My Religion


The great sage and prophet of truth J.R.R. Tolkien leaves us with a testimony, an epistemology, for us.

And I quote from that great book of Revelation and Holy Scripture ‘Silmarillion’:
“There was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called IIlluvitar; and he made first the Ainur, the Holy Ones, that were the offspring of his thought, and they were with him before aught else was made. And he spoke to them, the propounding to them themes of music; and they sang before him, and he was glad.
But for a long time they sang each alone, or but few together, while the rest hearkened; for each comprehended only that part of the mind of Illuvitar from which he came, and in the understanding of their brethren they grew but slowly. Yet ever as they listened they came to deeper understanding, and increased in unison and harmony.” – p5 Ainulindale ‘Silmarillion’
The description of creation follows in our scripture of truth:
“But when they were come into the Void, Illuvitar said to them: ‘Behold your Music!’ And he showed them a vision, giving to them sight where before was only hearing; and they saw a new World made visible before them, and it was globed amid the Void.” – p6 Ainulindale ‘Silmarillion’
Hallelujah brothers and sisters, witness the word of our Lord and creator speaking through our prophet Tolkien.

Mordor, using science, attempts to hide from us our true origins.
Behold the coming of men.
“And so it was that as this vision of the World was played before them, the Ainur saw that it contained things which they had not thought. And they saw with amazement the coming of the Children of Illuvitar, and the habitation that was prepared for them; and they perceived that they themselves in the labor of their music had been busy with the preparation of this dwelling.” – p6 Ainulindale ‘Silmarillion’
Glory be to Illuvitar, the Almighty.
“Now the Children of Illuvitar are Elves, and Men, the First-born and the Followers. And amid all the splendors of the World, its vast halls and spaces, and its wheeling fires, Illuvitar chose a place for their habitation in the Deeps of Time and in the midst of the innumerable stars.” – p6 Ainulindale ‘Silmarillion’
Who can deny that the Word of God comes to us so directly and unequivocally from the mouth of our Lord and Creator Illuvitar?
Here is testimony of fact.
Millions read and follow these words. Their popularity only proves how factual they are.
A living, breathing, testimony of an epistemology of ontology.
Refer to those three great books of revelation, The Lord of the Rings, for further proof.

Whoever needs further instruction in the epistemology of the one and only faith should train him self in it.
He who cannot prove that this is fact and not fiction, as many evil infidels claim, only show how incapable they are of denying the TRUTH!
Recent anthropological finds prove how the truth is suppressed by the forces of Mordor who want us men to forget about our past, about the Hobbits and the Elves who crossed the sea.
The age of men has brought a resurgence of evil. We forget the efforts of God’s Will through Gandalf and the Fellowship of the Ring.

The tactics of the non-believers is known to me.
They would have us believe the World was created by accident out of nothing when Illuvitar confronts them with his words, which he whispered in the ear of that great holy prophet Tolkien.

Are there no dwarves today, living amongst us? No Hobbits? No Orcs?
Do we not meet Half-Elves daily who bear a striking resemblance to those missing links?
That men and Elves mated is written in scripture.

The Ents have died or hide now and our forest die with them.
The White Wizard has left us to fend for ourselves as growing darkness gathers over Mordor.
Will he return from the Island across the sea?
Where are the dead Kings; the Rohimir?
Where are the fabled Dragons sleeping on piles of gold? Has man made them extinct?

Is this all just a part of our imagination, as the non-believers will have us believe?
Does not the fact that we can think of such things only prove that they must exist or must have existed in the past? At least it proves that they are possible or probable.

Can anyone disprove them? Go ahead...try!

Does anyone have the epistemology to understand these words of truth?

Ha!!! Thought so.

Discuss. :bugeye:
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As the Divided God reminds us:

Your Lord knows very well what is in your heart. Your soul suffices this day as a reckoner against you. I need no witnesses. You do not listen to your soul, but instead to your anger and your rage.

REPENT, INFIDEL. Or dare you anger Shai-Hulud?!
Does anyone's religion, besides mine, have an epistemology?

Mine comes complete with a history, tradition, and testement.

Don’t waste my time with these fake religions.

The One and true God is mine!

Prove he is not, or admit that he is.
Satyr said:
Does anyone's religion, besides mine, have an epistemology?

Mine comes complete with a history, tradition, and testement.

Don’t waste my time with these fake religions.

The One and true God is mine!

Prove he is not, or admit that he is.

what does he do for you?

If you perceive him to be doing something, then for you he exists, unless you presume your preceived reality is shared by all?
Satyr said:
Does anyone's religion, besides mine, have an epistemology?

Mine comes complete with a history, tradition, and testement.

Don’t waste my time with these fake religions.

The One and true God is mine!

Prove he is not, or admit that he is.

It isn't even your religion, LOTR was inspired by Catholicism.
Does this god as any attributes ?

Give me at least 1 attribute about this god & i will deny it.

As i can see, your god is not a friendly god he's violent, therefore he's not the source of our morality. :p
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1.) God is an atheist.
2.) Atheists exist.
3.) So, God created atheists.
4.) Therefore, God wants atheists to exist.
5.) Therefore, God love atheists.
6.) Only atheists & rational peoples go to heaven.
Mythbuster said:
Does this god as any attributes ?

Give me at least 1 attribute about this god & i will deny it.

As i can see, your god is not a friendly god he's violent, therefore he's not the source of our morality. :p
You must be trained in the epistemology of LordoftheRingism before you can hope to understand it.

Buyt you avoid my challenge.
Prove that my God is not real or that Elves, Dwarves and Hobbits did not once exist in Middle-Earth, before the age of Men came and swept their remnants away, never existed.

If you cannot I can only continue believing in them.
Lightfantastic has inspired me with his hocus-pocus logic.

"Mine comes complete with a history, tradition, and testement."

My religion comes from a God who reigned as God-Emperor for 3,500 years and now exists as the pearl of awareness within the creatures which emerged from his flesh upon dissolution. Moreover, he -was- history, having within him the memories of all men and women who have ever lived.

And I even need to speak of the findings at Dars-es-Balat?

"Let there be no doubts that I am the assemblage of our ancestors, the arena in which they exercise my moments. They are my cells and I am their body. This is the favrashi of which I speak, the soul, the collective unconscious, the source of archetypes, the repository of all trauma and joy. I am the choice of their awakening. My samhadi is their samhadi. Their experiences are mine! Their knowledge distilled is my inheritance. Those billions are my one."