My Theory of Everything - Strong Luxen Theory


Luxon Unification Theory
Combining Luxen Theory
A Compiled Theory on Primal Forces

Essay One of Two

The Universe Contains Only Energy

In September 1997, physicists created matter out of pure light. This was the verification scientists needed to explain how all matter evolved. Matter is just forms of trapped electromagnetic energy.

What is a Luxen?

A Luxen is a particle that always moves with a velocity with that which is lightspeed (v=c). We have many Luxens in labs today. One that we all know of and see everyday is light. It permeates the sky and we often do not bother ourselves with them. But it is our source of life, and energy - it provides us with heat and light; and as it turns out, provided everything that is physical.

Light is made up of photons. They are the smallest energy units known to us, and move with a velocity of 186,000 miles per sec or 299,792,458 m/s. A photon will travel 65.5 billion billion miles in one year! They are what are called zero-time particles. This means that the photon does not experience any time at all. And if it experiences no time, then the photon spends no 'time' in space either. This is hard to imagine... after all, doesn't the photon move through space? Doesn't a photon take time to get from A to B? Well, this all sounds correct from our point of view, but from a photons point of view it is very different. It is just another bizarre situation in relativity.

The universe, when it expanded from its singular region in space and time, grew quite old before light emerged. In fact, something equivalent to thirty-two years had passed before light emerged. We believe this, because the universe began with a time-scale called the 'first chronon.'

We are made up of many Luxens called gluons. In fact, 98.12% of our bodies are made up of gluon mass. The remaining 1.88% is made up of quarks and electrons, (of course, we are made up of other percentages and types of particles).

Does the photon have mass? The short answer is no.

Some people find it difficult to comprehend a photon as being massless because it can be deflected by the gravity of, let us say a star. One way to explain this is by saying light couples to gravity, because light also generates curvature and curvature is the equivalence of gravity. However, there is too little amount of light to have any major gravitational effects in our universe, except for perhaps 32 years after big bang, when the universe was flooded in light particles. For those who like math, here are some more reasons why the photon does not have mass.

Some people like to say that the photon has mass because the photon has energy >


Where (h) is 'Planck’s constant' and (f) is the frequency of the photon. Thus, they tend to assume that because it has energy (E) it must have mass (M) because of Einstien’s mass-energy equivalence equation:


They also say that the photon has momentum, and momentum is related to mass p = Mv where (v) is velocity and (p) is for momentum. Yet, you cannot justify it having mass using this argument. This is actually 'relativistic mass' - which is nothing but the measure of energy which will change with velocity. It isn't actually mass, even though mass and energy are related. In physics jargon, the mass of an object is called its 'invariant mass,' and the photon has no invariant mass. Now, a massless particle can have energy and it can have momentum, simply because mass is related to these through the equation >

E2 = M2c4 + p2c2

Which is subsequently zero-mass for a photon because >

E = pc

…for massless radiation (remember, c means the speed of light). So yes, the photon has momenta and energy, and can deliver a punch out of it when it hits a surface, but it doesn't have mass.

Frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength, according to the equation:
v = fλ

Now... a strange situation can arise if light is trapped inside a container. If light is trapped inside of a box with mirrors inside of it, so that it cannot escape, (now the mirrors would need to be cold enough so that the mirrors do not absorb the light-energy), the total momentum is said to be zero, but the energy is not - thus, the light can contribute a very small amount of mass to the box! Now, one can say that the light in the box must have mass to even add any mass to begin with - but actually, it is more accurate to say it contributes to the mass - but do not use this as some kind of justification that light indeed has mass. That is simply not true. A photon can decrease the invariant mass value of E/c 2each time a system emits a photon... likewise, a system can increase its invariant mass by a value of E/c2, if it absorbs a photon particle.

The photon is responsible for the 'electromagnetic force' - which was first predicted by physicist James Clerk Maxwell in 1865 which was experimentally proven in 1888 by Heinrich Hertz in his detection of radio waves. Looking at the Feynman diagram shows a virtual photon exchange between a positron (antielectron) and an electron - thus it mediates the electromagnetic force, and comes in many different states; in this sense, light is electromagnetic radiation of absolutely any wavelength, such as radio waves, microwaves, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, gamma rays, infrared light waves and of course, visible light rays. The photon can be slowed down whenever, let's say it is absorbed by other mass or whenever it transfer’s energy and momentum which are both proportional to its frequency.

The photon itself was originally called 'light quantum,' or 'das Lichtquant,' by Sir Albert Einstein. It originated from 'phos' in Greek for 'light'. Like all quanta, the particle of light has both a wave and particle description; more on wave-particle duality later. Einstien's theoretical work on the photon (1905 - 1917) helped with momentous advances in quantum theory; such as lasers and quantum field theory. The photon is probably [one] of the strangest particles in physics.

The first reason is because it experiences zero dimensions. Because it is a zero-time particle, it spends absolutely no time at all to get from A to B. Now, to an observer, let's say, standing on a mountain, for light to reach his zone from the horizon, would take only a fraction of a second, but for a photon, or, from a photons point of view, it didn't even take a fraction of a second. It took no time at all. For this reason, the photon doesn't really exist... One might see this two ways. One way being that the photon is never really born in time, because it doesn't experience time - yet this must also mean it never dies. Another way being is that it is born, but this is simultaneous with its death. For these reasons, the photon seems ethereal, perhaps even 'potential', but essentially mystical and relatively ageless.

Bradyons, Luxen and Tachyons


I am somewhat perplexed to why nature would create two very distinct particles. One of them are these speedy maximal-velocity of energetic particles – and these slow Tardyonic matter.

Why would the universe do this?
There must be a fundamental reason, and this is the aim of this essay of my theory. Luxens seem to have been created so that they would evolve into matter –

Tachyons – particles that have an imaginary mass, which use as little energy at a constant speed at many times the value of ‘’c’’ – and can have an infinite amount of energy at the lowest speed possible, being ‘’c’’… but that’s impossible, for it is like saying the maximal speed for a proton is ‘’c’’, but it would require also an infinity energy and this is forbidden.

They would not work in my plans, because I am trying to show that there isn’t only no need for superluminal particles, but that instead trying to highlight that photons and Bradyons are unique in the design of a ‘’special boundary’’ in nature.

Any particle, even tachyon energy has arrest mass M and mass-energy E has a momentum in energy-units given by:

E2 = P2 + M2

For tardyons (normal particles) it should be clear from this equation that E cannot be less than M and is always greater than P. This is why there is so much energy contained in a thing. A standard marble has about 1093 grams of energy. That’s a lot of energy indeed. But a tachyon would contain M2 that would be negative. This makes the energy equation:

E2 = P2 - |M|2 or P2 = E2 + |M|2

This means that E can be as small as zero (when P = |M|) and that P is always greater than E and cannot be less than |M|. These quantities are related to the relativistic velocity ß by the equation

ß = P/E

This informs us that when a tachyon has its least amount of momentum

P = |M|

…it will also have its lowest possible mass-energy (E=0) and will have infinite velocity. But even though these equations describe superluminal systems, we are not really predicted by relativity.

We all know that if we could freeze the vacuum (which is -273Kelvin), the energy cannot be frozen. There is a massive amount of energy movement that cannot be quelled. The process of freezing a quantum system, like a group of atomic and subatomic particles will slow it down, but the energy they contain disallows them to ever be totally stationary. There is an interesting connection between the limit at zero Kelvin, and the limit of the speed of light.

If an object with a rest mass reaches c, then the equation says that:

ß = v/c = 1

Which leads to having the system with an infinite mass and energy. This is of course relativistic mass, which is a gain of energy –

g = 1/(1 - ß2)1/2

We are informed that if it reached ß=1, then all the energy the universe has would not be sufficient to allow it to travel at this speed. This limit brings a superior link with what we know as fast and slow particles… a limit of infinite movement at lowest speeds, and a limit of infinite energy required at the fastest speeds --- apart from Luxens.

The equations describing the velocity of matter is always measured against luxen energy: ''c'' the light of speed.

t' = t_0√1 - v²/c²

m'= m_0/√1 - v²/c²

l'=l_0√1 - v²/c²


The electric force is carried by a particle known as a virtual photon.

Photons do not interact with each other. This is because they tend to fall into the same quantum states called named ‘’Bose-Einstein Statistics,’’ and is caused fundamentally because they have no electric charge, so they cannot interact with electrically charged vrtual photons.
A virtual particle does not obey:

m2c4 = E2 − p2c2

A moving photon allows for relativity to give the photon the ability to mediate not only electronic force, but also a magnetic force, given as electromagnetism. The photon has an energy of only 4×10–19 Joules. That’s 0.0000000000000000004 Joules, and the photon can only interact with matter by transferring energy:


Where  is Planck's Constant and has a value of:

h =6.626 068 (33) x 10 -34 J . s = 4.135 667 33(10) x 10 -15 eV . s

Gluon and Luxen Binding

Let us now consider what all the work previously means. It first states that there was an intrinsic reason to why the wave function allowed the probability of two unique particles: The Luxens and Bradyons. The Bradyons have a rest mass, but it can be collided with its antipartner, produces two gamma waves of energy. This is matter reverting to energy:

M = E/c2

And since we have made matter out of Luxen Light Energy, then the theory stands that all matter evolved in this very way. The idea I have developed is how to unify the photon-photon combination, because current theory states that two photons do not interact. If matter-antimatter coherence releases twice as much energy than what it contained giving off two photons, then how did the two photons combine in the first place?

We can make photon-photon collisions in theory, and create new particles however. Two photons have come together to create a new type of matter. This is what happened years after big bang. Light came out of the Aether and somehow joined together creating matter. Some of the Photons that escaped would evolve during the inflationary period, which happened around 10 -33 after big bang. We have also covered that there is no such thing as matter. There is only energy, and even this energy calculates to nothing when added with the negative energy of the vacuum, which still strangely persists an error of 122~ magntitudes.

The Energy of the Universe

E=Mc2 alone was enough to indicate that all matter was but forms of trapped Luxen energy. The conversion had written all over it also the antimatter-matter phenomenon. The energy of the universe is in fact massive. If you removed all of the matter and free energy from space and time, you are still left with a massive amount of energy – an infinite amount of energy in fact.

We have been attempting to renormalize all of the energy to some zero value:

(E=Mc2)+(E=-Mc2) = 0

But our equations don’t give this, as we see more energy in the universe than what there should be, so we are, for now left with this non-zero energy. The incongruity might be solved in the future, with new math…

But there is quite a lot of energy we do observe everyday… it’s just in very stable forms. Take a standard marble. It contains around 1093 grams of energy!!! That’s a lot… that is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
We know this because we can measure it against the equation E=Mc2 and then calculating how much energy in Joules there is. And there is a lot of energy in matter! A dice contains about 10^93 grams of energy.
The earth itself contains about

Not only that, but Approximately 120,000 TW (terrawatts), that is 120,000,000,000,000,000 joules hits our earth every second. More energy hits the sun in one hour that the whole world uses in one year, which is 5.5 x 1024!!! Big statistics here of how to contemplate the amount of energy contained locally.

But there is no way we can measure the energy of the universe, because how can we when we cannot observe it from the outside? – Which is a reserved example because there is no outside to the universe. This energy nonetheless if it where able to calculate would still be photon energy. The universe may as well be seen as one massive superboson with no unique energy.

Spacetime is Just a Physical Vacuum of Electromagnetic Radiation

Now, if physics has it correct, then the first energy to come out of spacetime (I’ve heard a few different times when this happened. I have had arguments that it was more like 180,000 years after spacetime – whilst PhD F. A Wolf claims it was more like 32 years….) – but nevertheless, we have the model that photons where the first particles to permeate spacetime, creating a background temperature of radiation.

This makes the Vacuum a physical manifestation. In relativity, we are taught that not only is space and time unified as a spacetime continuum, but you can’t seem to have a spacetime without energy. They are all one of the same thing! Matter is nothing but a longer lived and stable form of energy, which will in the end convert back into energy: We can think of energy as being like ‘’radical’’ and ‘’badly behaved’’ diffused matter until they are ‘’caught up into a frequency.’’ These frozen states of frequencies will create all the particles we know of.

Another theory I have heard, is that matter is formed not by my ‘’frequency trapped theory,’’ but by energy knots. Whilst I admire the theory, I prefer the idea that energy can e caught up in a state of material fluctuation without any type of complex knots or energetic acrobats.

The trapped energy is of course the photons that build up the Luxon Theory. To best imagine this theory, it’s like a molecule of water being inexorably trapped into some solid-state by freezing it: But ignore the quantum fact that there is still energy moving about… It’s just a lame example) – but like watching a thing like water crystallize and freeze, is a little like the theory, accept that no two water molecules will ever freeze into the same configuration – and there are so many more combination for water freezing than what there is known particles.

So, there is a limit on the trapped frequency theory of photons. I propose some type of universal intrinsic property that governs how a photon will manifest into a proton, neutron or even an electron – (In fact, the electron might not have a mass… and could be a particle that moves at lightspeed according to Dirac’s Equations).

The types of frequencies that photons trap into, will not only determine their elemental properties, but will also determine their lifespans. The lifespan of the proton (which is something like 10^33 years) – well older than the universe today – is one particle that needs to decay for unified physical purposes. If it is found to have an infinite lifespan, then that makes physics even more stranger than what we ever imagined. We would then ask… ‘’Why the proton?’’ Why is it unaffected by weak force?

Now to finish… You and me, the tree, the rock, the air we breathe are all but forms of trapped frequencies of photon energy which I find to be as primal as time itself.

But What Causes The Trap of Frequency Mode?

The only logical solution to this would be to imply that the type of particle created is due to the energy of the surrounding space and time – Just like the known theory that if you add a certain amount of energy into spacetime, a particle will ‘’pop’’ out of the vacuum... This is evidence that the virtual photon is effected by real energy, and causes it to flux into a solid state of diffused matter.
Essay One of Two
So you wasted double the amount of time?

You cannot use just relativity to talk about photon's quantum states. You need to use such things as QED, which includes special relativity.
Let us now consider what all the work previously means. It first states that there was an intrinsic reason to why the wave function allowed the probability of two unique particles: The Luxens and Bradyons. The Bradyons have a rest mass, but it can be collided with its antipartner, produces two gamma waves of energy. This is matter reverting to energy:

M = E/c2

And since we have made matter out of Luxen Light Energy, then the theory stands that all matter evolved in this very way. The idea I have developed is how to unify the photon-photon combination, because current theory states that two photons do not interact. If matter-antimatter coherence releases twice as much energy than what it contained giving off two photons, then how did the two photons combine in the first place?
Do you know any QED? That photon-photon scattering is possible, it just requires a 4th order process, due to 4 photon/charged/anticharged vertices, so it's supressed compared to tree level processes like electron/photon scattering (say Compton radiation).

What you describe is well understood in QED, though it's something you don't understand. Photons turning into a slew of other particles is what occured at LEP and LEPII. The LHC will test for photon/photon scattering since it'll be high enough energy to see the effects of such supressed processes.

Do we need to go over the basics of QED?

Yes i do know QED. This is why there is a second essey coming soon. I state in very short notation that the photon photon scattering in such processes you mentioned... but please... i know you have not high credit for me or my work... so either ignore i exist, or simply sit back and read what i have to say.
Yes i do know QED..
I'm calling you a liar. Prove me wrong.
I state in very short notation that the photon photon scattering in such processes you mentioned
Do you actually calculate anything? Or do you just say something like $$2\gamma \to 2 e^{+}+2e^{-} \to 2 \gamma$$ ?

If you know QED, calculate the cross section for that box diagram, which describes the first contribution to photon-photon scattering.
but please... i know you have not high credit for me or my work... so either ignore i exist, or simply sit back and read what i have to say.
Why should I ignore mistakes I see?

What is your purpose posting these? Are you trying to come up with new/improved physics? If so then peer review (not that I consider you my peer) is part and parcel of that. If you're just trying to sucker people into saying "Wow Reiku, you're so smart and insightful", then I'll point out errors. If you just want to post monologues then start a blog or get a website.
What makes you think i am here to try and get some kind of lame attention of how smart i am? - If i am...

I don't even know anyone here personally, so your logic sucks, much like your attitude. And call me a liar again Alphanumeric, you might want to know this place isn't like that run-down antiquated shit-of-a-board you where at before. I do believe one of the mods rules around here is to keep the peace, and you are insistantly trying to flout that with the highest impunity.

Back off.
A Clue with Luxens

Luxens do not experience inertial effects as they move through spacetime. Inertia seems to be a resistance on corporeal bodies moving through the cosmos. What causes it has never been explained by Newtonian equations or even relativity –

A major clue arises to why matter has mass, when considering the intrinsic phenomena of inertia. There are equations that where developed showing that a thing moving through the Zero-Point Energy Field causes distortions within that field of negative energy. Some scientists have proposed that the energy is somehow affecting matter – providing it with inertial properties.

Since matter is nothing but gravity, and gravity being nothing but distortions, these equivalent properties is a field conveying the property of matter – its inertial mass. This effect has also been proposed to be what gives matter its mass, instead of the hypothetical Higgs Boson.

The Luxens provides vital clues to proving this hypothesis. Since photons do not experience inertial effects, it must be due to the fact it has no mass – which stands to reason with the relativistic equations provided earlier. The effect of inertia however links Newtons equation of:


Since inertia only effects a matter that is accelerating. Because of this, force is proportional to inertia as well, and what is this force?
The ZPF might have some kind of ‘’back-reaction’’ on the presence of real matter in the vacuum. Acceleration causes curvature, which creates gravity, and this might couple to like-distortions in the ZPF. If curvature is gravity, and gravity is mass, and mass is acceleration and acceleration is distortions, then the ZPF might be acting on the mass from inside, sparking corporeality.

Photons themselves cause curvature because of their energy and momentum, so they give off gravity as they move through space, but the ZPF doesn’t seem to be able to couple to the Photon like it does when effecting matter. This is because the gravity a photon produces is not local, as matter produces gravity from within its innate structure…

The ZPF even at absolute zero temperatures still effect matter with inertia, for the vacuum would still contain ½h. This is where the Dirac Sea comes into valuable play. It has been known for a while now that the Dirac Sea, which is a negative sea of energy is also a zero-point source. Because of the equations that describe this, we now link the Dirac Sea as being the same thing as the Zero-Point Field.

The Dirac Equation was formulated by linking together quantum mechanics and relativity together in hope of some unification. At the time, Dirac only had three particles to work with, as the proton, neutron and the electron was the only particles on the quantum standard model. He found that when a certain amount of energy was added in spacetime would force one of these negatively charged virtual particles to spontaneously bubble from what can only be described as a quantum aether.

The Dirac Equation is given as:
……………… .3
(Mc^2 +  p_c ) (x,t) = ih t (x, t)

Whilst the Dirac Equation has many implications and relations in physics, such as being a wave equation itself, therefore it is linked to the Schrodinger Equation, it also predicted that spin was in fact the product of relating quantum theory with relativity using wonderful mathematics and matrices.

But more importantly, it showed and confirmed the existence of antimatter, giving a negative solution to E=Mc^2. By coupling the electromagnetic field with the Dirac Equation, positive and negative properties are mixed, and the solution became antimatter-matter annihilation. This alone is a massive set of proofs that photons where the primal existing particle of energy, creating everything in the universe… and that an inverse property could reduce that matter back to its photon energetic form.

A Vacuum, a Photon and no Time at All


As I mentioned throughout my essays, the vacuum itself is physical. Even if you removed all the visible matter and energy, there is still an infinite amount of energy. But I made it even clearer that this wasn’t just ‘’any’’ energy. I wanted to show empirical proof that the photon (electromagnetic radiation) was in fact primal – that the vacuum of space and time, was just electromagnetism itself (1). I’ve never heard a physicist call the photon as a primal particle, but it certainly gives it an edge.

(1)* I won’t highlight the gravitational, weak or strong forces as of yet. Electromagnetism has been successfully unified with the weak force and the strong, and at high enough energies, the strong and gravitational forces are theoretically able to be unified as well, as a one-single force, named Quantum Gravity.

But if you ask a physicist, is time primal (as in the imaginary dimension of space), they will almost definitely say ‘’yes’’. We extrapolate back to find the most primal and fundamental occurrences so that we can initiate a picture of our universe today – the foundation upon which God created everything.

It turns out that the equations describing a single photon evolving into other particles can be relatively easy. During the process of this work, I was asked to integrate Quantum Electrodynamics into the frame-work, and quite rightly so.

Scattering light with light is In fact contributes to the magnetic anomaly of the leptons ~ Especially the ones with higher mass. For instance that of the muon. I suggest that before such scattering occurred a few moments after energy appeared in the universe, the photons first had to decay into like particles – Leptons… and this contributed to the first light-light scatterings, and could have created some of the most exotic particles known on the standard model.

A photon with a high energy E has quite a short wave length, whilst photon energy which is low exhibit long frquencies which are of course proportional to their wave lengths. If a photons scatters of another photon, the result would be that it would endure a decrease in energy, and shorten its wave length. There is an inverse law which states that a photon can scatter off matter, and inversely gain energy – more than what the photon contained originally. This can inevitably lead to the photon (if my theory on photon frequency trapping is correct, instead of the energy knot theory), create new particles; which would be finite – since there is only a limited amount of particles that can be created in this universe due to statistical laws.

Compton Scattering, as it has come to be known in physics history, find that such processes are due to the conditions I raised above. The Compton Scattering is given through a string of math, as derived from (λs = c/) giving the formula:

’ - h/M_ec (1- cos)

The result of scattering photon energy will collide with a system at rest, and this will produce a new photon (out of the Aether of virtual electromagnetic radiation), and the angle of the release of this new energy is given by the variable . This can only be done however if there is a conservation in energy and momenta.

E(gamma)+P(gamma) = E(gamma)’+P(gamma)’

Where E(gamma) and P(gamma) is the energy and momentum of the photon. The creation of matter very early on will have also happened through pair production. However, quite a few photons would have had to have decayed into protons, decaying into electrons and neutrons before hand, because pair-production is when a photon moves into an atomic nucleus in high energy collisions. The result is that the photon creates two electrons; one being a negative electron and the other a positive electron (its antiparticle), without violating any necessary laws of conservation:

y → Positron + electron

- Both at periodic angles again given as . Because the produced particles have opposite forces, they tend to rush away from each other. It’s almost analogous to an anti-gravitational effect. When two electrons are produced in the atom, the positron will rush out of the atom, whilst the electron remains in orbit around the nucleons in a cloud of probability.

Pair production can only happen however, if the photon has an energy that exceeds the rest mass (me) of an electron (1.022 MeV) – twice the relativistic energy E/c^2; the same applies for the generation of other higher energy leptons such as the muon.

Such processes still happen today – especially round black holes where their boundaries give off radiation in pair production. One antiparticle will fall into the black hole, whilst the other particle will accelerate off into spacetime. There aren’t that many antiparticles though. There is something like 1 antiparticle to every 10^7 photons in our universe, but because of recent developments showing that nothing can disappear from our universe through black holes, the antiparticles that do fall into them will return, possibly in the future state of our universe. This is only speculation on my behalf though.


So far, there can be no reason why we should not suspect the primal photon to have provided everything with substance through processes like inflation, natural decay and even pair-production, a little later on after the photons had flooded spacetime. Somehow acceleration of energy creates the matter within a particle, and the inertial effects are an indication of the mechanism that seems to be the suspect cause.

So for this section, what evidence mathematically-wise do we have to attach these hypotheses together>? Well, it seems best to start with Newton’s relationship between matter and acceleration – his second law of motion. His three laws are:
1. A physical body will remain at rest, or continue to move at a constant velocity unless an unbalanced net force acts upon it.
2. The net force on a body is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration.
3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
As you will most probably know, these laws don’t necessarily apply to the subatomic world. It is the second law that is of interest here, for it is found that force is directly proportional to the mass multiplied by the acceleration of a system.
Newton’s second law is derived mathematically as:

F = d(mv)/dt
The equation is seen in reference of an inertial frame, which is basically a mass moving through spacetime experiencing a resistance. The first law however is more of a special case of the second law, which is really a law of acceleration. In relativity, we find that acceleration is the same as mass, and this is the same as gravity.
Inertia can be felt. It seems to be directly a consequence of acceleration itself. If we imagine a stationary ball inside a moving train, the ball will according to the observers inside the train see it move back, whilst paradoxically the train is moving forward. This is called the inertial frame of reference. This resistance hasn’t been answered by Newton or by Einstein’s relativity theories.
Inertia is intrinsic to gravity and matter, so massless bodies do not have any inertial effects effected upon them.
Photon Flux Theory

Throughout this long essay, I have proposed a new way of envisioning how the photon manifests itself to create differential elements. In ways to describe this, I said it was like a frozen frequency determined by the amount of energy in the spacetime – I determine this because any given energy applied to a box of space can pull a virtual particle out of the false vacuum and tunnel into existence as a real particle.

Like a group of hydrogen molecules brought to a freezing point, energy is brought to a certain ‘’flux’’ (which means ‘’’passage’’ in physics lingo) into the type of particle it will become. This needs to be explained alongside the weak interaction; since photons are electromagnetic radiation, and the decay of particles is found in mediation of the electroweak force,

To understand some basic properties of a decay, we shall look at the pion. Pions are fundamental particles with a mass of exactly 139.57018(35) MeV/c^2 for a charged pion and 134.9766(6) MeV/c^2 for a neutral pion.

Pions are mesons, and they decay due to the weak force, usually depicted as a decay of a pion into a muon and it’s neutrino. Without the weak nuclear force and electromagnetic force, these processes would not work.

^→^+ v_

I make a suggestion that the trapped energy that makes particles ‘’carries on’’ giving the material particles their charges. The electromagnetic energy that is inexorably trapped inside the longer-lived fluctuation is what allows a particle to continue to decay into other particles, and even back into their original forms: The Photons.

Even though at very low energies the weak nuclear force and the electromagnetic force can appear very different, at around 10^2 GeV they become unified as a single force. This alone links photon energy and matter decay, and highlights how the equation E=Mc^2 works as a whole.

In my theory, even though upon measuring, let’s a say a pion and we see a single particle very different to photons, it is actually still a photon being observed, but this photon is caught up in some type of mechanism that allows it to flux and contain a mass. As we have seen, I have linked this effect to the ZPF instead of the Higgs Mechanism – Note however, that this has been a well-known theory for a while.

Somehow, the weak force mediated with the distortions of space and time allows radiation to break free of their timeless existences, and take on being Bradyons, having to themselves effects of Inertia. The frequency freezing of the energy is directly proportional to the inertia of the system.

Decay processes required the existence of two other types of gauge bosons: W and Z bosons, and they, alongside the photon boson work the weak force unification. The W and Z bosons are about 100 times larger than the proton, and are called heavy-weight particles. However, unlike the photon, the W and Z bosons have a mass and is explained by the Higgs Mechanism. This again can be done away with. Instead of the Higgs Mechanism and Higgs Boson, if we say that the W and Z bosons have inertia, since they have a mass, we can also say that the ZPF gives them their innate physical properties.

In a Higgs Mechanism, at very high energies, there was four identical massless bosons and a scalar Higgs Field. But as temperatures decreased, there happened a phenomenon called ‘’spontaneous symmetry breaking,’’ by the so-called Higgs Mechanism. It’s created three massless Goldstone Bosons that are inexorably absorbed or eaten by three photon fields, giving the bosons mass. It is supposed to be the best idea formulated to explain why photons have are massless, whilst other particles are not. The fields as you might have guessed, became the W and Z bosons, whilst the fourth (since the W boson comes in flavor + and -), was the photon – the primal particle.

In short, there are ways to hypothesize that the inertial mass is a direct result from the electromagnetic force as a physical system moves through spacetime, causing disortions in the ZPF.



A ZPF-Mediated Cosmological Origin of Electron Inertia – Springerlink Book Chapter (Volume 126) -- Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, 4030 Braker Lane West, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78759, USA

Alfredo A. Barrera – It Is The Acceleration of Energy Within a Particle That Produces Mass and Consequently Gravity

John T. Nordberg – Grand Unification Theory; The Ball-of-Light Particle Model

P.A.M. Dirac, ‘Is There An Aether?,’ Nature, v.168, 1951, p.906.
(I'm sorry the equations do not display correctly here. If anyone wants a copy without distorted mathematical texts, i don't mind posting it to them via e-mail)>