

Valued Senior Member

why cannot cancer be controlled with Nanobots coated with some identifiable cells (of human body, so that they are not rejected). A threshhold can be defined beyond which if a specialized cell grows, just erase some...right?

what do you guys think?
Perhaps MHC-II marker proteins would be fine instead of a huge whole cell. Now where did I leave that vial of nanites? Oh that's right - my imgination!
Maybe in 30 years this idea will be looked at, since Nasa seems to be the only ones I know of with an active goal toward nanobots. Of course they don't use that term, they prefer the friendly name of ANTS, or Autonomous NanoTechnology Swarms.

Heres a link with a little more info.

I know you wanted someone addressing your idea oppose to going off on Nanobots, but I couldn't help myself. :p
See much of Science Fiction for the last 20 years about the uses and abuses of Nanotechnology.
Off the top of my head, one of the difficultires of such a program would be ensuring the nanites get to the proper location to remove cancer cells. Its quite hard to manouvre round your vascular system.
IN fact whats being looked at now is not nanites, but using nanotech sized delivery packages:

"How can we make sure that every one of these drug molecules get to where they are needed? One answer is to stuff them into a nanovector, a nanoscale particle that protects the enclosed drug molecules and delivers them to where they are needed."
zion said:

why cannot cancer be controlled with Nanobots coated with some identifiable cells (of human body, so that they are not rejected). A threshhold can be defined beyond which if a specialized cell grows, just erase some...right?

what do you guys think?

They have already experimented with using nanotechnology to eradicate cancer.