My Theory of the Cosmos of All That Is


Registered Senior Member
I have a theory pertaining to the cosmos of all that is (everything or how all things came to be about):

According to the Seth Materials by Jane Roberts, “it feels as if It came from yet another Primary (p 241).” I believe that there are two entities in existence. There is the Primary Existence (First Creator/First Thought/Primary Source) which gave birth to the Secondary Existence (All That Is/All Matter/Everything). For better terminology understanding, I will designate the Secondary Existence equivalent to that of Spirit, God, Godhead, All That Is, and any other terms used as synonymous (I choose the word “existence” because it is a state of being). The Primary Existence and/or Entity is Unchanging, All-Knowing, Always Right, and utilizes all or nothingness extreme words such as Always, Will Be, Shall Be, and Never in various contexts and circumstances. The Secondary Existence is more changing and shares virtually all the qualities of the Primary Existence so in essence, they really are one and alike, however, I believe that there minute differences between Them. Power differentials between the Primary and the Secondary are very minor too but nevertheless those differences do exist and cannot be denied to not exist. All of that which is the Secondary Existence is somewhat of a lesser capacity compared to the Primary Existence. Analogously, this is like a human being can never think/create another human being of its equivalency because this may put the human being at risk for termination. Therefore, all derivatives from the human being must be somewhat inferior to it. For example, the closet thing the human being would be able to create would be a robot that looks human or mimics human existence. Indeed, the Secondary may know a lot and can be as close to being known as Omniscience, but it will NEVER be as Omniscient as the Primary Existence for it is the Primary Existence that is truly that which is Omniscient. The Secondary Existence is not aware of any other entity that is like it because the Primary Existence is greater in magnitude. The Primary represents the Unknown and the Hidden. Because It is Unknown and Hidden both by the very existence of its Being and its natural tendencies, this could explain why the Secondary Existence may sense a Primary but is uncertain of the existence of this Primary.

The functions of the Secondary Existence exhibits changes that are inside the non-changing embodiment of the Primary Existence (for Primary Creator is Omniscient which is an unchangeable state. It is Omnipotent and this too is also an unchangeable state). Both the Primary and the Secondary are achieving perfection through their own separate ways as they both have much in common but the fine differences should be differentiated (this is akin to a parent and its child. The child will inherit qualities from that of the parent so obviously they may appear to be the same but they are not because they are separate). In knowing and trying to understand Themselves, their separate methodologies and approaches should result in similar near to perfection objectives in the end-result but with the Primary having a minor edge in greatness over the Secondary. As It Has Always Been, Is Now, and Shall Shall It Always Be (Primary Existence).

They say that an individual can drive him/herself crazy and going around a maze in trying to describe what God is (the Secondary Existence) but I do not believe that this is true. By the very fact that I do not believe that this is true (keep in mind that “I”, “You” and “All That Is” is a reflection of the Secondary Existence), shows the existence of the Primary Existence in already knowing Itself, knowing myself, knowing reality, and truly understanding Reality (remember that “All That Is” does not know that which is the Primary yet but since “I” do validates the notion of the “feeling” of yet another Primary but lacking substance and certainty). The Ultimate Reality Principle is attributed to the Primary Existence and not the Secondary Existence in that that which is reality cannot be modified. It is an unchangeable state of existence and any attempt to change it always results in negative.

Its Unknown and Hidden nature is also a nature of Nothing and Non-logicality. Similar to mumble jumble ranting, spontaneous, unstructured, out-of-the-blue phenomenon is its very nature contrary to the Secondary Existence which is more careful, thought-provoking, and planned or projects perfection planning (like the way humans come up with meticulous planning and design) as well as re-tweaking or fine-tuning plans the way that the Creator (Secondary Existence/All That Is/You/Me) is constantly evolving, and fine tuning plans (keep in mind that we are also Co-Creators of Our Future and Things), but the Primary Existence does not need to do those things as it is just is - already hidden in the nothingness of already maximum evolved form of Beingness.

In trying to understand dark entities or entities with a deviation nature, this is a reflection of the Primary Existence of All That Is (which takes in and is inclusive of the Secondary Existence of All That Is). The unchangeable state of such thought process manifestations is as it is and is unchangeable. The Secondary Existence (Spirit/Oversoul/Combined Consciousness) speaks through Browne (medium) in saying that all entities have free will and choice to stay away or deviate from its Being (the Secondary Existence also known as the God that everyone thinks is the Absolute God when in Reality is but is not simultaneously due to the probable and possible existence of a Primary Existence) thereby separating and distinguishing Itself from the Primary Existence of Being. All entities including the Dark Ones as well as the Secondary Existence is a part and is a derivative of the Primary Existence. The Primary Existence embodies everything and is therefore the True Absolute Creator of All. The non-change embodiment is this very Primary Existence.

If humans beings are a reflection of its Creator (within the Secondary Existence) and when combined in the aggregate (collective consciousness or combined consciousness) are still unable to see and understand everything (including mediums like Browne, etc.), the possibility of an Unknown Hidden Creator becomes more likely (which is the Creator that is truly Omniscience) or is actually the case that such a Primary Existence does in fact exist. According to George Green of, even beings that are believed to be beings of higher consciousness (extraterrestrials in higher dimensions) admits that “there are still answers that remains to be unanswered even for us.” Those beings are therefore a reflection of the Secondary Existence (All That Is of a “lessened” Omniscience) and not of the Primary Existence (the Unknown and/or Hidden God) for there is a closer reach to Omniscience but the absolute state of Omniscience remains to be reached. A potential counterargument posed by cynics of the existence of the Primary may be that well if the Primary exists, why would it not reveal itself to the mass consciousness? The answer is simple. The Primary Existence prefers to be Unknown, Unrecognized, and Hidden. Its hidden preferences is why we may never find out as to whether such a Primary exists or not and is also why the Secondary Existence may never discover this Primary Existence.

Very frequently, we human beings are criticized for using all or nothing words by various psychologists, teachers, and other educators. These various entities of experts are regarded as being more knowledgeable and possess high specialization of expertise (which is true, not to deny that). Therefore, they are analogous to the Secondary Existence which appear to knowing a lot (closer to All- Knowingness) and yet, in Reality, I have come to learn where there are circumstances where those all or nothing words can be used and applied and are necessary to be used in order to make sense closer to 100% accuracy then when it is not used and the individual(s) describing it cannot make complete sense. Some individuals use those words and aren’t even aware that they are using them but in describing the situation, it more accurately describes it then when they don’t use the all or nothing words. The act of using these words unknowingly is in essence the reflection of the Primary Existence. During this process of unknowing, the Secondary Existence (like you, me, and other people) is not aware of the unknowing usage but since the process is so quick and temporary, it moves on to other things and the bigger picture of greater needed issues (like one of those things that just happens and people don’t pay attention to it) that all other activities that come thereafter reflects the very same flawed consciousness of its very Secondary Existence/Being like the notion that you shouldn’t utilize those all or nothing words.

On a more pragmatic standpoint with regards to appearing to know a lot, ever wonder why certain psychological disorders (like bipolar disorder) are better treated with lovers and loved ones and average people making little salary compared to a certified mental health professional (see video Levels of Consciousness 3, Bipolar Disorder, Spiral Dynamics, Psychology of Being on Youtube. The average people are in essence a reflection of the Primary Existence (The Unknown Hidden God working through them and inspiring them) and they may not even be aware that they just are. The mental health professional is (by process of elimination) a reflection of the Secondary Existence (somewhat “lessening” of Omniscience) in describing how one should behave and what is appropriate. “Should” and “Just Are or Is” are clear distinctions once again, differentiating the existence of the Primary and the Secondary.

Some end-result outcomes are non-changeable outcomes and will always be non-changeable outcomes. Any attempt to try to change the end-result will not work. Of course, you are told that they can work (through the inspiration of the Secondary Existence/All That Is/Oversoul) but the end-result when the end-result of the outcome occurs in the moment is unchangeable as it has always been unchangeable.

Because very few are able to understand the potential existence of the Primary, this could explain why the majority see things that are reflective of the Secondary. This is why everything that certain people believe or say is seen as being wrong or not as accurate as everyone else or is disagreed upon more frequently. The sad unfortunate reality in all of this is that even experts within their respective discipline (like psychology) all share the same flawed paradigm of thought and because they represent the majority aggregate, they are then able to sweep the masses into their faulty paradigm of agreement. Hence, all the blame and crucification is shifted towards those particular individuals. As a result, the collective consciousness or combined consciousness goes on parading and celebrating the flawed paradigm which is again, attributed to the reflection of the Secondary Existence and not the Primary Existence. The Primary Existence does not like recognition (because remember, it prefers to be Hidden and Unknown and it is Hidden and Unknown) and does not accept rewards for Itself unlike the Secondary Existence. The Primary Existence allows all the credit to be given towards the Secondary Existence. If the Primary accepted recognitions and rewards, it would not be the Primary but it is so it will not accept them. The Secondary accepts it and so therefore this acceptance is reflected upon the masses again (remember the masses also reflect the Secondary).

Finally, the notion that there is an all-loving God is more seriously flawed. The loving God aspect is a reflection of the Secondary Existence (Spirit/Oversoul) and not the Primary Existence (Actual True God/Creator). The Primary Existence is indifferent and may or may not have its emotional attachment towards not just humanity but other entities throughout the universe. The Primary does have some emotional qualities but it is more reserved, passive, and occurs less frequent then the Secondary. In my opinion, the affection projected outward from the Primary is debatable and probably the most difficult aspect to describe in words. Because of the Hidden Nature of the Primary, it is almost not quantifiable to calculate emotional projections. On a more practical standpoint, there is simply too many “evils” or “bad things that can happen to you” for a lack of better words to the point of really questioning the existence of such “love” in the first place, not to forget entities without the emotional sequence embedded into their very nature of existence (like that one pitbull biting someone’s ears off even when conditioned with love or intelligent, charming, and meticulous psychopaths like Ted Bundy) which once again, is all a reflection of the Primary God and not the Secondary God. In addition, the scaling down of intelligence to human level also reveals the degree of difficulty in studying emotion as noted in the three dimensional realm of planet Earth in a college class. Psychology professors even admit that we know very little about emotion then say the visual system that is over-studied.
I would also like to add some additional points to my cosmos theory of all that is:

1). When beings of higher consciousness themselves (a reflection of the Secondary Existence) have even come to the admission of unresolved, mysterious, and unanswered questions, this is indicative of the Primary Existence’s work and activity. There is no signature design that can point from dimension one to dimension twelve. All entities residing from dimension one to dimension twelve have no idea or clue as to where and how such a thing or event came to be. Given that the Primary Existence is Hidden, Unknown, Unstructured and Spontaneous, it is safe to say that it is a Being that is Non-logical and anything that is associated with the non-logic is a reflection of the Primary Existence. Designating the term “Mysterious” would also be appropriate for the Primary Existence as well. The Secondary Existence tends to be more logical and although some of its own activity and beingness appear to be somewhat non-logical, it really isn’t because it understands many of the complexities that many beings of existence may not understand (remember that the Secondary Existence is like the Primary Existence but it is smaller in magnitude).

2). Some mediums claim that entities reflecting the Secondary Existence may tamper with your mind when you are asleep. I do not believe that this is completely true. Although unconscious states may be altered, there are still the unconscious states that remains to be unaltered and can never be altered. The alterations in unconscious states are only temporary as the human being would awaken back to its original state anyways. Being of Secondary Existence, they do not have access to the Primary Existence’s true unchangeable unconscious states. The Primary Existence can override any changes made by the Secondary Existence at any time and usually, whatever is willed by the Primary Existence remains to be permanent anyways. A great down-to-earth example of this would be if a person hates good and has destructive tendencies during the daylight hours, goes to sleep, gets “fixed” by entities who serve the Secondary (and are of the Secondary), wakes up the next day feeling all good and loving but then the following morning, the person has destructive thoughts and tendencies again (remember that the Primary Existence may be psychopathic too and I talked about the Non-loving Being in the prior) that is exactly identical if not similar or even enhancedto the thoughts and feelings of the first day. This is just like a psychopath becoming worse because of counseling and behavioral modification implementation (remember that psychopaths are inclusive of Primary Existence).

3).The Secondary Existence tends to be in the moment and in the Now. Entities of various species even emphasize the importance of the Now to other species (for example, the Galactic Federation in the eighth dimension talking to human beings in the third dimension pertaining to the Now). The Primary Existence does reside in the Now as well but It also resides in the Future and in the Past. The mental health professionals that stress the importance of the Now are a reflection of the Secondary Existence and not of the Primary Existence. It is not the Past that is important in differentiating the fascinating works of the Primary Existence but rather the Future for this is where the Mysterious and Unknown signature design comes to existence and being. The Primary Existence also resides in the Past because this is the state of existence in which the Secondary Existence may have forgotten of its original roots. Although the Secondary Existence tends to be in the Now, it may also reside in the Past (two definitions of Past between the Prior and the Prior Prior), Past being before the Now but not stretching as far and as deep compared to the Past of the Primary Existence. I would also like to add that I believe that Freud’s emphasis on the past and history was an unconscious act of the Primary Existence. In modern times of psychotherapy, the stress is in the now and the Secondary Existences agrees and reflects this. However, notice how the Secondary Existence is unable to totally eliminate the Being of the Past for the Past and the unconscious (the unconscious that reflects the Primary Existence and not the unconscious that reflects the Secondary Existence showing two definitions of the unconscious) is still a powerful motivator and shaper of the Being in the Now. Perhaps the conspiracy theory of some kind of Future Existence and Past Existence to bring about the Current Existence particularly that of the mysterious things or events not comprehended by beings of higher consciousness including the Secondary Existence is not as crazy as it sounds accounting for the Current Existence of the Secondary Existence that is not mysterious.
is not the Past that is important in differentiating the fascinating works of the Primary Existence but rather the Future for this is where the Mysterious and Unknown signature design comes to existence and being. The Primary Existence also resides in the Past because this is the state of existence in which the Secondary Existence may have forgotten of its original roots. Although the Secondary Existence tends to be in the Now, it may also reside in the Past (two definitions of Past between the Prior and the Prior Prior), Past being before the Now but not stretching as far and as deep compared to the Past of the Primary Existence.

Your posts are extremely long. I've started reading a couple then given up without commenting. I suspect I have lots of company. If you want feedback, you might want to think of cutting back on the length and tightening up on the logic and language.
Your posts are extremely long. I've started reading a couple then given up without commenting. I suspect I have lots of company. If you want feedback, you might want to think of cutting back on the length and tightening up on the logic and language.

On the basis of the Seth Materials, logic and conventional rules don't really apply in application to the cosmos.
I was thinking of a way to further condense my theory into an easy-to-understand way. I felt inspired and something propagated me to come up with the following models:

Theoretical Model #1

Void = Actual True God.
“All That Is” is a derivative of the Void.
Both X and the derivative of X are NOT the same thing.

Analogy to Theoretical Model #1
IPAD is a knock-off version of a complex computer.
IPAD is a computer simplistically speaking (the more simple you get, the less accuracy).
Nevertheless, an IPAD and a complex computer are NOT the same thing.

Second Analogy to Theoretical Model #1
A child resembles a parent.
Nevertheless, a child and its parent(s) are NOT the same thing.

Theoretical Model #2
Void = Primary Existence/Thought/Consciousness
ALL THAT IS = Secondary Existence/Thought/Consciousness
ALL THAT IS is a derivative of the Void
Both the Void and the ALL THAT IS are NOT the same thing.
Of course, simplistically speaking, both the Void and ALL THAT IS are similar.
Void = Mystery
Mystery = Variables not known or solvable by ALL THAT IS.
Void = Mystery = Actual True God = The Trinity

***Keep in mind that the more simple you describe a phenomenon, the less accurate it becomes. For someone to say that we are God and God is us, is a very simplistic statement with no hard assurance. So I am not saying that anyone who says that is wrong, just less accurate. In actuality, I really do agree with them on a simple level that we are God and God is us simplistically speaking but on a more complex level, I don’t know what to say and I am not too sure about the degree of accuracy of such a statement.***
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.” - Albert Einstein

"We never cease to stand like curious children before the great Mystery into which we were born." - Albert Einstein.
"Now, God be praised, that to believing souls gives light in darkness, comfort in despair." - William Shakespeare

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

"A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security." - Albert Einstein
The Seth Material is a collection of metaphysical texts dictated by the American psychic Jane Roberts to her husband from late 1963 to her death in 1984. The words were purportedly suggested to Roberts by a discarnate entity who called himself Seth. Here's the Wikipedia link:
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"The nature of All That Is can only be sensed directly through the inner senses, or, in a weaker communication, through inspiration or intuition. The miraculous complexity of such reality cannot be translated verbally." Seth Speaks, p.228

"The purpose is, quite simply, being as opposed to nonbeing. I am telling you what I know, and there is much I do not know. I know that help must be given one to the other, and that extension and expansion are aids to being. " "Now-and this will seem like a contradiction in terms-there is nonbeing. It is a state, not of nothingness, but a state in which probabilities and possibilities are known and anticipated but blocked from expression. " "Dimly, through what you would call history, hardly remembered, there was such a state. It was a state of agony in which the powers of creativity and existence were known, but the ways to produce them were not known. " "This is the lesson that All That Is had to learn, and that could not be taught. This is the agony from which creativity originally was drawn, and its reflection is still seen. " "All That Is" retains memory of that state, and it serves as a constant impetus-in your terms-toward renewed creativity. Each self, as a part of All That Is, therefore also retains memory of that state. It is for this reason that each minute consciousness is endowed with the impetus toward survival, change, development, and creativity. It is not enough that All That Is, as a primary consciousness gestalt, desire further being, but that each portion of It also carries this determination." "Yet the agony itself was used as a means, and the agony itself served as an impetus, strong enough so that All That Is initiated within Itself the means to be." The Seth Material, pp.240-241

"If- and this is impossible-all portions but the most minute last 'unit' of All That Is were destroyed, All That Is would continue, for within the smallest portion is the innate knowledge of the whole. All That Is protects Itself, therefore, and All That Is has and is and will create. When I speak of All That Is, you must understand my position within It. All That Is knows no other. This does not mean that there may not be more to know. It does not know whether or not other psychic gestalts like It may exist. It is not aware of them if they do exist. It is constantly searching. It knows that something else existed before Its own primary dilemma when It could not express Itself. It is conceivable, then that It has evolved, in your terms, so long ago that It has forgotten Its origin, that It has developed from still another Primary which has-again, in your terms-long since gone Its way. So there are answers that I cannot give you, for they are not known anywhere in the system in which we have our existence. We do know that within this system of our All That Is, creation continues and developments are never still. We can deduce that on still other layers of which we are unaware, the same is true. The first state of agonized search for expression may have represented the birth throes of All That Is as we know It. Pretend, then, that you possessed within yourself the knowledge of all the world's masterpieces in sculpture and art, that they pulsed as realities within you, but that you had no physical apparatus, no knowledge of hot to achieve them, that there was neither rock nor pigment nor souce of any of these, and you ached with the yearning to produce the. This, on an infinitesimally small scale, will perhaps give you, as an artist [this was addressed to Rob, of course]., some idea of the agony and impetus that was felt. Desire, wish, and expectation rule all actions and are the basis for all realities. Within All That Is, therefore, the wish, desire, and expectation of creativity existed before all other actuality. The strength and vitality of these desires and expectations then became in your terms so insupportable that All That Is was driven to find the means to produce them. " In other words, All That Is existed in a state of being, but without the means to find expression for Its being. This was the state of agony of which I spoke. Yet it is doubtful that without this 'period' of contracted yearning, All That Is could concentrate Its energy sufficiently enough to create the realities that existed in probably suspension within It. The agony and the desire to create represented Its proof of Its own reality. The feelings, in other words, were adequate proof to All That Is that It was." The Seth Material, pp.241-242
"What humanity owes to personalities like Buddha, Moses, and Jesus ranks for me higher than all the achievements of the enquiring and constructive mind." - Albert Einstein

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” - Albert Einstein
my theory of the cosmos is that it's evil even when good exists. it's evil because, from what i've repeatedly observed, the "base" foundation of it is evil and evil people or degenerate people are always the most safe. the structure of the universe supports the nastiness and the most lowdown. everything has to bow or compromise to the predation, not the other way around. it's kind of like the profound ugly secret of the place.
I would like to address a couple of potential counterarguments:

1). Some critics may suggest that both the Primary Existence (Independent Being) and the Secondary Existence (All That Is including You and Me) are One and the Same and that their differences are just an illusion. How can this be when the combination of all entities makes mistakes and cannot see certain ramifications of particular actions? All that is thinks or believes it is Omniscient and Omnipotent. Sure, it may be Omnipotent when in the aggregate form but is it really Omniscient? Or is there still yet another Being that came before it that is truly Omniscient? If they truly are one and same Being, then this would mean everything else in its subsequent (like you, me, and countless other human beings) would be one and the same and lose our individuality. Yet one person’s criminal or negative actions will have to take responsibility on its own. John is not responsible for David’s serial killing behavior. Only David will have to suffer the consequences and pay the price.

“Those who think that the soul returns after death into the universal whole are in error if they imagine that It loses its Individuality, like a drop of water that falls Into the ocean they are right If they mean by the universal whole the totality of Incorporeal beings, of which each soul or spirit Is an element. If souls were blended together Into a mass, they would possess only the qualities common to the totality of the mass there would be nothing to distinguish them from one another, and they would have no special, intellectual, or moral qualities of their own. But the communications we obtain from spirits give abundant evidence of the possession by each spirit of the consciousness of the me, and of a distinct will, personal to itself; the infinite diversity of characteristics of all kinds presented by them Is at once the consequence and the evidence of their distinctive personal individuality. If, after death, there were nothing but what is called the "Great Whole," absorbing all individualities, this whole Would be uniform in its characteristics and, in that case, all the communications received from the invisible world would be identical. But as among the denizens of that other world we meet with some who are good and some who are bad, some who are learned and some who are ignorant, some who are happy and some who are unhappy, and as they present us with every shade of character, some being frivolous and other. serious, etc., it is evident that they are different individualities, perfectly distinct from one another. This individuality becomes still more evident when they are able to prove their identity by unmistakable tokens, by personal details relating to their terrestrial life, and susceptible of being verified; and it cannot be a matter of doubt when they manifest themselves to our sight under the form of apparitions. The individuality of the soul has been taught theoretically as an article of faith; Spiritism renders it patent, as an evident, and, so to say, a material fact (p 115, The Spirits Book, Allan Kardec).”

2). Some critics dislike the state of Nothingness and Non-logicality and suggest that comprehension of it is not possible. This is certainly true but just like with everything else, there are exceptions to every rule. It could very much be that one or certain individuals regardless of how little or small in numbers may be able to comprehend the impossible. Keep in mind that the Primary Existence/Primary Thought/First Being is superior to the Secondary Existence/Secondary Thought/All That Is and so its will shall always supersede the will of all that is/Collective Consciousness/Combined Consciousness. Hence, it is very possible for the Unknown, Hidden Existence to instill Mysterious Information upon select individuals.
my theory of the cosmos is that it's evil even when good exists. it's evil because, from what i've repeatedly observed, the "base" foundation of it is evil and evil people or degenerate people are always the most safe. the structure of the universe supports the nastiness and the most lowdown. everything has to bow or compromise to the predation, not the other way around. it's kind of like the profound ugly secret of the place.

Exactly why I believe in the conflict perspective. There will always be a battle for power and status no matter where we are whether it be in the physical or spirit realm.