Naked Dream


Registered Senior Member
Last night I dreamt that I walked into my bosses office. All of her lights were off and she was laying on a tanning bed naked. I noticed that I was naked too and tried not to look at her as I dropped off a package there for her.

How do you think Animus relates to that?
I think... I wish I could see into these dreams of yours! :D
Sounds like you want to have sexual relations with your boss but are torn between your heterosexual tendencies and your latent homosexual desires.
How do you think Animus relates to that?

Do you mean Anima, the female archetype of the male ego? Sounds like Jung, hmmm.

Did the nudity imply sexuality in the dream? Were you ashamed of being nude? You said you avoided looking at her. Dreams are highly personal, and ultimately have to be figured out by the dreamer. Also look at the events of what happened to you the day before and see if you find any links or themes.
What does nudity in dreams generally signify?

I personally don't believe much in dream dictionaries. The one I had for my class I gave away free to some stranger. Some symbols seem to have relatively fixed meaning from person to person, and across time, but dream dictionaries go overboard.

I'd say, what does "nudity" mean to you? It may vary dream to dream. Recall the dream and focus on the nudity element, how do you feel? Maybe even hold a "conversation" with your nudity from the dream. Seems weird but you can find out a lot about yourself by doing this.
Hey, I'm a psychology student too. :) I wouldn't use the same symbolism for different people, I just wondered, there's this whole "thing" about being naked in dreams, I just wondered why. What it's generally supposed to signify.
Being nude may symbolize the 'naked truth' about oneself. Totally open and exposed. It may be an expression for childhhood innocence and freedom from artifical inhibitions. Showing off your nudity may be a desire for sex, or a desire for recognition.
Hey, I'm a psychology student too. I wouldn't use the same symbolism for different people, I just wondered, there's this whole "thing" about being naked in dreams, I just wondered why. What it's generally supposed to signify.

I guess what I meant to say, is if someone gives you a definition of what "nudity" means, it's just as good as these dream dictionaries. In order to understand what your dream meant you have to analyze it. You have to understand how you feel about nudity and how you feel in that situation of nudity. Then go from there.

If you were just looking for some fun interpretations, look online they're everywhere. Here's a couple of examples:

Being naked in a dream suggests vulnerability and exposure. It could be a compensation to what is going on in daily life. Are you very guarded and unwilling to let people see the "real" you or are you feeling embarrassment as a result of a mistake or emotional reaction? With this dream the unconscious might be encouraging you to become more open with your feelings and more accessible emotionally. Additionally, if you see yourself naked in inappropriate places, your rebellious side may be coming through and with it some fear that people may not accept you for what you really are. Nudity in sexual dreams has its own meaning, for suggestions please see sex.

and you can find crap like this...

Dreaming of nakedness is not uncommon. If you were the naked one, you can count on things improving, perhaps, even luck with money. Seeing others naked is a prediction of uncovering a deception amongst your closest friends or associates.
To dream of a naked man where only the top part is visible foretells illness to a female member of your family but if the privates are exposed then the meaning is death. It is reversed if you dream of a naked female. Remember that a death omen does not always mean the physical death of the body.

But really the person has to understand what it means in terms of themselves. There are some common symbols found throughout history that have had certain common meanings, but even these you have to view in terms of your situation.

I've got it!
It can only mean 1 thing!

You work for my wife!
I'll get u 4 this u blasphemer!
***cool skill slams office door on harrykarry***

I'm gonna go with the simplistic approach and say that you need to get laid, and that some part of you wants to do it with your boss.
Going back to HarryKaary's first post...

She was naked, so were you.
All things being equal...

You tried not to look.
You're not allowed to go there....

You dropped off your package.
Carry on, McDuff....

You have an inferiority complex, of sorts... you would like to be where she is, but don't think you're up to it in yourself. Get some confidence.

see? I can play psyche 101 too.