My own personal theory about aliens.


Registered Member
I believe that we are descendants of aliens. I think that the neanderthals and the like were wiped out by us or possibly "absorbed". That is why there is no missing link. The Bible tells in the first few verses about God coming here and creating Earth and "Man", it says he changed the Earth from a dark and void place, covered in water, to the green and life supporting Earth we now know. I just don't swallow the theory that God just is. I mean nothing just is. Everything comes from somewhere. God didn't just float around in space. He had to have transportation. In Genisis God says "us" or "we" several times , so he didn't come alone. He is not here now, so he had to have went back to where he came from. I don't believe that God is dead either. I believe He is a greatly advanced being from another world, thousands if not millions of light years away. I also believe that we are not the first advanced "Humans" to have ever lived on this planet. The ancient Egyptians were very technologically superior to us. They didn't leave the Earth or anything like that . It is just that over the millenia they were in so many wars and had so many different rulers that they eventually lost the technology they had. It has happened many times here on Earth and it will happen again. People say that science and God don't add up, but I believe that God is the greatest scientist of all. He created the universe. Show me a lab that can do that. It is no telling where He came from . Even if He is just a superior being from another dimension or what-ever, He is still a God to us.
I disagree with the theory that the ancient Egyptians were technologically superior to us. I think they were more technologically advanced than we give them credit for, but I don't believe they were superior. We suffered a set-back during the Dark Ages. A lot of ancient knowledge was lost, and that gives us the illusion of these societies that seem to just manifest huge architectural creations without any apparent mechanics. We have regained a lot of that knowledge, or else we have found diferent ways of doing the same things. Our knowledge of their world is severely limited, however, and how they did it may always remain a mystery.

I have, however, been fascinated by the idea that Cro-Magnon man was a genetic alteration brought about by artificial methods, using the Neanderthal as a base model. Homo Erectus could have been a further tweak of the genes, or else a natural evolutionary result of the initial tweak.
Nola30 : There is a HUGE difference between theory and BELIEF. That was your personal belief system, not theory.

Oxygen: Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons are both Homo Sapiens. Therefore any possible tweak to Neanderthal DNA would have no effect on Homo Erectus, who preceded before Homo Sapiens.
Hudson-Maybe I used the wrong words. I was thinking about the differences between Homo Erectus (Upright Man) and Homo Sapiens (Thinking Man), which is to say between "traditional" cavemen and modern man. Although I find the idea of an artificial tweak fascinating, I also believe that dietary changes due to a shifting environment could account for the changes that took place, especially in the brain cases.
Is it true that human bones were found next to Dinosaur bones? I thought I saw in the TLC channel - I could be wrong. There is a growing thought that (I think after the MARS movie) 65 million years ago MARS was habitable with life like us. A large astoroid shower caused life to be extint in MARS and you know what to dinisaurs.

If human type life existed on Mars or Earth 65 million years or before, how does that affect present thinking on our evolution?

Can machines last that many years with the present technology?

(We need a spell checker in this web based posting system)
(We need a spell checker in this web based posting system)

Silly me. I actually learned how to spell.

Just letting my inner-english teacher run rampant. Nothing personal. I screw up quite a bit myself. I guess as long as we know what you're saying, it doesn't matter how you spell it here. We'll ask for clarification if we don't get it.

I don't believe that humans as we know them lived before the ice-age. There would have been smaller mammals of some sort that adapted then evolved, but I don't think "Fred Flintstone" would have actually owned a "Dino", if you know what I mean.
A genetic tweak is lacking a reson, why "tweak" our genetics?? Also if the egiptians were more advanced then we are where is the technology? No machens, no robots, no advanced transportation?

Just asking.

If the theory does not fit reality then reality MUST be changed.
My view on god is like the guy at the top of this list says exept that these so-called gods didnt create life.I think there is a creator or creative force that travels in a straight line spitting out matter,be it planets,stars and other organic and non organic life.It is a nutral force,not knowing negitive or positive.If it could experiance life as we know it,it would only be by our knowlage after death when who we are,our spirit returned back to that creative force.This force of creation does not turn around to admire its creation like(oh,look at that pretty shiney blue planet i just made.mmm i think i will stick around awhile and mess with the lives of these creatures)but a god,like the one in the bible does mess with man,like we were toys for his amusement.(are they gods or aliens?)who knows for sure.Imagine the big bang.Something real big going boom and throwing stuff,matter,everywhere and imagine all life everywhere coming out of that stuff!!...scientist have found this month a black hole in our galaxey,they say its pulling everything toward it really fast.Maybe this is where all the life energy goes when phyisical matter dies,a one way ticket back to that creative force.