Pincho Paxton:
Pincho Paxton said:
JR said:
How is scale measured? What equipment do I use?
You would need my simulator to measure everything against an origin scale of 1.
A simulator is useless. Garbage in, garbage out.
All successful physical theories make numerical predictions that can then be experimentally tested. If the predictions of the theory match the measurements, then there's some chance that the theory is "right", or at least on the right track.
What kinds of real-world measurements can be done to test your theory? What numbers does you theory predict accurately? Can you give a few examples, and also post the mathematics of the relevant calculations?
For example, can your theory correctly predict something like the mass of an electron, or the force between two protons separated by a particular distance? If not, what can it predict that we can test?
How does scale "convert to time"?
1 + -1 = 0 is the first scale in our Universe. It is the only scale that doesn't have a paradox, so it must be used on Virtual particles. You take all other scales from this origin.
You didn't answer the question I asked. Please try again.
A bump of what?
What does the bump do?
How do these bumps affect time?
Please show me the mathematics that predicts the amount by which time slows down.
Must be simulated. I know the rules, but can't do them in my head.
What are the rules? Please list them.
I'm sure you have them all written down, so please post a copy. It's ok. I can cope with maths.
Please give an example of the release of small particles from a larger particle.
Virtual particles in a hole have a scale of -1. When they come out of the hole they have a scale of +1.
Again, you didn't answer the question I asked you.
For example, do protons release electrons? Do baseballs release quarks? Or what? Give me a practical example of what you're talking about.
What is an overlap hole? What does it overlap?
+1 overlaps - 1 to equal zero. The Universe must always equal zero.
Again, you didn't answer my question.
But in what sense must the universe be "equal to zero". What property of the universe is equal to zero?
Pincho Paxton said:
Gravity is space time as a liquid grain.
What is a liquid grain? Please explain.
When Gravity is forced into an atom hole it can't escape.
Isn't gravity a force? How can a force be forced into a hole?
It must scale down to escape.
Are you saying gravity is a particle? Because as I understand it from you, only particles have scale. Is that right?
When it scales to -1 a virtual particle of +1 can appear.
Gravity is then a negative number. Negative numbers can escape from a flow of positive numbers.
How can numbers flow?
This prevents the universe from creating energy increase.
Why is energy increase a problem?
Actually, can you explain what you understand "energy" to be for me? I'm worried that my usages of terms like "energy" and "gravity" are very different to yours. So, maybe you ought to give me a list of basic definitions of terms in your theory.
Nothing can move without free energy.
Why not?
What is free energy?
Because scale is relative a fundamental particle can be any scale.
What use is scale if fundamental particles can be any scale?
This gives you inflation, and time.
How. Please set out your reasoning for me from the first principles of your theory. How do you derive this conclusion?
It is free energy without a paradox. The scale UP causes a bump with another particle scaling UP. You get a free push.... TIME.
So these bumps that you can't explain without your simulator somehow cause pushes and those pushes turn somehow into time. Is that right?
Can you please show me the derivation of these conclusions?
How would we test these things?
My simulator will be almost perfect in all physics.
There's no way to confirm that other than by checking against nature - the real world out there.
When I say "test", I mean precisely "check the predictions of the theory against experimental results".
Is there anything in your theory that can be checked against experimental results involving actual numbers, and not just vague "bubbles" and stuff?
There is only one way to start the Universe +1 + -1 = 0. Because of this seed you get a fractal. The fractal should be so accurate that my simulator will look exactly how the Universe looked at time 0.
Please show me how you get a fractal from +1 + -1 = 0.
Show me your derivation.
What kind of fractal is it? What is its dimension?
What causes things to scale UP or DOWN?
+1 + -1 = 0 is an infinite rule.. +2 + -2 = 0, +3 + -3 = 0. Scaling up causes no change in zero state.
You didn't answer my question.
What is the physical cause of scaling up and down?
Does it even mean anything, seeing as fundamental particles can apparently have any scale you like?
Well, on the moon things fall at the same speed. So the outflow is even with Gravity.
Please show me how you derive this conclusion from your theory.
The outflow of what? Even in what way?
It creates a bow shock however in a velocity change.
Explain what it means to create a bow shock in a velocity change.
While you're at it, please explain to me what a "bow shock" is, and what a "velocity change" is. Thanks.
It's magnetism anyway, so use magnetism formulas.
What is magnetism anyway?
This is the first time you have mentioned magnetism in our conversation. How is magnetism explained by your theory? Please show me the derivation?
Science just has a mistake for magnetism calling it attraction. There is no attraction in the universe at all.
I have a fridge magnet which says otherwise. It attracts to my fridge just fine. How does your theory account for that?