My Theory About The Bible


Registered Senior Member
The bible was written by some crazy guy living in a cave, who wrote down all the fantasies in his head.

Anyone have any proof that it wasn't?

Didn't think so.:p
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Hey Increan, where have you been lately?

I have a similar thoery. What if it was just a story book written by some guy who wanted to entertain and with all the people being under Roman rule and looking for a 'Messiah', maybe they saw this story book as their guide.

Again, please Dis-prove this, cos you can't
The bible was written by some crazy guy living in a cave, who wrote down all the fantasies in his head.

Anyone have any proof that it wasn't?

The proof is endless. Hopefully that is a joke.
The Bible was not always the "Bible". Read up on Christian and Jewish History to meet the wonderful world of canonization. Some scholarly estimates say that the Bible was written over a 1,500 year time span.
Originally posted by ilgwamh
The Bible was not always the "Bible". Read up on Christian and Jewish History to meet the wonderful world of canonization. Some scholarly estimates say that the Bible was written over a 1,500 year time span.

Ok, so it was generations of crazy poeple in caves.:p
Originally posted by Increan
The bible was written by some crazy guy living in a cave, who wrote down all the fantasies in his head.

Anyone have any proof that it wasn't?

Didn't think so.:p

Hey Inrean, if you were from a place called "Increi", it seems to me the proper indigenous distinction would be:




To be "Increan" you would have to be from "Inrea"

Originally posted by Thor
What if it was just a story book written by some guy who wanted to entertain and with all the people being under Roman rule and looking for a 'Messiah', maybe they saw this story book as their guide.

Again, please Dis-prove this, cos you can't

The natural response to this would be:

Sure, but only after you successfully prove that it wasn't divinely inspired.

Re: Re: My Theory About The Bible

Originally posted by Ekimklaw

Hey Inrean, if you were from a place called "Increi", it seems to me the proper indigenous distinction would be:




To be "Increan" you would have to be from "Inrea"


Hey, it's my made-up world so it can be anyway I want it to be.
Originally posted by ilgwamh
Some scholarly estimates say that the Bible was written over a 1,500 year time span.

Exactly why we can't trust it. Over a period of 1,500 years, would things be generaly changed/edited/forgotten/imbellished/made up/inaccurately represented?

And is it not completely true that the story of 'jesus' was made up 50-100 years after the fact by three squabbling old men trying to remember? If even that accurate at all?
Find all the portions inspired by visions and voices: those are the paranoid schizophrenic verses. Find all the rediculous statements like the Earth being flooded and God and Satan making bets: those are the completely fabricated elements. Anything pertaining to Jesus and supernatural occurences: those are the elements created by the four primary storytellers to spice up his life.

Remove all these and account for some of the more metaphorical verses as exageration, and you will have something that is closer to the truth. The Jews were a slave people who moved into Africa (and in light of recent genetic evidence probably never left). Jesus was the product of a marital affair. He and 10-15 followers knocked over a money changers table and tried to run but was instead caught.
Hey BatM, only after you successfully prove that it was divinely inspired will I try to disprove it
Originally posted by Thor
Hey BatM, only after you successfully prove that it was divinely inspired will I try to disprove it

Not that I personally believe this, but... :)

  • God is omniscient
  • God is omnipotent
  • God is omnipresent

Ipso facto, the Bible was divinely inspired. :p

p.s. "Inspiration" is something different than "manipulation".
No one has still been able to prove that my theory is false.

All of you just started blabbing.:D
Where in your little ipso facto scenario do atheists fit. By defintion then the Bible would be no more divinely inspired than the tax code.

You can maintain anything you want about a god. All of that is classified as conjecture, no relevance. Proof is more than, "Because I say so."
Originally posted by Teg

Where in your little ipso facto scenario do atheists fit.

Ah, come on -- that should've been obvious.

Ipso facto, atheists are divinely inspired. :p

Proof is more than, "Because I say so."

Except when you're dealing with infinites at which point all things become possible (thus many religious beliefs in the face of logical contradiction).

Note, I got dragged into this because I was being cute and played "Devil's Advocate" to Thor's statement, not because I'm religiously inclined (which I'm not). ;)
Aye but why would a God that is supposed to have such a unified message for humanity take so many names and inspire so many asinine stories? How about all those stupid little rules? This one perverted God that all those who believe should be subject to such pointless worship activities.
Who is to say that God is not evil and perverse? That all those "do not boil a lamb in its mother's milk" laws are not just some weird practical joke, and the bastard is not sitting around laughing his arse off that people took it all so seriously!
Originally posted by Teg
Aye but why would a God that is supposed to have such a unified message for humanity take so many names and inspire so many asinine stories? How about all those stupid little rules? This one perverted God that all those who believe should be subject to such pointless worship activities.

Vanity? He/She/They are worshipped by everyone even if they don't know they are worshipping the same God.

Perhaps there is a unified philosophy that is yet to be discovered?