My strange intrepretation of Genesis


Registered Senior Member
I tried applying some twisted logic to Genesis some time ago, and here's what I've come up with.

Genesis 1:26

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness and et them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth

I took this to mean that God is biological, and has DNA just as we do. He may even be humanoid, but I don't really think so. Of course, this also means that God isn't a single "person" but an alien race. Gettin a bit bizarre, eh?

Now, I could quote more scripture but I think I won't. I would say that the serpent is a rebel ho wants humanity to be "wise", possibly interfering with their development or something.

This is just some strange science-fiction brainstorming that I came up with, but overall intelligent design has always seemed plausible to me, maybe more so than us evolving from the common ancestor, a bacteria. Is it possible that DNA is the programming language of God, and we are just beginning to decode it?
The only evidence against intelligent design will be when we can show how basic elements can in the right situation begin to form more complexity, eventually enough to begin copying itself. We've already started down this road. Whether discovered in the lab or elsewhere in the universe, that will be enough to question ID. Until then, one cannot disprove it anymore than one can disprove God exists, or unicorns for that matter.

But this doesn't at all imply the reverse, that ID is possible. Only that we don't have a stronger argument for abiogenesis, so either has equal validity.

The Raelians' theory is much like your thoughts...but it's only a theory, and lacks any evidence to back it up.
Originally posted by Jaxom
The Raelians' theory is much like your thoughts...but it's only a theory, and lacks any evidence to back it up.
A minor point:
  • The Raelians' speculation is much like your thoughts...but it's only a speculation, and lacks any evidence to back it up.
It doesn't really matter. Even if aliens were responsible for life on Earth that still does not explain the genesis of life in the Universe. You've only knocked the question back one step.

Jaxom: The main problem with the ID hypothesis is that it is based entirely upon a false dilemma. There is no evidence at all to support an argument for ID; it is based entirely upon the proposition that if Abiogenesis theories are wrong the only possible explanation must be ID.
