My opinion on abortion

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I wanted to put this out there and try to make a coherent post.

Just to experiment so stick with me.

The abortion issue is what is considered an issue.. It might even be an issue. I dunno.. But my idea is that it is ok to abort the baby.

Take this example for example.

What is it like when you have an abortion, and when you relate having an abortion to "something else"... "I don't know if I want to have an abortion or not I don't want to kill an innocent life." ok well take this example "I don't know if I should shoot the dog it is very innocent and although it is sick it is about to die, poor thing."

It seems well enough that it is almost a ritual where someone goes about doing away with something that they do not need or do not desire to "have"....... do you see what I mean??

By this then I declare that abortions are agreeable, and even necessary, given the fact that if someone were to not desire to have a child, it would allow that person the ability to choose if they want to get rid of something they don't want or need. Like a crisis situation where in the person can choose to get rid of something unnecessary to them at the time, when all it is, is a not even life, it is so not killing anything. Someone to say that killing it is taking a life is almost cruel, and over protective in my opinion to the extreme.

It is politicial to the ends that the current politics play in its favor (this meaning of course that the current politics are not exactly agreeable).

I do not like to not be able to have an abortion, and the fact that they are accepted currently is entirely just.

Do you disagree?
I say let the people kill as many fetuses as they desire. I honestly don't care any more for an unconscious fetus then I do a single-celled organism.

with your logic a mother should be able to kill her 5 year old kid simply because she does not feel like having it anymore.

the issue with abortion is not whether or not a mother wants to get rid of a child (even though thats what abortion is), the actual debate is usually focused at whether or not an embrio is considered to be alive, and if so aborting it essentially means to kill another human being.
with your logic a mother should be able to kill her 5 year old kid simply because she does not feel like having it anymore.

the issue with abortion is not whether or not a mother wants to get rid of a child (even though thats what abortion is), the actual debate is usually focused at whether or not an embrio is considered to be alive, and if so aborting it essentially means to kill another human being.

?? Right?...

Anyhow. It's my belief that the thing in the stomach is similar to a dog. It is not really alive yet or is it? And if it is that means only that it is not very much alive and deserves very little attention. It is not a crule and "unjust" thing.....
Actually that dog has more feelings and consciousness then the fetus.

Exactly my point.
And it is a common event to dispose of something that does not deserve to live in our point in life at that time. The dog was only an example as I could not word it better (I have a few issues with language, I will even say that).
I take back my first sentence, I misread your post.

Like a crisis situation where in the person can choose to get rid of something unnecessary to them at the time, when all it is, is a not even life, it is so not killing anything.

But still, the issue with abortion is that not everyone shares your view that an embryo is like a dog. Some people see it as much of a human being as you and I.

Whether or not an embryo is alive is pretty much at the center of the abortion debate.

Also, women cannot get abortions past a certain pregnancy stage, at which point the more developped embryo is considered more "alive".

There are facts thrown on both sides, it really comes down to personal choice of belief.
The person who makes the decision is the one who must live with that decision for the rest of their lives.
There are facts thrown on both sides, it really comes down to personal choice of belief.

No there aren't. There are facts thrown on one side, which is the side of making sure a woman has the right to choose. That embryo, as we know, at the legal abortion stages, is no more aware of its surroundings than the tree in your front yard. Less so, even. It should never come down to personal belief when it comes to legality of the issue. Your faith has no place in the law books, pal.
Very few people think that abortion is a good idea, many just believe that sometimes it is necessary.

You have to ask yourself, what is worth more - the welfare of a life or the potential welfare of a potential life. The life of a little raped girl (perhaps by her father) or the 'life' of what is still a part of her body?
I believe that it is logical and irrefutable that there should be a limit to how old the fetus is when aborted. With this law in place, I really don't see what the problem is.
i ahve to ask, most of us here disagree with abortion, but to those who agree on it, would you kill your new born, or your toddler, or your pre teen if they were ill?

for example if your child was born with a cleft lip and because it wasnt perfect would you want it dead?
I have to tell you guys I couldn't really explain exactly how I felt about this issue but I feel I have explained well enough. The reason I say that is because I am in bad health and having this be my "actual opinion" would seem a little judgemental. Sorry I had to cover my ass a bit hehe.
No there aren't. There are facts thrown on one side, which is the side of making sure a woman has the right to choose. That embryo, as we know, at the legal abortion stages, is no more aware of its surroundings than the tree in your front yard. Less so, even. It should never come down to personal belief when it comes to legality of the issue. Your faith has no place in the law books, pal.

Good job presenting YOUR PERSONAL POINT OF VIEW, now lets bring a conservative here who will say the exact opposite.

You see, I share the same view you do on abortion - however some people do not. The only difference between you and me is that you can't accept the fact that people can have different beliefs, pal.
i ahve to ask, most of us here disagree with abortion, but to those who agree on it, would you kill your new born, or your toddler, or your pre teen if they were ill?

for example if your child was born with a cleft lip and because it wasnt perfect would you want it dead?

Your point is nothing but a half-baked idea and a misunderstanding of the matter in hand. You chose a cleft lip as an example because you know it poses none of the intense strain on a parent that is more often associated with conditions like Downs Syndrome. How on earth is that relevant to the debate?
Someone who is pro-choice does not advocate abortion for anything less than perfection. They simply accept that there are some situations in this world where it may be necessary. In fact, pro-choicers would love just as much as you would for a perfect world where abortion is not needed. However, this is no fairy-tale and rape, incest, poverty and severe disability in both parent and child exist.

I don't think, and neither do most others, that it is necessary to destroy an impaired foetus just because the child that grows from it may be disabled. However that is one scenario out of many, so blankets are not helpful.

So allow me to answer your question with a question - would you forbid your underage daughter from aborting a child that was the product of an incestuous and brutal rape? A child that could quite probably damage her physical and mental health even further?
Or do you abhor abortion so much that you would rather she lives with a child she doesn't want for the rest of her life?