My opinion: post:with religion we have infected our own evolutionary process


Registered Member

Ok I've been reading this post, and I do agree with that fear thing. But what strikes the title…damn... with religion we have infected our own evolutionary I truly disagree with me religion is only temporary...its part of our evolution...and it helped us to achieve what we are now. In order to understand the relation religion-people...we must now why did this religion-fairytale existed in the first place. In context with people control: religion was needed...yes, but in the past(how can u prevent the anarchy, with uneducated ppl...who can't understand the principles of law? equal opportunity?....only by fear...or would I say, by biggest fear that humans have...fear of death or nonexistence),ppl needed to be controlled. but why the hell do we need it now. It helped us...get into the level...that we don't need it any more. Now it's retarding us...
I see the religion as big womb, which is closing on us....and we(some of us are not still aware)... are ignoring the natural instinct to get out of it...damn...wake up ppl...we need to get birth, we don't need the womb any more. we are capable to breathe.
So. I will compare the religion with the Santa clause syndrome...present in young children. So if child's behavior is will receive a present...well yeah, most of the ppl are children awaiting for the gift (salvation, eternal life) whatever...from the god...its the only definition for the religion is closed-eyes-syndrome. and yes the word syndrome is needed...coz...u r being told to believe in something. it isn't something you already know at your birth.
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