My Psychic Reading of 2007


Valued Senior Member
I asked a psychic this (and had to pay 10 dollars for it)

I'm going to make this rather long even though my question is only a short one. Perhaps it will help you sense something more than just writing the question alone.

My names Sam, I'm 26 now and have never dated anyone. I really have only had 2 woman I was interested in (or that gave me the time of day). 1 of them was Carmen, another was Terrica, both of them never worked out (for various reasons). I never got to go on dates with either of these 2 females, of course that was somewhat depressing for me.

Recently I've seen a new girl I'm attracted to, I managed to get a talk in with her while she was outside smoking (alone). Her name is Jana... now don't ask me why but I really do like this girl, the only thing is she doesn't even say hi or notice I exist. Every time I see her now she'll be outside smoking with her coworkers, that basically makes speaking to her alone impossible!

Part of me wonders, I'm attracted to her, but is there any real reason? Is it because she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen? She certainly seems shy and one of her coworkers did say that she was... the problem is I am also shy :-( Oh Dickie I really want to get to know this girl and date her, to see her regularly.. I don't even know if I have anything to offer the poor thing. So what the hell is the point?! I watch her all day long go outside to smoke, she never seems to see me, I just don't get it. If there's no reason I like her then what the hell am I noticing her for anymore... why doesn't it just stop...!

I think either 2 things are going on, 1. I notice her because it's fate and I was meant to 2. I just notice her because I'm a guy... what do you think about that? Pretty depressing...

I've no idea if she has a boyfriend, etc.. I do know that when I look into myself and think hard about this girl (Jana) I sense something, something very strong and spiritual, like I should go after her and stuff. I don't wanna bother this woman though, and honestly with her not even noticing me when I'm so nearby the doorway it kinda gives the impression she could care less.

If I ignore her it makes me feel bad, if I try talking to her I feel I want more, so what's the truth? Am I fooling myself?

The overall thing I'd like to know from you is this... should I seek Jana's affection or let it go because she's uninterested... if so when do I meet a girl that will actually pay attention to me?


When she replies I'll post it here, then you can all comment on her responce.
Well technically this woman was right, I mean she didn't say anything that would be construed as utterly wrong. The thing I'm trying to get her on is the previous prediction, in it she mentioned the possiblity I'd meet a female next year for mating purposes, though she did say emphatically I won't get laid until that time... so let's see if she remembers or senses what she did last time, lol
Holy shit that was fast!

A girl will be put on your path. At first you don’t think that you are interested but then after a while you find yourself in love with this person. You will not be afraid to talk to her; in fact it will feel really natural like a younger sister or a family member. I wouldn’t try to go after a woman that you are afraid to approach especially if she has given you a cold shoulder. There is a part of you that is picking up on a danger signal and you need to listen to it. If you don’t feel comfortable about approaching someone then you are sensing something that is not good. This is not all about your being shy. You are more aware than you know. Be patient! You will eventually get what you want. Dickie
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Damn dude, take it easy. Don't pay for any more psychic readings. Was the psychic responsible for your expression of desire to "find a female for mating purposes"? As far as the girl Jana is concerned, I can't help you. Don't feel bad for wanting to fuck her or talk to her or whatever you feel when you see her. Just respect her and it should be okay.
Dickie said:
A girl will be put on your path.

Pretty god damn freakin general

Dickie said:
At first you don’t think that you are interested but then after a while you find yourself in love with this person.

Are you kidding? I luV every girl I see walking through the door only I do it with my eyes + brain + little brain :C~

Dickie said:
You will not be afraid to talk to her; in fact it will feel really natural like a younger sister or a family member.

So basically I'll fuck my own sister aka incest.

Dickie said:
I wouldn’t try to go after a woman that you are afraid to approach especially if she has given you a cold shoulder.

I didn't say she gave me the cold shoulder, just that she ignores me :C~ Maybe she thinks I ignore her?!

Dickie said:
There is a part of you that is picking up on a danger signal and you need to listen to it.

The only danger is from her beauty, which just happens to be stunning.

Dickie said:
If you don’t feel comfortable about approaching someone then you are sensing something that is not good.

Alright I'll bite this one

Dickie said:
This is not all about your being shy. You are more aware than you know. Be patient! You will eventually get what you want.

Alright I'll bite this one again, it's not all about my shyness, hell I did talk to her already for like 10 minutes, that was until her coworker came out.

I am aware this is true.... eventually? Didn't I ask you when!