Name a Region on earth Where The Bibles and Holy quran have not reached.


Can Anybody tell of a Region that The scriptures have not reached as of yet in the year 2011?.

I personaly do not know of any and would like to ask that people of better understanding share their knowledge. Thank-you.

So you can defile them with religion? Hands off, man! They can't go to hell if they were never told about sin.
Can Anybody tell of a Region that The scriptures have not reached as of yet in the year 2011?..

Normally things get tooken where peole go. Like that medical book all the countries be readin.
I get the impression that just about every inhabited spot on earth has access to just about every religion on earth. If a place has internet access (and satellite internet connections are possible) that's pretty much assured.

My speculation is that this religious globalization is creating a situation that's unprecedented in human history. Everyone has more and more access to everyone else. With population movements surging all around the world, it's increasingly common for people to have members of different religions as neighbors. Even when that's not the case, those others are just a few key clicks away.

So the old-style one-to-one correlations between social community and religous tradition are rapidly breaking down. What appears to be replacing that homogeneity is kind of an individualistic religious supermarket, where every religious tradition on earth has its wares laid out for religion consumers to place in their shopping carts. It's more and more common to encounter religious seekers who try out a variety of faiths before settling on one, or before they eventually evolve their own unique personal spirituality. And obviously, more and more people feel free to just shrug their shoulders at the whole thing and live secular lives.
I possess the knowledge of the ages: I can succeeed where you fail.

If you need to be taught this then either I am John or I am reality.

But since you are The Prophet, I would much rather hear it from you-
I do have an answer for EmptyForce'OChi. The Piraha people of the Amazon. It's not that people haven't tried, it's just that the task is impossible. The Bible cannot be adequately translated into their language/culture. They are culturally incapable of believing anything that they cannot see. It is a very interesting case in linguistics. The missionary who attempted to translate the Bible into their language eventually became an atheist.

"As far as the Pirahã have related to researchers, their culture is concerned solely with matters that fall within direct personal experience, and thus there is no history beyond living memory."

"The Pirahã have no concept of a supreme spirit or god[10] and they lost interest in Jesus when they discovered that Everett had never seen him. They require evidence for every claim you make. They aren't interested in things if they don't know the history behind them, if they haven't seen it done"ã_people

I think the linguist, Everett, did make an audio tape of some Bible stories in their language, but they just considered it an amusing entertainment. Strictly speaking, some of the Bible did get there, but it didn't stick.
A tribe was found in a remote area of the Philippines and it was decided to eave them alone (really). They never heard of the Bible, but they knew about Lindsay Lohan.
Can Anybody tell of a Region that The scriptures have not reached as of yet in the year 2011?.

Indeed, there are tribes still that have not been infected by Western stupidity. Outside of earth there are billions upon billions of planets where the 'scriptures' have not reached - yes, in the year 2011 - truly remarkable.
Can Anybody tell of a Region that The scriptures have not reached as of yet in the year 2011?.

I personaly do not know of any and would like to ask that people of better understanding share their knowledge. Thank-you.

Yes I do.
Indeed, there are tribes still that have not been infected by Western stupidity. Outside of earth there are billions upon billions of planets where the 'scriptures' have not reached - yes, in the year 2011 - truly remarkable.

Scripture comes from the Middle-East Region. Western people (Gentiles mainly) Are not responsible for the scriptures existence. The scriptures are closer to home in africa (where the most concerntration of tribes still remain)than europe.

that has always bugged me..
whenever i was not a believer, church ppl would come to me and ask 'have you heard about jesus?' my first reaction was 'who hasn't?'.
i find it difficult to believe that there are ppl who have not heard of jesus/god.
even now as a believer i have a tendency to get frustrated with those who communicate god/jesus via a script (do as your told vs think for yourself)
it tells me that they have no clue as to what god is about and are comfortable with 'do as you are told' AND encouraging others to 'do as your told'(i got side tracked didn't i?)