My Thesis On Crater Chains--By JDawg


In my time here at Sciforums I have learned a great many things about religion, philosophy, culture, and our universe. I learned what scientists estimate to be the number of stars in our galaxy, the predicted size of our universe, how religion affects the rational and irrational mind, and many other priceless gems of knowledge.

Of all the great things I've learned, there are a noteable few which have piqued my interest beyond that of a casual curiosity. They include the pyramids, the historical proof of Jesus Christ, extrasolar planets, and the subject of this new discussion--Crater Chains.

Not because they are overly exciting to me, or because I instinctually find some connection between this curious phenomenon and alien life, but because of how absolutely sold on this theory Norval was.

If you don't know Norval, his tag is "Craterchains (Norval" and he is an ardent believer in UFO visitation of Earth, and that, most notably, aliens waged war in the cosmos billions of years ago! If that sounds outrageous, don't blame him; his ideas aren't original.

I researched this thing he calls interstellar war, and came to a couple of conclusions; one will sound like debunkery and lie mongering to the believers, and the other will sound like insults and semantics to them.

To those of you who are willing to listen to reason, and understand that evidence is the only way to come to a reasonable conclusion to anything, will find this quite enlightening. After all, I doubt any of you have really done much research on the subject, simply because it doesn't seem worthwhile. And I admit, it really wasn't. But what it did accomplish is far greater than the short time I put into it: A counter-argument to Norval. Now I can finally offer something to a conversation with Norval regarding his very namesake.

Crater Chains.

Firstly, I did a search on MSN Search for Crater Chains, and the first entry was Hell, why not start there? After all, they would have to be the experts on the matter, considering they hold the domain name, right? And it happens to be the official website of our very own Norval!

They provided stunning pictures, which I will post here now...

Crater Chain on Callisto

Crater Chains on Ganymede

Another Crater Chain on Ganymede

Crater Chain on Mirdanda

Crater Chains on Phobos

The stars of these stunning images are, of course, the very clear, overlapping crater chains. Ganymede and Callisto, moons of Jupiter, may be the most spectacular of them all. See for yourselves.

OK, so let's look at the facts: There are craters, and then seemingly sticking out like a sore thumb are crater chains. They are different from typical craters in the fact that they overlap each other, and are laid in almost straight lines. In all of these chains (or at least those pictures above) there is a dominant crater somewhere near the middle, with smaller craters in a row on either side.

Now, the Believer's perspective: These craters are in order, resembling strafing strikes similar to those caused by WWII fighter planes as they streaked across the sky. The Believer says that these craters are too neat, too orderly to be random. "Nonrandom" is actually the term they use to describe them. What causes these nonrandom craters? Weapons.

Yeah, weapons.

As a matter of fact, the folks at have gone as far as to propose a history of these craters, and these are the conclusions they have come to:

1. War has been occurring between ET factions here in our solar system for centuries.
2. That war recently escalated into a solar system wide conflict with the losers coming to earth.
3. The winners of that solar system war are still out there.
4. Earth is the only place we have yet to find CS crater chains.
5. We are being lied to and the biggest cover up in mankind's history is being perpetrated against us.
6. The entire race of mankind is at stake.

So, according to, not only are these craters caused by a war that happened thousands or millions or billions of years ago, they postulate that the war began small but grew, becoming a "solar system wide war" and even assigned the Earth as the place for the "losers."

And the fact is that scientists did not have an answer for these craters for a long time. They simply could not really explain them. Some tried, but mainstream science could not find common ground on this subject.

In 1993, however, that all changed.

Science explains the craterchains on the moons of Jupiter as the result of comets! SL9(Shoemaker-Levy 9), also known as the "string of pearls" comet, is what brought about this theory. Spectators on Earth watched, over 384 days, as SL9 broke apart and slammed into Jupiter. This evidence for crater chains via natural means caused scientists to state that the crater chains around the solar system are caused by these means as well.

A comet orbits too close to a planet or body and begins to break apart. Simple, but effective. It lands in a pattern and creates a crater chain.

The Believer states that the extreme length of time SL9 broke apart and landed on Jupiter does not fall in line with the crater chains in question, but that is not exactly true. If you notice how SL9 impacted, you will notice that the impacts are visible, meaning that they are large. If you look at a crater chain, one must assume that the chain is created at once (even the Believer agrees with this) and would constitute a single impact.

We cannot see the impacts created by SL9 on Jupiter, but we can see what a broken-apart comet impact might look like on the surfaces on Miranda, Mars, Phobos, Ganymede, and Callisto. Perhaps each individual impact site on Jupiter from the SL9 comet looks like a crater chain?

Of course, what the SL9 impact sites look like on Jupiter is speculation. But even if the crater chain on Jupiter consists of single craters along a great distance, it fits the model: Long, consistant lines of craters that do not match typical crater placement. Not all of the crater chains in question overlap, so to nitpick at the distance between uniform impacts would be nonsensical.

Finally, the problem I see in this whole argument is the incredible jump in logic made from "I wonder how these crater chains were formed" to "Solar system-wide war machines." That is a conclusion not brought about by the scientific method.

Another problem is how makes the assertion that the craters are as follows:


In fact, the craters are more similar to this:

o o 0 0 o o oo O o 0o0 o o0

The craters vary in size, and in distance from each other. This is even true in the overlapping chains, as some of them almost overlap each other completely, while others more closely resemble links in a chain. The fact is that they are hardly uniform beyond the fact that they are somewhat in a row.

The other problem, and it is magnified on, is that the scientific explanation for crater chains is given, then dismissed with unfounded claims such as "there is no way" or "it takes intelligence to create this" or "the chances are near zero." They even go so far as to say that Phobos, Uranus' innermost moon, was a base of some sort. Their evidence? "It must have been important to require this much attention (crater chains)" This is said despite the fact that of all the photos in question, none of them are less spectacular than Phobos. Try to find a good, clear chain on Phobos. I dare you.

My conclusion is as follows...

While crater chains provide excitement and a reason to look into outter space, the truth about them is less than exciting when compared to the interstellar war proposed by Norval and his friends.

To the rest of us, this theory is very exciting. To think of what could happen to us should a comet brake up in our orbit! How much devestation would a modest-sized impact chain cause?

Aside from that? Well, basically it comes down to the old point I've made in so many threads before: There is no evidence for what Norval proposes. And in direct opposition of his theory is physical evidence for sciences' argument for crater chain making, as we witnessed it's occurance on Jupiter!

And I would love to know how the parties in question (Norval and his pal) not only came to the conclusion that war broke out in space between the planets, but how they came to the conclusion that Earth was the final resting place of the losers of that war. For this, they provide nothing on the website.

That's all, folks.

Thank you jdawg for a moments levity during my morning coffee.

Same Tactics, Different Day, you could take lessons from skinny.
Ask skinwalker about his red letter edition of the same lame attempts to twist our statements. You may have a Phobos around your anus, I don't, but the god of war planet does have one, or did till it got destroyed.

Time is short, and getting way shorter, and you really want to waste it here?!
Deceive those that you can, or go here and enjoy yourself at this site you have on your profile. This poster promotes "Peeping Toms" ! !
Do you know any hot chicks in your neighborhood? Everyone does! Trust me, there are beautiful fantasy girls in every town. Why not take that girl and make her a celeb? Do everyone a favor, and get pics of your favorite "Neighborhood Celebs" and send them in! From downblouse to upskirt to window peeping ( :eek: ), make your fav girl an internet celebrity!

Who would want this one for a "neighbor"? I sure as hell wouldn't!
This JDawg is a freakin pervert. He promotes this crap? What a loser!
No wonder they got their asses kicked and thrown down.

Posts like a BET
Acts like a BET,
Uses the same deceptive tactics as BET's.
Reminds me of a "Duck Question". :D
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The question isn't so much the validity of the "craterchain" hypothesis, which has been demonstrated time and again to fail in light of real scrutiny (here... and for more discussion and links to other discussions on the "subject").

The question is "why do people believe" and get so passionate about "wierd things" (as Michael Shermer put it)?

Norval (and what's-her-name) will reply consistently with the above type responses either because they truly believe what they are saying, they have no real argument/evidence to continue in-depth discussion, or a combination of both. I rather think the latter.

But the fascination is their undying passion for the subject, which I admire. As unfounded as the claim is, I really must admit that Norval has quite grown on me and I look forward to seeing his posts. I'm not real fond of his side kick (she once called me a "distasteful thing" -and I don't remember the point at which I was tasted), but Norval is a good-guy in my book. He has a crackpot idea, but he's a good guy.

I have to disagree. He's as quick to bash us all for providing facts as he is to provide none of his own. And his reply to my post?

Where are my deceptions, Norval? What about my post is a lie? Answer that Norval. Unless you can't, which has been made most obvious by your "Nope, you're a liar and you promote the LIE" response.

Holy lord, that guy has Norval down to a T! Those two columns were excellent, and my gosh if they aren't the absolute truth! Norval's response,

Thank you jdawg for a moments levity during my morning coffee.

Same Tactics, Different Day, you could take lessons from skinny.
Ask skinwalker about his red letter edition of the same lame attempts to twist our statements. You may have a Phobos around your anus, I don't, but the god of war planet does have one, or did till it got destroyed.

is exactly what that guy in those links says he does all the time!

Norval...just you and me talking here...I asked you to tell me your reasoning, and you tell me to search. I ask you to respond to questions regarding your website, you just try claw at me with bland, accusational humor. It's an infantile trait, Norval...

It's not that you're "too smart" or "unwilling" to respond to me queries, it's simply that you can't. Your logic has been beaten down so many times that you won't even offer it anymore, isn't that it? You haven't done an ounce of research here, have you, Norval? You cooked it all up in your head, didn't you, Norval?

You won't gain fame from this. You can't even get a response from SETI, bro. There is a reason for this, Norval...even they think your claims are fantasy, and they spend their days and nights listening for a signal from ET! If those people won't answer you...

I have done my best in what limited time I have to post here, and you have absolutely shit on it by responding as such. That is why I feel no remorse for what I am about to say...

At least now I know that you are an absolute, utter, total waste of time. Your theory is bullshit, and you are nothing more than a middle-aged man who's life has played out so poorly that he must spend his days doing this. I'm not sorry for you, though. You've done it to yourself.

The best I can do is laugh, and say "Well, the old loser is at it again." because that is exactly what you are. I hope this thread gets locked and my post gets pulled, because this post will drawn no more of a valid response from you than my first one.

See you on the boards, Norval. And Skin...thanks for showing me the way.

JDawg said:
He's as quick to bash us all for providing facts as he is to provide none of his own. And his reply to my post?

Agreed, but he grows on you. :cool:

"That guy" in the two links... its me.
This thread is an excellent example how easily someone is sidetracked from the truth and mislead by ones like Skinwalker and JDawg's “combined” deceptive methods.
FieryIce said:
This thread is an excellent example how easily someone is sidetracked from the truth and mislead by ones like Skinwalker and JDawg's “combined” deceptive methods.

Ha, that's rich, coming from you. On your site I posted as 'DeBunker' and repeatedly asked you for the quantitative criteria for CS type crater chains, size, regularity of spacing etc, and Norv became deceptive and started asking about ducks!

You don't even know what it is that you base your stories on!
You are all wasting your time.

Norval and Fieryice aren't interested in discussion of any theory at all, craterchains or otherwise. Look beyond the messages. What they are after is something else entirely. That is why after so long, he and that sidekick of his still posts the same crap.

So what is it he's after? Here's a clue: whatever he wants, he still haven't got it.
So true. Seriously, nothing any of us say will change their minds, and nothing we ask will be answered (Because they cannot.)

Think about this: They actually claim that the people who oppose their viewpoints are evil aliens! Seriously! You think any intellectual debate will occur with them? Hell no! I tried, and failed.

JDawg said:
So true. Seriously, nothing any of us say will change their minds, and nothing we ask will be answered (Because they cannot.)

Think about this: They actually claim that the people who oppose their viewpoints are evil aliens! Seriously! You think any intellectual debate will occur with them? Hell no! I tried, and failed.


Very true.

I just sat on the sidelines and watched all this unfold. It's pretty obvious that what you are facing in this case is one of two things. Either both of them are totally stupid OR the whole thing is a spoof. And since people who avocate the idiotic stuff these two are would be unable to find their way back home after going outside, it pretty much has to be the latter.

They really aren't that dumb (no one could be), they're just frauds and deserved to be ignored.

Your orginal presentation seems very accurate and provides the most likely answer to the whole affair.
Did you do a check on how many forums these guys spammed? And the number of forums that banned them? It's plain ridiculous.

For a while they were amusing, now they are just pathetic.
Arch_Rival said:
Did you do a check on how many forums these guys spammed? And the number of forums that banned them? It's plain ridiculous.

For a while they were amusing, now they are just pathetic.

I haven't checked out the first part of this but I can easily believe it.

And I agree with the pathetic part. Galatic wars, evil aliens - yecch! Makes me want to logoff and go pick up a GOOD book about science fiction.
Well, when looking up at the stars or looking at astronomy images, the old saying comes to mind, if we are alone then that is a lot of wasted space. So then if we are not alone, research into what could be out there. Our history is full of legends, folklore etc. of other ones but interesting enough there is always mention of those others fighting, warring. The ancient writings also mention these others and fighting with each other. So, what evidence could there be of these others? The main problem is that when you start looking the evidence piles up making the conclusions inevitable and Occam's razor obsolete.

Simple research into craters, their shapes, composition, glass etc. compared to craters we know of such as the nuke testing ground craters in Nevada; then to find not only a match comparison but to come across another crater beside the first crater, then another, then another, don’t forget to take into consideration the surface material where the crater lies and the phenomena goes on for miles and miles and repeats on almost all the planetary bodies in our solar system. But yet, the phenomenon has an added characteristic, of the size of the crater chain in relation to the size of the planetary body it is on.

Then there are the planetary bodies that do not conform to any theory such as accretion and rotate backwards, circular path, geodesic shape……

It cannot be ignored or just simply dismissed. But you have your own choice to either believe the LIE that is perpetrated in society or not. If not, then you will find the evidence.
No no, don't come here and talk crap about "planetary bodies that do not conform to any theory such as blah blah blah" because that would be real science, and it's obviously beyond you.

Look, Norval aspires to be stupid. You stay with him, you end up the same. Stay away from Norval. Obviously he is controlling your thoughts. He's the one LYING to you, putting all these trash in your head.
Light said:
I haven't checked out the first part of this but I can easily believe it.

And I agree with the pathetic part. Galatic wars, evil aliens - yecch! Makes me want to logoff and go pick up a GOOD book about science fiction.

I'm not sure if you were into this craterchains thing before sciforums went down. Norval started over 5 threads on this shit here alone. He went to and started his shit over there. Then he got banned. Then he tried physics forums. And got banned again.

Talk about being pathetic man. Nobody wants him or that twerp that follows him around.
What is refreshing is that at sciforums, at least the members are the ones booting him. I mean, he can post, but he rarely does.

Jdawg wrote:

“They even go so far as to say that Phobos, Uranus' innermost moon, was a base of some sort. Their evidence? "It must have been important to require this much attention (crater chains)" This is said despite the fact that of all the photos in question, none of them are less spectacular than Phobos. Try to find a good, clear chain on Phobos. I dare you.”

Minor nit-pick. Phobos is the innermost moon of Mars. Miranda is the innermost ‘regular’ moon of Uranus. Because the entire Uranian system is ‘skewed’ or ‘on-it’s-side’, we’d want to look for chain-craters in different locations than we would for the moons of Jupiter or Saturn. Because nearly half of Miranda has been ‘re-surfaced’ through geological processes (probably tidal), some features may have been obliterated. Having a small diameter (about 300 miles) also makes it less likely to acquire chain-craters than a larger moon. Less likely to get smacked.

“And I would love to know how the parties in question (Norval and his pal) not only came to the conclusion that war broke out in space between the planets, but how they came to the conclusion that Earth was the final resting place of the losers of that war. For this, they provide nothing on the website.”

Both Norval and Gale appear to be ‘heavily into the bible’. They cherry-pick among different translations in an effort to give Norval’s space opera some sort of grounding.

From here:

“The old writings speak of several "kinds" of heavenly beings. Some of
them called demons, the bad ones, "fallen angels" and of course the angels are
the good guys. None of them from earth.”

Really cool web-pages there Skinwalker. Its official: you are a far more patient man than I.
It is a pity that the two people on Earth who could most benefit from reading your pages are also the least likely to give an un-biased reading.

Norval. Gale. Take the needle off the record. Frantic desperation is unappealing and unpersuasive.

Attention fellow dis-info agents: do not forget lesson 47. (Occasionally mimic the prey to avoid detection.) It will look suspicious if we don’t sprinkle our posts with phrases like ‘They’re just big fat stupid heads’