My world today (Or what I wish it was)


Deranged Hermit
Registered Senior Member
Yo, fellahs. Just want some thought on you guy'zez perfect worlds. Mine? A place where the middle east finally calms the hell down, where I can do what I want all day (like read), where it's fall all the time, and where I can spend some time with the girl o' my dreamz. *euphoric sigh* If only. If only. But for now, I have books. :)

Eat well, Stay healthy, Live long.
My perfect world is one in which the girl I love feels the same way back, I have a job I'm incredibly in love with, a healthy - good looking body and no one does anything to piss me off extremely.......

..........But then he awoke and found himself in a cold sweat, looked around and screamed - realizing none of this could or would ever be possible.

-That's life though..... All my really horrible dreams are the perfect ones, nightmares don't scare me.
A perfect world will never exist. In this civilization there'll always be people who want to have completre control and literally go over bodies to achieve it. I agree with you that the hell in the Middle-East has to fuckin' calm down, it won't happen, though, before everything is destroyed.

A perfect world would be a world in which people finally can leave other people in peace, with their own ideals and goals. No more interfering and ridicule others because they may think different than you/me.

I have my books too, and my Music. Guess my "world" is perfect if I can play my Music loud and drown in it. Same goes for my books, lose myself in the stories. Then I have a great Love for the Forest and Trees. I would be completely happy if I could live in the top of a Tree, forever and ever. And don't tell me how silly this is, I am not talking practical matters here, just a desire to live free in the top of a Tree. :)

And so I can dream on... :)

Where does your Avatar come from Lesion 42 ? Something like Dragonball Z?
Welcome Lesion!
Lets see, my perfect world would be... either I would live in Oregon in a cottage in the boonies orrrrrr in Cinque Terre on the Ligurian Sea. Well shit if it was my Perfect world, I would spend time between the two places. I would definetly have a hammock and lots of books! Oh and of course someone Im truly in love with - well actually - someone thats in love with me. Oh yeah, and world peace and an end to all world hunger!!!!

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My perfect world is standing next to that one person important in my life in a few years and reading the opinions of my recently published fantasy book in the New York Times Book Review. 'This will change everything for fantasy, just like Tolkien did eighty years ago,' they will say. Then we will laugh and walk around town giving everyone we see hundred dollar bills. That is my heaven. Fuck the middle east:cool:
Ahhhhh banshee.....

you do realize this is a What Would Be, not an actual hope. Right? Like we aren't kindergarten kids who think our perfect world could come.
A cabin in the wilderness, a shotgun, and a bottle of rum. The rest of the world can go screw itself.
ahh guys the perfect world,
what would be more perfect than the love of your life,
i thought i had that once,
and now i seem to realize that love is a strange emotion,
pressed upon me only by the evolution into sentients of my species,
i know cactus thinks im trying to scew up everyone's head but no,
that is not my motive oh but no.
just a perfect world for me would be one where love was not nessecary,
now that would be wonderful,
love clouds my brain.
if humans could focus more cerebral energy on other things we could better ourselves constanty.
(close your eyes and hope)
ok so that world does not exist and i am still here.
and i am still vulnerable to sexual whims
but hey!
i can satisfy myself and poke someone's eye and go scream:

whoop, Whoop, WHOOP!!! hahaha

no seriously
Umm, the perfect world would have me as its absolute ruler, and you would all be my subjects. I would be ruthless, but not cruel, and I would have a maniacal laugh.

But I would kill the rugged hero, rather than allowing him to escape the way most absolute rulers do.

The perfect world is where death does not exist. Anything else is an unacceptable compromise.
Originally posted by Porfiry
A cabin in the wilderness, a shotgun, and a bottle of rum. The rest of the world can go screw itself.
Porfiry, are you the little red devil guy sitting on my shoulder trying to get me to do bad things?
yes yes and yes!
porfiry told me to poke eyes!
whoop Whoop WHOOP!

no seriously
Poke out people's eyes, pee in the drinking fountain, and always laugh at other people's misfortune. Do it, do it now! Trust me, it'll be fun.
Oedipus on the sciforums you have like, an alternate personality. It's really freaking me out.

seriously, he doesn't act like this at all
i am janus,

one face forward,
one face back,
one face white,
one face black.

Wow, this is awesome! Poke eyes and pee in water fountains?:eek: Reminds me of Sam & Max by Steve Purcell if any of you guyz know what I'm talking about.:cool: No kiddin'. Cactus knows what I'm talking about, 'cause I got the book from him. You guys can all find it on Amazon. They are my idles, man. If I could have a perfect world, part of it would be like the way they live their lives every day!
my perfect world is in my mind, and i have freed my mind, i already live in my perfect world, i have created my perfect world i have my family, my martial arts, my health, and nobody can piss in my fountain or else.;) ;) ;)