My practice


Registered Senior Member
This is my first post under this name, I actually use to be a veteran of this website a few years ago as a teenager but that doesn't really matter.

The point of my thread is that I noticed I get better a things without practice, especially video games. More specifically (but not limited to) is the game "Guitar Hero II" which a friend of my owns. Every time we play I'm able to beat him and my previous high score and he's convinced that I either own the game or that I practice on the side. The truth is every time I've played has been with him. Recently I haven't played the game for a good 2 months and came back beating some of my high scores by over 50,000 points on expert (some over 80k).

This is just an example but it still applies to other games and aspects of my life such as sports and the piano. At this point my friends believe I practice all the time when I really don't at all. Can anybody explain why I seem to be a natural at everything??
I'd rather doubt that your not because not many people would come to a place and tell everyone how great they are at stuff.
I'd rather doubt that your not because not many people would come to a place and tell everyone how great they are at stuff.

Not unless they were looking for an answer...the only reason I came here is because I use to post here frequently, but back then I guess the people were a little more friendly.

It sounds like to me you don't have an answer so your only explanation is that I'm lying. That's fine, just do me a favor and keep out of the thread since your doing nothing productive :).

I do wish I could prove it to you, but I wouldn't know how. But I'm not going to argue with you, you seem aggressively stubborn.
Not unless they were looking for an answer...

You are looking only to try to impress others with your so called"natural ability", that's just plain showing off to me. I'm not trying to get you angry just letting you know how you seem to be coming off with me. Hey, look at what I can do, but why. See what I mean yet? :shrug:
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You are looking only to try to impress others with your so called"natural ability", that's just plain showing off to me. I'm not trying to get you angry just letting you know how you seem to be coming off with me. Hey, look at what I can do, but why. See what I mean yet? :shrug:

Ok ok...well I'm not trying to impress anyone, especially over the internet to people who's opinion really means nothing to me. I can see why you would think that but I really don't know how to word it better... you can imagine how hard it is convincing my friends of the same thing, at this point I just let them believe I'm an overachiever, it doesn't bother me.

I would still like an answer though, so can we look at it hypothetically? What if someone is able to get better at a number of things without any practice? What would that mean? (or are you too convinced Im bragging to help now?)

To the others:

Haha, no I'm not a hit with the chicks but I'm happy with what I got, thanks for the concern :p. I used guitar hero 2 as an example because progress is tracked easily through the high score, I can give you other examples but I don't think that's the problem.
:shrug: is that really suppose to be a shrug? lmao I thought he was drilling something in his head....

But really if its this much of a problem I'll just go to another forums. Arguing about it is pointless its gonna get me no where and its just wasting both our time. :m:
I would still like an answer though, so can we look at it hypothetically? What if someone is able to get better at a number of things without any practice?

It would depend on what those abilities were. If you could play sports better, run faster, jump higher that would be a good thing if you were wanting to become a jock. Playing games on the internet or X-Box or whatever isn't really something that most people would consider a real accomplishment. Get straight A's in your schooling or graduate with honors would be a much better thing to do. Your priorities seem to be placed in the wrong fields to try to make something out of yourself in life. Perhaps those kids around you may think your great but your talents aren't going to land you a good job anywhere. :)
lol well I don't consider it an accomplishment at all. Being skilled at video games is about as good as a used condom. I am making something out of my life, but that isn't the point of this topic.

Like lets take the piano. I began teaching myself the blues scale and I was horrible, unable to make it sound right or smooth and generally butchered it. I haven't played the piano for a good 2 weeks due to finals but when I returned, I might as well have been practicing the whole time. It clicked in my head and I was able to move on to something more advanced. Its like I got better, even though I haven't touched the keyboard since the first time. This seems to be the case for a number of activities and its weirding me out because its becoming more blatant in the things I do.
I haven't played the piano for a good 2 weeks due to finals but when I returned, I might as well have been practicing the whole time. It clicked in my head and I was able to move on to something more advanced. Its like I got better, even though I haven't touched the keyboard since the first time.

That doesn't seem probable, sorry. :rolleyes:
There's a thing called psycho-cybernetics whereby your brain and nervous system don't differentiate between actually performing a task and doing it in your mind.
Your brain could well be practising these tasks without you being aware of it and your body improves accordingly.

Tests have been done on this phenomena, it works.

For example, if you practice shooting hoops everyday for a week, you'll improve. If you imagine yourself shooting hoops ( same mental practice periods) for a week, you'll also improve without even having touched a ball.

Good sports psychologists are well aware of this.
Golfers will pre-visualise a shot before playing it, same thing.

You're lucky that your brain does this without having to commit any conscious effort to it.

How far can you go with this?
A bit of modesty goes far, and is an attribute lost to many round here, who find great pleasure to enlighten or boast about their own achievments.