My Walmart experience.!!!


+ Public Dilemma +
Valued Senior Member
Heres my opinions... whats your's.???

Yesterday as i was walkin by a woman an little girl (5 year old?)... the woman was squated down to eye level wit the little girl an i herd her say somptin like... "an they will take you away an hurt you"... an the little girl just staired strait ahead lookin a bit puzzled/frightned.!!!

I assume the little girl had wonderd away while her mom wasnt payin attention... an insted of the mom takin responsibility for her own actions she blamed the little girl an punished her wit scary talk.!!!

About a minute later i was walkin by a (tall) woman who was leanin over noise to noise wit her son (14 year old?... about 5' 6"?) an had a fist full of the front of his shirt collar an was chewin him out in a whisper voice... an while this took place the younger brother was silent... standin strait an stairin strait ahead.!!!

Well i tell you what... if the boy had misbehaved as badly as mon was lettin on... shes alredy missed the boat on properly raisin a child an no amount of future abuse is gonna make up for it.!!!
Heres my opinions... whats your's.???

Yesterday as i was walkin by a woman an little girl (5 year old?)... the woman was squated down to eye level wit the little girl an i herd her say somptin like... "an they will take you away an hurt you"... an the little girl just staired strait ahead lookin a bit puzzled/frightned.!!!

I assume the little girl had wonderd away while her mom wasnt payin attention... an insted of the mom takin responsibility for her own actions she blamed the little girl an punished her wit scary talk.!!!
You assume. What about an alternative scenario? The child is too big to ride in the cart; the mother can't hold onto her every second while shopping, so she gives the lecture all grownups have to give all children these days, warning them against strangers.

About a minute later i was walkin by a (tall) woman who was leanin over noise to noise wit her son (14 year old?... about 5' 6"?) an had a fist full of the front of his shirt collar an was chewin him out in a whisper voice... an while this took place the younger brother was silent... standin strait an stairin strait ahead.!!!
He'd been teasing a bullying the little brother - not for the first time! It was the younger one's complaint that precipitated the chewing out, so he felt a bit guilty.

Well i tell you what... if the boy had misbehaved as badly as mon was lettin on... shes alredy missed the boat on properly raisin a child an no amount of future abuse is gonna make up for it.!!!
Whispering is abuse?
How many kids you got?
I think it's a good lesson to be cautious around strangers. It wasn't as large an issue when I was a kid, but my parents did give me a talk. It was so well received that when I went to the store with my folks, I would be allowed to roam free and alone in the store, simply because my parents knew I wouldn't talk to strangers or walk away with one.
I think it's a good lesson to be cautious around strangers. It wasn't as large an issue when I was a kid, but my parents did give me a talk. It was so well received that when I went to the store with my folks, I would be allowed to roam free and alone in the store, simply because my parents knew I wouldn't talk to strangers or walk away with one.

I ran wild as a kid... an i dont thank any strangers wanted me... lol.!!!

When i was about 5 an coudnt count change... i kept goin back to the dime store holdin out my hand wit change in it an askin the store owner if i had enuff to buy a toy bow an arrow... about the 3rd time he counted he said i still needed... an then he gruffly said... O thats close enuff an let me have it... yeah.!!!

I ran to whare i coud shoot it... placed the arrow... drew back hard on the strang an the bow broke right in the middle... bummer :(
i kept goin back to the dime store [...]

I felt that prior to mega-inflation label for classic variety stores was surely the original type of kitten that the beast Walmart was descended from... But didn't expect that well before 1962's logo change, "Walton's Five and Dime" was already on steroids when it debuted in 1950 Bentonville. Before which Sam first began his mad, sinister experiments with discount suppliers at a Ben Franklin store in Newport. He got quiet revenge on them for kicking him out of town (via the landlord refusing to renew his lease) in 1969 when Wal-Mart number 18 opened in Newport and put the still existing Ben Franklin store out of business.
Yep. We all did.

They were different times. We can't judge today's parenting by what it was like for us.

O for sure... i was just reminiscing about my (run wild) childhood days... but i stand by my thouts about the woman an her little girl... an the woman an her son.!!!

That same day at walmart i also saw a year(?) old boy settin in a shoppin cart seat... an he looked so hapy an amazed wit his big smile an bright eyes as he was watchin ever movement that went on an that helped make up for the sillyness i witnessed earlier.!!!
"Walton's Five and Dime" was already on steroids when it debuted in 1950 Bentonville. Before which Sam first began his mad, sinister experiments with discount suppliers at a Ben Franklin store in Newport. He got quiet revenge on them for kicking him out of town (via the landlord refusing to renew his lease) in 1969 when Wal-Mart number 18 opened in Newport and put the still existing Ben Franklin store out of business.

I dont know how good thangs are goin but my hometown Ben Franklin is still in bidness... an it was befor my time but the sign on the store used to look like this:::

Now the sign just says:::

5 - 10 BEN FRANKLIN 5 - 10

I thank it was changed to that after the store had a fire... an thats the sign i knew an loved when i was shoppen thar in the 1950's.!!!
Yep it was my favorite store cause it had stuff in my price range sinse i coud hustle up a hand full of change in a couple of houres... from askin people for a nickle to swattin flys in a resturant at a penny for each carcus i presented LOL.!!!
As an aside: I notice you've changed your writing style. Perhaps it's because you are typing on a phone, but makes it very difficult to read your posts. What may be more convenient for you is actually less convenient for your readers. Just something to consider.
As an aside: I notice you've changed your writing style. Perhaps it's because you are typing on a phone, but makes it very difficult to read your posts. What may be more convenient for you is actually less convenient for your readers. Just something to consider.

No i dont have a smart ;phone... i use a Chromebook... thanks anyway.!!!