Mystical experience


G0D - Gee Zero Dee
Registered Senior Member
What are your opinions on mystical experience?

The terms that are sometimes used to describe it are - nirvana, satori, trancendance, enlightenment, etc.
I have heard tell of these moments of understanding. Those who routinely surround me aren't of the sort who would make these claims. I do on occassion meet such individuals. Upon questioning I find only evasion. My final analysis is that the person had either a strong emotional reaction or have a wild imagination (a kind way of saying they flat out lied). I have yet to find a genuine or at least genuine sounding experience. I have heard it compared to love. On that level it can be seen as simply another form of emotional reaction due to an imbalance in brain chemicals. Medititation is actually a causal factor in this type of imbalance. In this way it can be seen as a mind hiccup.
mystical shmystical

I heard there is some sort of brain chemistry that puts people into the state of "mystical experience". It was described as having the effect of losing the sense of your personal independence from the rest of the world so you feel "at one" with your surroundings. I think it has something to do with an area of the brain slowing or shutting down to cause this.

Personally, I don't trust mystical experiences any more than I trust the sleepy feeling when my brain is deprived of oxygen. Meditation and other things that are supposed to bring about this feeling seem dangerous to me. It opens one up to uncritical belief. If a Christian meditates, it should be focused and discerning, not empty headed to cause some feeling of "oneness".
dan1123: I think it has something to do with an area of the brain slowing or shutting down to cause this.
That's exactly what happens. A very specific region of the brain stops functioning. It is not unlike the effect of some drugs.
Personally, I don't trust mystical experiences any more than I trust the sleepy feeling when my brain is deprived of oxygen.
Yes, there are definite similarities with oxygen deprivation.
I heard there is some sort of brain chemistry that puts people into the state of "mystical experience". It was described as having the effect of losing the sense of your personal independence from the rest of the world so you feel "at one" with your surroundings.

You might want to read 'Snapping'. It is about that sort of thing, although I'd take the conclusions with a huge grain of salt.

God - Are you the 'Jesus' of! No way....

Oh, and as a materialist, I doubt that there is any mystical-magical-woo woo woo-type thing going on. Simply unfamiliar states of consciousness.
I disagree.

Alternate states of mind, which fit the description of satori, have been medically documented. One I have right here is by R.D. Laing. Should I find reliable ones online, I'll post the links.

IMO, experience corresponding to satori can be achieved by -

> meditation (a traditional but uncertian method).
> psychedelic drugs
> overwork, stress, "mental illness",
> spontaneously.
Originally posted by Xev
God - Are you the 'Jesus' of! No way....
:D * "I AM THAT I AM" * (cue spooky music) :) :p
Actually, I'm a bit surprised that the posters here don't have much of an opinion about this topic. Maybe it's already been discusseed to death elsewhere?

TruthSeeker aka Nelson reports that he has had a mystical expereince (saotri/enlightenment/awakening/etc), and in my own (somewhat twisted) way, I believe that he has.
I have had no mystical experiences, but I meditate now and then. I do not think it is bad for your health. Tibetian monks meditate all their life, and nothing wrong with them, but vice versa. One author whose name I have forgot has said Our mind is our kingdom , to what I add but humans have not explored 9/10 of it ;) Meditations sorta relaxes me, I sometimes just sit for an hour thinking not nothing as some do( but sometimes I also switch off- 30 minutes of shutdown makes you fresh and calm for the all other half of the day), but creating my own relaxing or entertaining visions. What I have observed, is that since then I can control my emotions better and can analyse them in process. Sorta- when someone says me a terrible news I can observe my emotions about the situation or can simply shut them down. Sometimes I like creating emotions out of nothing (but it somehow happens only then when you have no troubles or big problems [ have to work on tht:(]) - let's say joy, happines, start laughing for nothing (it is healthy:D) , excitement, when I'm bored. Seems like little things, but I'd really like to be in control of my mind and first steps into tht dirrection have been made:)

btw I have made one interesting discovery (maybe it's old, but hatever) - When I know certain emotions coming (training when I think of no problems during it or playing my favourite game (excitement)) I turn on a particular song or a collection of 4 songs (not more, duno why it doesn't work on more) and listen to them in the process. I have 4 songs of Mike Oldfield which I listen when I'm writting poetry ( I am inspired) , so whenever I lack of inspiration I just play those songs and VOILA, I have inspiration, not tht at the same moment when I start playback , it is like ignition , the music helps to start to be inspired, the rest is to you. Thought this to be sotra interesting (atleast for me:D )

I have also gathered many materials about hypnosis, but have read none of them yet (I'm quite busy with one project right now).

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Posted by God:
TruthSeeker aka Nelson reports that he has had a mystical expereince (saotri/enlightenment/awakening/etc), and in my own (somewhat twisted) way, I believe that he has.

Yes, I had. :)
You can actually see the result in my threads...

If anyone have a question about it, I'm here to answer... ;)
Anything about the Nature of the Truth or whatever...
