My take on it all..



I have read most messages, not all, but most of them, and i have to say that to some i agree to, and to some i dont. Here is my little take on some of the things i have read.

First of all.. In the famous bible, especially the old testament, there are numerous referrings to what we can call Aliens.

" Got created man in his own image"

Well.. what does that sound like? If god is so perfect and know it all, why have he created a specie ( I am Norwegian, excuse my spelling) that can barely survive. We are on the brink of self destruction here, and if he " created us in his own image.. read it. I am quoting here) why are we as a global population that a big failure?

Another thing that i want to share with you, though i am not a Christian, i have read things in the bible that doesnt make any sence at all..

Adam and Eve were the first persons on the planet right? according to the bible, they are. They had 2 sons, Kain and Able, and they went to the city to find a wife.... Could someone explain that for me please???

And another thing.. If Adam and Eve were the first people on the planet, would not us, the Earthlings then have died out a long time ago.. due to inbreeding? From 2 people to, 6 billion.. After my calculations, we all should have died out a long time ago, or atleast look the same .

As for more information.. There are many scriptures from many religions that deal with Aliens, or Gods as i believe they saw them . If you can get your hands on some old Asian scriptures, Sumerian, and Babylonian "translations" on it , do read it.

From the more normal to the Crazy

Many people seem to think that the Greys are the bad guys.. that would be bad huh? Earth = McDonalds?

One thing many of us can agree on i think would be this.

Since there are so many books, and movies, and TV-shows about it all, something is happening around us. We cant put our finger on it, ( nor can we with what or who God is, but people still believe in him/she/it.. one point. The Bible is written by humans, not God himself).

Do i believe that we have contact with ET's ? Offcourse i do. but I really dont think that they want to come down here just yet, due to the fact that they are problaby several thousand years ahead of us in technolgy ( speculation) and since we humans only use about 10% of our brain, I believe that if they'd come down here, the general population would bring out every gun that exist to "rid the world of the menace" . well try to anyway :)

I have always believed that if ( which i believe they are) they are around us, they would be sitting in the libraries, and other educational facillities studying our history, to see how we perceive our own history from our point of wiew, which in turn teaches them more about us, and how we are " handled"

Remember that our own technology with spaceships and computers and all that, has been developed in a fragment of a second compared to how long we have been here on Earth, so i believe ( once again) that it would be too hard for us to cram the little knowledge we have of things into our head, and still demand that we are given " Encyclopedia Galatica".

Do you have a concept of how much social unrest that would cause? and what that would do to our " this is what i know ego centric" mind? It would tear this world apart. .that I am SURE of .

Well.. that was just a little anektote about what i believe, ( glad i got that out, so that guy can show me that party trick :)

Someone who can actually read between the lines in the bible. Religion fails to recognise that the only way to build a population from two people - Adam and Eve - is to commit incest, which means that religions all powerful creator condones this.
Also if the earth began six thousand years ago, as in the bible, how did the Sumerians write their scriptures, dated ten thousand years ago.
One other point on the bible. The word god is translated from the word Elohim which means 'they who come from the sky', so replace every god word with this when you are reading the book of the creator or should that be creators.
We are hybrids and the experiment has gone drastically wrong. Never mind they can always try it again on another planet.
You are right "Generalhurrss" so that means that those who believe in God, then also believe in aliens... tho they might not know it themselves :)

Also. if anyoneone of you have some information about the people of " Mu" i would like to hear from you. The Mu people as i understand it was a branch of the people of Atlantis, and i have heard that these could have lived several thousand years ago with a science and technology that would put ours to shame. I know archeolgists have found lamps( electrical ones) and batteries that still work today after being under the ground for several thousand years.

Sumerians, as we think today, are the first known civilization that formed communities, and buildt cities to prosper. Sumerians could have been mountain people that suddenly decided to band, and grow. Do anyone know if there is a civiliazation that might not be very familiar, but is dated before the time of Sumer, and Babylon ( which came after the Sumerians)?
Ok, guys, so men have done a hell of a job interpreting the Bible. Isn't it obvious that we would f it up, given what the Bible itself tells us about ourselves? And what is the deal with the incest? It sure beats Darwin's theory now doesn't it? The most important thing that I'm trying to point out is are giving credit for creation to aliens, and taking it away from God. Maybe God meant that angels, not frickin' aliens, created us, under his authority???? Anyway, be honest now...Don't you think that it's just a tad ironic that the Book of Revelations predicts the widespread acceptance of the very beliefs you're speaking of in the end times????? To me, it's much more than irony; it's prophecy.
And another thing...Excuuuuuuuuse me, but are you blaming God for man's inability to survive on this planet?????? You know, when God created this earth, and actually not all that long ago, all we would have had to do, besides worship God, raise our kids, and love each other, is walk out our front cave door, and pick a frickin' apple off of a tree. Dinner-time!!! But no, we had to do it OUR way, and in the name of the almighty dollar. Now we have a supply chain that's on the brink of extinction because our computer programmers of yore forgot what century they were in. Give me a break.
he he . excuse me for laughing, but it seems to me that you get a little angry here, but that is okay.. it showes me that you are devoted to this very subject, and that is a good thing.

But you really did not look that hard on the Kain and Able thing. where the went to the city finding a wife.. how can Adam and Eve then be the first persons on the planet. ?

You mentioned Angels.. what does that mean to you . What do you think Angels are? is it a concept, beeings? Explain that to me.

Have you ever considered God, and Aliens being the same thing? " Nephilim" I do think is a Sumerian word meaning Chariots in the sky, and the same thing would be UFO today.
The reason i ask you , is that i am trying to get into what you believe in, and what your belief is about it as in a whole picture.. I am a newbie here, but not planning to be.

One thing about the apple and the tree. If God created man in his own image,. wouldnt that mean that if was the one that was created, he would have done the same right? that was th point i was getting too.. so God cant be that perfect either,, and maybe that is the signal he is sending out there. .. Who knows..

And what would be so bad about knowing that Aliens created us? that we are part of something bigger than we ever can understand? To me.. Angels and Aliens are the same thing.. No one can define the word Angels, ,it is a little easier to define the word Aliens.

Yes i do believe that it is irony that my belief as many others are getting to be widespread, but is that a good thing or a bad thing..? I cant recall if it is written that it is.. Maybe that is also a signal that we are getting ready to get to know the story about it all. that is what i am feeling, but not until most of us are wiped out in the cleansing to come .. which we are on the doorstep of experiencing.

I understand that you are not feeling the same way about things that i do, and that is a good thing really. I am not blaming anyone . I just wanna shed some light on some things that I feel that i need some more input on.. I dont believe in God as many do. I have no respect for churces at all. My church is the nature, and God created the Nature as we see it, tho we screw it up, but he never buildt any churches, as did Jesus.. he tore down the temple .

For me God is an energy throughout the universe, and i believe that the God most religions believe in is Aliens, which themselves believe in the true God.

I cant remember where in the bible this is, but i firmly remember that God asked, was it Moses? to go and find Gold and Silver to him.. one question. .if he is the all creator.. why didnt he then slap his hands .. he could have made that in a second. .. Aliens.. would need the things more than God would have.

but that is just me..

Whip my a$$ if you want.. i still wanna argue.

Give something that last.. Give a damn. ..
Until i register.. find me at ICQ# 12269874 , or mail me @
You said it Lori.
The bible was written by prophets and should be looked upon in that sense, not as a religious belief.
Nostrodamus wrote the bible, HA HA!!!!!!
Prophets wrote the book because they were instructed by those who came from the sky, because they are our future the next chain of evolution or the next sequence to this genetic experiment.
All this about Gods, Aliens and whatever, I have to say doesn`t really interest me at all. If there is a God? what`s he gonna do for you not believing in him, kill you? Well your gonna die anyway. Aliens? Hocus pocus, modern day ghosts. I would ask you these questions. Are you gullible? It`s very simple, do you believe everything you read in a news paper that`s a day old? If you don`t then why believe everything in a book that`s 6000 years old. To me it doesn`t make sense?
Assuming of course your a Christian, what about Muslims, Hindus etc. Are mis-led, mis-informed or just gullible?

As I have said, none of this matters to me whatsoever. This planet was here six billion years before I arrived, it`s gonna be hear six billion years after I`m gone.

As long as the beer is cold while I`m around then that`s enough to keep me happy.
Hmm. Mike.

Well you did asume a lot of things, and no I am not a Christian at all, and i dont think i will ever be either. I just wanted to shed some light on the few things i know about the bible. am i gullable? maybe, do i believe all that is in a 1 day old newspaper.. offcourse not. I am a skeptic, and want to ask some questions.. and if you did the same, you might get some answers too. I handled Religion, and all the other stuff the same way as you do a while ago, but i found out that it might be worth it wasting some time asking some questions... who knows.. one day i might get the answer I am looking for.
H-kon......the Mu's you referred to from Atlantis may have been the Moullans.....a group of women and children who lived on the coast of Morocco before 10,000 b.c. Archaeologists uncovered their graves and found unusual stone tools and bones of animals buried with them.Their physical features were similar to 2 other Atlantean groups: The Gaunches of the Azores and the Berbers of northern Africa.

Eric Cooper
Thanks faerieshaman :)

DO you happen to know more about them? I forgot this thread. I hope it can be revivied :)