My problem with the Christian religion


Registered Senior Member
My biggest problem with Christian ideology is that "God" supposedly loves everyone. Only about 1/3 of the world's population are of Christian orientation, which means there are surely areas of the globe where there is a complete absence of Christian influence. Well if the bible is to be believed, only those people who believe in Jesus being the son of "God" will go to Heaven. To me this means that "God", who knows everything is automatically condemning certain people to Hell simply because they are born into an area or social situation where they will never be led to believe that Jesus is the son of "God". Does that sound like love to anyone else? In my opinion, this in and of itself is enough to discount the entire Christian ideology Also sorry if this has been discussed in the past, I am new to the forums and have yet to read through all the archived messages.
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"belief" here needs to be defined. We have Jesus within
us or knocking outside our doors so to speak. Everyone of us. If we let him inside our hearts then we are able to do good through him. Non-christians are also able to do good, but they do not reconize that the goodness in their heart is Jesus. Belief also does not mean just believing that Jesus exist. Even the demons know that Jesus exists, however only those who do the will of God recieve eternal life. Also there is another passage where Jesus says that the servent who commits sin unknowingly will only get a light beating. I believe in purgatory where if someone is not perfected in Christ, most christians and non-christians, they will have to be purified before their soul goes to heaven.
I am speaking of the type of belief in Romans 10:9 that says this:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

And then Romans 10:10 says this:

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

Well, am I imagining this or does that go to say you must confess by word of mouth your beliefs or you will not be saved? Well if that is the case then anyone who doesn't hold those beliefs will NOT be saved and hence will go to Hell, and as I said before that means this "God" that loves everyone and knows everything is automatically condemning people by having them be born into a certain part of the world. That is the sickest thing I have ever heard.
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Well, am I imagining this or does that go to say you must confess by word of mouth your beliefs or you will not be saved? Well if that is the case then anyone who doesn't hold those beliefs will NOT be saved and hence will go to Hell, and as I said before that means this "God" that loves everyone and knows everything is automatically condemning people by having them be born into a certain part of the world. That is the sickest thing I have ever heard.
No. If you confess only with your mouth then you are only doing lip service to God. Also this is only an if statement. It is not a if and only if. By confessing that Jesus is Lord then any sin would be against my confession. If Jesus is Lord in our hearts then we have to do good. Jesus says also that the two commandments to have eternal life are "love your God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself". Anyone who obeys these two commandments has eternal life and Jesus is their lord.
John 2:3 "The way we may be sure that we know him is to keep his commandments. Whoever says, "I know him," but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever keeps his word, the love of God is truly perfected in him. This is the way we may know that we are in union with him: whoever claims to abide in him ought to live just as he lived."
We can be certain that Jesus will judge fair.

Luke 12:47 "That servant who knew his master's will but did not make preparations nor act in accord with his will shall be beaten severely; and the servant who was ignorant of his master's will but acted in a way deserving of a severe beating shall be beaten only lightly. Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more." So if your truely ignorant of what is a sin or not but still commit the sin then you can be expected to beaten lightly.
I do not consider a light beating in hell so this is a referance to purgatory.
One thing we must not overlook, is that God is the final arbiter on who enters heaven, and can grant grace to anyone. Also we must remember that God is God, and man is mortal, with a finite intellect and understanding.

Originally posted by okinrus
Jesus says also that the two commandments to have eternal life are "love your God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself". Anyone who obeys these two commandments has eternal life and Jesus is their lord.

So what you are saying is: that no matter what someone believes, if they follow those 2 commandments then they get to enter heaven? If that is the case, what exactly was the point in Jesus ever coming to earth to die for everyone? That makes absolutely no sense. Either you are required to believe in what he did or the entire Christian ideology is worthless. If there is no point in having to believe in Jesus as a personal lord then there was no point in there ever being a Jesus at all, therefore making Christianity worthless.
Yes. Follow those two commandments. There is one more that Jesus gives "Love others as I have loved you". This is the main point: that Jesus followed those two commandments and that we can use his life along with the old testament to follow them. Man cannot be convinced of God's love for him and the conquering of evil without seeing it. So to do this, Jesus our Lord died for us and was resurrected. By following these two commandments our heart and actions proclaim that Jesus is Lord.
Let me ask you this....

What makes you think Jesus came here to die? Let's say, for agument's sake, that Jesus existed. What on earth makes you think that he came here to die? Did he not say, while on the cross, "Why have you forsaken me?"

Was it not Judas who turned him in before he was taken into custody? It's not like he turned himself in.

And on top of that, since when does his death grant us eternal life? How did we jump to this conclusion? History tells us that NOBODY cared that Jesus died at the time, and it was about 300 years before Christianity became a large following. And it was only becuase a Roman emperor deeply entrenched in a war decided that "Jesus is Lord" did Christianity survive at all. And boy, how convienient it was that he had this epiphany just when he needed the political backing from the Christians. Hmm..

And another thing I have to ask, is why all this God stuff takes place in the Middle East? Science tells us that the first human wasn't born in the Middle East; she was born in Africa. Why doesn't the Bible take place there? Why doesn't it show God coming to the Americas? Why didn't God put a flannel jacket on his son and send him to Canada, eh?

What about how God is supposed to smote anyone who opposes him, yet the Christians were defeated in the Middle East by the Muslims? Why would God allow that? Following your logic, then that would mean God was on the side of the Muslims, right? Answer that question, please.

What makes you think Jesus came here to die? Let's say, for agument's sake, that Jesus existed. What on earth makes you think that he came here to die? Did he not say, while on the cross, "Why have you forsaken me?"
He's quoting from psalm 22. Several lines make sense here
I see this as the expression of complete abandonment that Jesus felt. Some verses from pslam 22:

"My God, my God, why have you abandoned/forsaken me?"
""But I am a worm, hardly human, scorned by everyone, despised by the people. All who see me mock me; they curl their lips and jeer; they shake their heads at me: 'You relied on the Lord--let him deliver you; if he loves you, let him rescue you."...
"Like water my life drains away; all my bones grow soft. My heart has become like wax, it melts away within me. As dry as a potsherd is my throat; my tongue sticks to my palate; you lay me in the dust of death. Many dogs sorround me; a pack of evildoers closes in on me,. So wasted are my hands and feet that I can count all my bones. They stare at me and gloat; they divide my garments among them; for my clothig they cast lots"...

Was it not Judas who turned him in before he was taken into custody? It's not like he turned himself in.
Judas turned in Jesus but at the same time the Father and Jesus allowed this to happen.

And on top of that, since when does his death grant us eternal life? How did we jump to this conclusion? History tells us that NOBODY cared that Jesus died at the time, and it was about 300 years before Christianity became a large following. And it was only becuase a Roman emperor deeply entrenched in a war decided that "Jesus is Lord" did Christianity survive at all. And boy, how convienient it was that he had this epiphany just when he needed the political backing from the Christians. Hmm..
Christianity would have surived just as it surrived Nero.

And another thing I have to ask, is why all this God stuff takes place in the Middle East? Science tells us that the first human wasn't born in the Middle East; she was born in Africa. Why doesn't the Bible take place there? Why doesn't it show God coming to the Americas? Why didn't God put a flannel jacket on his son and send him to Canada, eh?
Desert, Mountains, Sea... Anyways by Abraham's faith, the Jews became the chosen people. The son came to regather the lost sheep of Israel.

What about how God is supposed to smote anyone who opposes him, yet the Christians were defeated in the Middle East by the Muslims? Why would God allow that? Following your logic, then that would mean God was on the side of the Muslims, right? Answer that question, please.
Most of the blame could be said of the inability of christians to convert the pagans living there by 800AD. Another problem was the amount of herecies that flourished. Even in Muhammad's writing we see the inaccurate description of christianity based on these herecies. Jesus came to smote Satan's head. "For you shall smote his head, and he will strike at your heel". The battle is a spiritual one.

(Luke 9:52 KJV) "And sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him."

(Luke 9:53 KJV) "And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem."

(Luke 9:54 KJV) "And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?"

(Luke 9:55 KJV) "But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of."

(Luke 9:56 KJV) "For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village."
X-tianity Files

X-tianity is a false religion. There have been many truths revealed, and we will see its fall in our lifetime. The Bible has many untruths, misinterpretations, prevaricators and lies. X-tianity is the biggest cover-up of the human race (except maybe for what happened to the Neanderthals). Jesus (Yeshua) himself did not believe he was the Messiah. There is no proof that Jesus died on the cross. That was a mythology that was created by the Bible writers. In fact, we don't even know who they REALLY were! The crucifixion of Jesus was historically impossible according to Jewish law. Even if there was one symbolically, there were two men who are interchangeable: Jesus, Son of God and Bar-Abbas (Son of the Father).They let Bar-Abbas go, remember? Bar-Abbas (Jesus) sailed to the South of France with his wife, Mary Magdalene, their three children, and Mary's uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, and lived happily ever after. I believe Jesus did go to India and that he accepted Buddhist thought. That's why he always preached about peace and loving your fellow man. Mary Magdalene is also a code name,just like Bar-Abbas is for Jesus. Joseph is a title as is Miriam and Martha. These were people of high stature in the Aramic-speaking world. These were also Egyptian royalty. Mary Magdalene means "Rebel from the Tower." Miriam meant 'rebellious woman.' So that makes the Virgin Mary a rebel with a cause. Besides, 'virgin' is translated as 'young woman' or 'alma'. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with her sexuality (or lack of)! In fact, Jewish law REQUIRED espoused couples to have sex. Furthermore, Jesus was a Rabbi, and Jewish law REQUIRED Rabbi's to be married and have children. If anything, Paul created X-tianity out of his greed to sell amulets with Jesus on them as curative devices. We may see in our time that Paul is the Anti-Christ, but I believe the truth will be shown that X-tianity, itself, is the Anti-X. I believe it will be in our time. When you hear about the 'end times coming soon' it will be the end of X-tianity. Then what will all the 'born-again' and 'saved' X-tians do when they find out their savior was a regular guy married with children who lived happily ever after in the South of France?
Originally posted by okinrus
"belief" here needs to be defined. We have Jesus within
us or knocking outside our doors so to speak. Everyone of us. If we let him inside our hearts then we are able to do good through him. Non-christians are also able to do good, but they do not reconize that the goodness in their heart is Jesus. Belief also does not mean just believing that Jesus exist. Even the demons know that Jesus exists, however only those who do the will of God recieve eternal life. Also there is another passage where Jesus says that the servent who commits sin unknowingly will only get a light beating. I believe in purgatory where if someone is not perfected in Christ, most christians and non-christians, they will have to be purified before their soul goes to heaven.
I wish you could find god instead of just talking to him.
You cannot find God by yourself. Jesus says "there will be people who will say 'there he is' but do not follow them the kingdom of God is among/within you."

The phrase "The kingdom of God is within you" means - exactly what you say it doesn't - that the only way to find God is by yourself.
Following religious doctrines is not necessary.
The phrase "The kingdom of God is within you" means - exactly what you say it doesn't - that the only way to find God is by yourself.
Following religious doctrines is not necessary.
Well following religious doctrins like the Pharisees is not necessary, even harmful. You should read and learn, while at the same time knowing that God is your only Teacher.