my window


Valued Senior Member
I look out my window, which faces south, for a couple of hundred metres there is natural rough countryside with yellowed grass and a few acacia trees, beyond that are rooftops, some guys are putting up a new one closest to me and beyond that the Mediterranean sea, at this very moment I can see someone paragliding across the horizon, temps around 26o C, summer’s just beginning, temps will reach 39o by August and I shall be feeling hot, bothered and randier than usual.

What can you see out of your window? What will summer/winter be like for you?
Where do you live? What country?

As for my window, here in the university halls... I'm on the second level. Down below is a tiny parking area surrounded by trees, then a road, then a business/light-industrial area. Night right now, cloudy and dark apart from the streetlight just down in the parking area. During the day, as it's Winter starting now, the sky is either grey cloudy or very sharp blue with puffy white clouds.

Not many birds here, compared to home. My fmaily's farm has a creek running through it, and all sorts of wild birds make their homes there or pass through at different times of the year. We get an amazing variety and quanitity of birds there. Up here there are hardly any birds. The air back home is much fresher too.
I have to tell you about my amazing kitchen window, because it has this fabulous large bush/tree of syrens just in front of it so it almost covers the whole window with large pink(!) flowers. It is so beautiful. I have taken pictues of it, but not put them on the computer yet.
a lot of green

Looking out of my window I see the top of a birch tree standing just in front of it. Behind it is a small piece of land on which most of the times some sheep and and some horses walk. It even has a small tree, I guess a apple tree, providing some shadow for the animals. To the right, that is north-east is a field with barley(?).
Behind the piece of land is a forest. It's quite windy right now, but the skies are clear and there are not too many clouds. Sometimes a couple of buzzards circle above this scene, but I can't see them now. (in fact I can see only few animals at the moment, usually there are quite some).
In fact the view is one of the very few things I like about this house.