My theory on heaven and hell.


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Hello it's me, Intellect31490 again and I have a theory on heaven and hell and God and the devil. Now I do believe in God. I believe the devil exists. I believe in heaven and hell. Now this isn't a new theory but it makes sense in my opinion and lets say both heaven and hell are a different dimension. For example, we live in the third dimension I think it is (I can be wrong). Now lets say that when we die and when people claim they go to heaven or hell, they are actually become reborn in the next dimension and this is where reincarnation takes place. Now lets say for example if you lived your life in a positive manner, as a result like I said about how ghosts exist in another thread, maybe we are reincarnated into either something positive or negative depending on the energy we had during life. Remember that we can not see both heaven and hell because it doesn't exists in this dimension. Maybe we can go to this dimension through special gateways or portals like black holes, wormholes, the Bermuda Triangle, special caves that are gateways to hell, etc. Now lets also say that God is more like something close to an alien and his angels are something reminiscent of the Nordic aliens or some type of race of creatures that live maybe an eternity due to the fact that we have to remember that the next dimension has it's own laws of physics. This means that it could be possible for something to live forever in this dimension. (Please don't flame me this, I am just speculating). Now the devil and the demons would be some type of race of other creatures that represent something dark and negative and I have a feeling if I am right, they consume the energy and the soul and even the physical body of a human being. Since Earth could maybe have entrances and exits for this dimension, maybe a long time ago before there was man, God came here and created us humans and the animals and God probably was friends with the devil and one day, since maybe God might be supreme ruler of all life in that dimension, he probably told Satan to respect us humans and look at us as the children of God and since he and his army would feel rebellious, they would refuse to listen to God, creating a war between this God and Satan. Now like I said before, I can be wrong but you never know. We live in the days were we are starting to really learn the secrets and the truths of the universe and you never know what is true and what is false.
Now I do believe in God. I believe the devil exists. I believe in heaven and hell.
Provide evidence they exist.

I can be wrong but you never know. We live in the days were we are starting to really learn the secrets and the truths of the universe and you never know what is true and what is false.
That doesn't mean just making random stuff up is a good way to spend your time.
Like I have stated, this is something I started to have in mind and honestly I believe there has to be a God because there is life here. Whether you wanna be a skeptic or not, there has to be some type of stronger entity that we cannot simply see because he doesn't exist in our realm. For example, you have a video game. Right now in their world everything they see is real to them but to us they don't exist because they don't exist in our realm (I'm not really trying to say that they exist in any way though lol). I have my belief in a God and I want people to respect that just like I would if they don't believe in God and then thats their belief. We have the right to believe whatever makes us strong in life. I don't follow any type of religious life because religion creates hate between people and it controls our lives. I can't show proof of God's existence with physical evidence at all. I can only state a theory that can try to easily explain things that people don't understand. Like I said before, we all starting to learn the true secrets of the universe and only an ignorant fool wouldn't have an open mind to sit back and say hey maybe it can happen and try to conduct an experiment. Remember how man once said before that the Earth was flat and how everything in the universe revolves around the Earth and how black holes and many things we know that exists now, didn't exist before.
Hello it's me, Intellect31490 again and I have a theory on heaven and hell and God and the devil. Now I do believe in God. I believe the devil exists. I believe in heaven and hell.
On what evidence?

[For example, we live in the third dimension I think it is (I can be wrong).
You are wrong.
We don't "live in the third dimension", we exist in at least four. You seem to be using the word "dimension" in the sense of "separate universe".

Now lets say that when we die and when people claim they go to heaven or hell, they are actually become reborn in the next dimension and this is where reincarnation takes place.
So if dying lets you translate to this other mode of existence why can we not detect it in any other manner?

the Bermuda Triangle, special caves that are gateways to hell, etc.
You've read too many crank books.

Now lets also say that God is more like something close to an alien and his angels are something reminiscent of the Nordic aliens
Nordic aliens? What Nordic aliens?

Like I have stated, this is something I started to have in mind and honestly I believe there has to be a God because there is life here. Whether you wanna be a skeptic or not, there has to be some type of stronger entity
Why does there have to be some "stronger entity"?
Maybe God and Devil are the same thing. Maybe heaven and hell are the same thing. If I died and went to a heaven and it was inhabited by fundamental Christians I would think I was in hell. IF a fundy went to heaven and it was a big party of wine, women and song he would think he had gone to hell.

Or maybe it is nothing but fantasy - this is the most likely as I see it. Could be wrong, but then with 1000s of religions out there, I guess the overwhelming majority of the people are wrong even if there is a god of some sort.
Thank you Dywyddyr for correcting me on what dimension we live in. We as human beings sometimes want to believe in so many things. I am like that too but I'm such an open minded person who would be willing to search for the secrets of the universe. We human beings nowadays believe that if we can't see something, it doesn't exist. Now like I stated before, I am not a religious person because I live my life well and very wise and religion was designed to control and promote hate. I believe in God because I am a miracle to be alive because of him. When I was a baby, my mom was going to abort me for some reason I forgot and she told that before she was going to abort me, some woman heard her and told her that she shouldn't abort me because I am a child of God and as a result, my mom felt that lady was touched by God and she had the strength and kindness to tell my mom that. Plus I live in the ghetto and grew up in a ghetto lifestyle and I even adopted some ghetto lifestyles but I am not a ghetto person. I could had been shot, hit by a car, robbed, beaten to death, kidnapped, many horrible things that happens to people all over the world no matter where they live, have lived it and survived it. Now I'm adopted and my adopted mom would always pray for me to be fine and okay and I am okay. Recently, my real mom and me have never spoke with each other for most of my life and she told me she would pray everyday to God that me and my little brother would reunite with her (I live with my little brother also) and be happy to accept her as my birth mother. Now call this a dumb reason to believe in God but I'm not gonna stoop to stupidity like most people who claim they believe in God and bash at people for doubting the existence of God. I can't show physical evidence that he exists (If you wanna call him a him) but like I said, before I believe in God and I have my reasons for it and I wish for everyone to respect it just like I would respect their belief because we have our rights to believe in what we believe!
We human beings nowadays believe that if we can't see something, it doesn't exist.
Really? When was the last time you saw an electron? Or oxygen?

Now like I stated before, I am not a religious person
re·li·gion (r-ljn)
a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.

I wish for everyone to respect it just like I would respect their belief because we have our rights to believe in what we believe!
Oops fail!
Logically if everyone has a right to believe in what we believe (and where did this "right" come from?) then I have a right to believe that there's no need to respect your beliefs.
Religious myth recrafted using modern scientific terms to make it sound more reasonable.
I don't want to disrespect christians or God, but what is the evidence? Miracles that only fanatics can perceive?
After all, no scientist ever saw God, a spirit or devil. Because they have no faith? So, it's not real at all... but why not? These claims will be a belief, until someone prove.
I'm not gonna try to argue with you about being logical. If you wanna disrespect my beliefs then go ahead because I am not gonna stoop to that level of stupidity and disrespect someone's beliefs. This is what I mean about religion. Even Atheism is a religion that some people kill others also because they don't want to hear what others believe in but I'm not going to lie, most Christians are the most hypocritical religious group of people in the world. (Sorry if I offend anyone of any kind of religion they follow)

P.S. I can't find any physical proof that God exists. I just have faith in him and if you guys wanna sit back and say I'm a religious Christian, then you are ignorant and just jumps to conclusions. Just because I believe in God doesn't mean I go to church and call myself a Christian. I can be a Muslim or a Jew or even a Buddhist. Thank you and have a nice day!
I'm not gonna try to argue with you about being logical.
Because you've realised your error?

If you wanna disrespect my beliefs then go ahead because I am not gonna stoop to that level of stupidity and disrespect someone's beliefs.
I see. On the one hand you claim respect and on the other you call it "stupidity". So, apparently, you don't respect my beliefs despite your prior claim that we're all entitled to believe what we like. Way to go...

Even Atheism is a religion

P.S. I can't find any physical proof that God exists.
Of course not.

I just have faith in him and if you guys wanna sit back and say I'm a religious Christian, then you are ignorant and just jumps to conclusions. Just because I believe in God doesn't mean I go to church and call myself a Christian. I can be a Muslim or a Jew or even a Buddhist. Thank you and have a nice day!
No one said you were Christian, or anything else. But, as shown, a belief in god does indeed mean you are religious.