Mysteries of the Sphinx


Senior Member
Registered Senior Member
I think that there is more to ancient technology, than what former archeologists were willing to elaborate, perhaps because of religious & political reasons, many of which to this day hold us within their tight grip; refusing to allow mankind to accept other potential truths which may lead us into our next level of evolution.

Many of us today quite frankly are sick & tired of being handed the same old borrowed ideals, and willing to go out of our way to bring forth the truth that others have been hidding from us, simply because they do not go along with their orthadox, charasmatic, or political views, and I for one have had it up to here, and that my friends is a whole lotta "Up to here", are you with me?

Now on to the links of the Sphinxs....."Enter the Cybermuseum" if you dare! (LoL)
or, Perhaps you might start by reading this book..."From Atlantis to the Sphinx
by Colin Wilson"

Here is a link to examine the cover, or buy it online.

The Message of the Sphinx :

A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind
by Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval


The Orion Mystery : Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids
Robert Bauval / Paperback / Published 1995

Pharaohs and Pyramids (Time Traveler Series)
Tony Allan, Philippa Wingate / Paperback / Published 1998

The Pyramids (Ancient Cultures Series)
Paperback / Published 1998

Gods of the Dawn :
The Message of the Pyramids and the True Stargate Mystery
Peter Lemesurier / Hardcover / Published 1998

Pyramids : Tombs for Eternity
Mildred Mastin Pace / Paperback / Published 1998

Pyramids (Exploring the Ancient World)
Jeremy A. Sabloff, Flora Simmons Clancy / Hardcover / 1995

The Pharaohs Master-Builders
Henri Stierlin, Anne Stierlin / Paperback / Published 1995

Pyramids and Temples (Superstructures Series)
Jane Parker / Library Binding / Published 1997

Pyramids (Young Scientist Concepts & Projects)
Peter Mellett / Library Binding / Published 1999

Pyramids (Discovery Box)
Kate Waters(Editor) / School & Library Binding / Published 1999



Egypt and Great Britain


...It has long been believed that the Sphinx had subterranean tunnels...
...a subterranean area beneath the Sphinx was re-discovered. In 1987





I always save the best, for the last.....
Enter the Sphinx Stargate!

"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth.

No one is out there conspiring to keep this information from you. Echelon didn't stop you, now did it?

Speaking of Echelon, lets see if we can trigger it:
I am going to murder president clinton in iraq with bombs and illegal guns.
Then when will they begin to quit sponsoring the lies they continue to feed others in academic text books, in our public schools, college & universities?

When will they begin to rewrite history, and come clean?

"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth.

Because you are wrong. We are talking about very primitive people with very primitive technology. If they were so advanced, wouldn't they have NOT fallen before the roman empire? Why don't YOU stop spreading lies, and concentrate on something relevant.

Need something relevant? How about the deterioration of democracy worldwide? That should keep your overactive imagination at bay.
Very primitive people?? Not that primitive. Even today we would have a hard time carrying out some of things they did. Some evidence exists that they had weak batteries, embalming is not primitive, burying bodies in the sand for natual preservation is primitive. They were a sophisticated society. With a better understanding of the solar system, than the romans. No conspiricy to keep the truth away from us? The very fact that school children are still not taught the truth regarding our own history and ancient history is proven every day.
Were you taught in school that EVERY war we have been involved with was avoidable? ie; The gov't KNEW that Pearl Harbor was to be bombed, when it was to be bombed, but still left all those Americans there to die? Why?? Because they knew that the deaths of the Americans was the only thing that would galvanize the Country to go to war. I wasn't taught that. I was taught that it was a Surprise attack. A similar incident happened at the start of all the wars we have been in. The list goes on and on, we have been lied to and misled by the gov't for YEARS. It is only the fact that most people are poles, and want to stay poles that the gov't remains intact. The IRS and tax system is illeagal, the banking system we have is illeagal, hell half our gov't is illeagal. Now police can search and seize your property without charging you for anything, and get away with it. They don't want you to know, so it doesn't get taught. And the sad part is, by the time MOST people graduate from highschool, they have been conditioned to believe the gov't and those in authority, conditioned to not question. and they don't POLES (lightPOLES, signPOLES). DIG RESEARCH Don't swallow the hook, line and sinker. Just Inhale. :D

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
My questions about the pyramids revolve around manpower. How many people lived on the Giza plateau at the time the Pyramids and surrounding structures were built? How long could these 'slaves' have possibly been of use considering the absolutely brutal conditions in which they worked? How many injuries and deaths occured each day? What about disease due to so many living in close quarters? My guess is that if you got a year out of a worker, that was very good. If 20% either die or become useless due to permanent injury every year, before long, that workforce of 100,000 dwindles to practically nothing (at that rate, in just 5 years there would be only 40,000 workers, 16000 in 10 years). I also don't think the 'slaves' were any such thing. They wanted to build these things. Otherwise they could've easily revolted. They almost certainly had the guards outnumbered, and most regular citizens would've been off in the fields. Plus, they were awfully precise in their work. You'd think a slave with a very poor life expectancy wouldn't have given a flying rats behind about his quality of workmanship.

Finally, look at the logistics of coordinating 100,000 people. For one thing, how do you issue orders to that many people? How do you feed them? That's an extra 100,000 people who can' t feed themselves in an environment where food producion is limited. Where do they sleep? Where do they go to the bathroom? Disease infested hellhole, anyone? The ones that weren' t killed by accidents, heat stroke, heart attacks, etc, were probably killed by all manner of plagues and disease.

I guess that's a longwinded way of saying that the traditional explanation doesn' t fly with me. That's not to say that primitive humans couldn' t have built the things, but under the circumstances modern archaeology describes, I just can' t see how. They had to have been at least somewhat more advanced than we give them credit for.
Actually, I was taught that. Just last semester in fact. A lot has changed in the school systems.

My original question still remains unanswered. Why did such a wonderful and advanced civilization fall to the romans?

No matter how civilized the egyptians were, they had no space technology or anything of the like. And to Brandon: I absolutely see your logic. There is an unanswered question, so aliens MUST be the answer, even though there is no evidence to support that! Beautiful logic if you ask me!
I believe that the ancient civlizations were more advanced than classical academia gives them credit for, but I'm not ready to buy the "ancient Egyptian light bulb".

To support my belief, I turn to my ancestors, the Anasazi. They had miles upon miles of straight highways that linked major sites across the North American Southwest and down through Mexico. These highways are still visible today and, when viewed from the air, they all lead to Chaco Canyon, the homeplace of the Chaco Anasazi. They built impressive stone structures, some over five stories high, and all possessing the remnants of a plaster-like coating to cover the bare rock. More than a few of their cities were built on cliff sides, directly into the natural rock. They of course used the sun as a natural calendar and their petroglyphs seem to denote a mapping of planetary movements. The designs on the clay pottery and woven artifacts reflect the work of skilled artisans, and the remains of an ancient yet elobarate irrigation system are still there to be seen.

Yet, every time this civilization is depicted, they are shown as simple stone-age morons who spent their lives either farming or worshipping. Endless documentaries puzzle over these people who lived in the harsh desert. (Hello! Geologically speaking, it only recently became a desert!) They are consistently shown as wearing little more than sandals and a simple loin cloth.

Any civilization that has settled in firmly enough to construct large cities, establish irrigation, fire clay pots, weave elaborate basketries and set up such efficicient lines of transportation and communication is going to have a bit more than sandals and loin cloths. I believe they had leisure time and I believe they had art for art's sake. They kept slaves of the people who became known as the Navajo, the Apache, the Zuni and the Hopi. While this is not necessarily a sign of an advanced civilization, it is the sign of a powerful one. Unfortunately, no written history has been found on these people. All we know of them is what their former slaves tell us, and only the Hopi speak kindly of them.

Archaeology needs to take a second look at it's current method for determining the uses of things. Anything that is not readily apparent, such as a spear or a shawl, is automaticaly classified as "religious useage". Even a little statue of a dog-like animal with wheels and a string attached to it was called a religious tool. What? They had no kids? The kids had no toys? Along the Anasazi highways, broken pottery shard are found. We are told that they were ceremoniously broken during the though the laws of gravity didn't apply to the Anasazi and nothing ever simply "fell off the cart". Why only the pottery? It was probably the hardest thing to secure and the most frequently needed thing on a road trip since the pots would carry the drinking water.

I met a couple of paleontologists once and I asked them why they were so interested in coprolite. They said that by analyzing the dinosaur dung, they could detremine dietary habits. If they found plants, it was an herbivore. If they found bones, it was a carnivore. If they found both, it was an omnivore. "Or," I added, "It was a very large herbivore that took a dump on a very small carnivore." We laughed, but he made a note of the possibility. "Never overlook the absurdly mundane," I said before I left.

I've gone on long enough. In a nutshell, we need to rethink the ancient civilizations. They deserve more credit than they're getting, but I don't see and heiroglyphics that say "Micro-Tut".

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited July 13, 2000).]
Well, Hudson, maybe you should actually read before you post. I never said anything about any space aliens involved in their construction, nor was it meant to be implied. I simply believe that they were smarter than they're given credit for, and that the number of people involved in construction was actually a lot less, maybe only 10,000. Otherwise, even at a structure that big, everyone is going to be tripping over each other. Of course, I can't explain how so few would have been able to do it, unless they used some system of pulleys to multiply lifting force, but I don't think there's any evidence of that yet. But again, all I'm saying is that the official explanation seems to have more holes in it than a block of swiss cheese. I guess it comes down to a question of who's speculation do you want to believe, because that's essentially what ALL the explanations seem to be, a lot of speculation built upon an ant hill of evidence. Infer from that what you like, I'm sure you will.
One of the more interesting things about the Sphinx is its erosion lines which have most recently been pointed out by Dr. Robert Schoch and John Anthony West as being more indicative of rainfall erosion rather than the traditional sand in the wind form that originally was believed to be the culprit. If the Sphinx was built or suffered from rainfall erosion, this would place its age as being much older than the current 2500BC date. It would actually push the date back to the time span of 15,000-10,000BC when the climate of Egypt was indeed quite different. This view of the Sphinx being created at an earlier time period tends to meet with some derision by those who believe Chephren actually built the Sphinx and not simply "touched it up" by putting his likeness on its top. The ancient Egyptians did claim that their knowledge came from an older civilization, although there are as yet no records recovered from this prior civilization. It would be interesting if indeed there is a time capsule between the Spninx's paws in an underground chamber as has been suggested by some. There was a void detected between the Sphinx's paws quite recently by some scientists using seismic technology, however they weren't able to ascertain what the void contained since this would have meant excavation work right at the foot/feet of the Sphinx which the Egyptian authorities weren't too keen on having done.
You nailed it Peter Dolan!...and I was just about to explain that very same issue, but as i see here, you beat me to the punch. None the less, I shall conitnue with my comments, here is the excerpt from the website pertaining.

with John Anthony West; Author, lecturer, and guide, John Anthony West delivered a seismic shock to archaeology in the early 1990's when he and Boston University geologist Robert Schoch discovered that the Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt, showed evidence of rainfall erosion. Such erosion could only mean that the Sphinx was carved during or before the rains that marked the transition of northern Africa from the last Ice Age to the present interglacial epoch, a transition that occurred in the millennia from 10,000 to 5000 BC.

The ancient Egyptians themselves attributed their wisdom to an earlier age going back 36,000 years. West set out to test the hypothesis that the Sphinx was much older than its conventional date of 2500 BC. His findings provide the first hard evidence that an earlier age of civilization preceded the known development of civilization in the Nile valley.

John Anthony West is today the leading authority and proponent of the 'Symbolist' school of Egyptology, an alternative interpretation of ancient Egyptian culture advanced by the French scholar and philosopher, R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz (1891-1962). In the Symbolist view, Egyptian architecture and art disclose a richer and more universal wisdom than conventional Egyptology has assumed.
John Anthony West

Book: The Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt: A Guide to the Sacred Places of Ancient Egypt
Book: The Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt


Robert Schoch

Boston University geologist, will be joining West during the second hour with an update on their latest trip to Egypt.
Book: Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations

[This message has been edited by Time/02112 (edited August 15, 2000).]