.

[This message has been edited by Rambler (edited April 05, 2000).]
hi lests get this straight, these nasa transmissions which uk ufo mag is selling for 11.99 were gigven to them by chucky?
who owns the copyright?, who owns distribusion rights?, how did chucky obtain them?, what is this 2 year collection project?, where are you based in the uk? whats the tape given with the mag ? and how does this tape differ from the 'new ' footage and also who is willi? and who collected the new footage? Was it someone in canada?

I how you can answer all these question.

the tape i supplied to UFO mag was the STS 84 Mir footage or the Wille tape.

UFO mag then made a video which they gave away (for £1.99) with UFO mag and this video was called "The Secret NASA Transmissions"

the new tape from UFO mag "The Smoking Gun" is from the bloke Martin Stubbs.

as for Copyright on NASA footage..........well byrights it is the American public who have all rights to the footage as it is their Space Program.

Wille is MY contact UFO mag dont even know who he is.

any more questions?
About STS-48...the trick that Oberg and NASA are using with this is that SOME of the objects seen in the video are ice crystals. Repeat...SOME, not all. You can see the crystals react when the control thuster is fired from the botton left. But the object in question that appears to come out of the earth's 'airglow' on the center of the frame is certainly not crystals. A little more info on STS-48...did you know that all crew members on that flight were active duty US military? Thats right, and ALL 4 services were represented...USMC, US Army, US Navy and Air Force. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Both Pilot and Mission Commander were held Naval rank of Commander.

The New Age of Enlightenment is approaching...are you ready?
thanks Alex,

for that post and for the info, but we were talking about STS 84 and not STS 48.............although i was pleased at what you had to say.
Ahh yes STS-48, I had no idea that the crew were active military. Hmmmmmmmmm maybe it was a weopons test, a new SDI type, or something thats maneouvrable enough to avoid SDI????