My new column by Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez published in NadaNegativo.



Published in NadaNegativo my new invention:

The theme published is called: "Un aficionado a la física escribe letras de canciones buscando un cantante que le de voz y sonido"

I hope you like it, which I invented.

Very affectionately,
Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez
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I'm assuming you're talking about your claim that there's a field around the candle flame that you can manipulate. I don't see any movement, and you don't eliminate your affecting the air that is being drawn up to the flame from the opening. If there was any movement, the resolution of the video isn't all that great.

So, no new physics needed.

You ought to provide more than a generic link or at least a quote from an article if you have something you want to discuss.
It looks like they were making fun of you, Victor.

Edit to add: Did you forget that you already posted this once?
It looks like they were making fun of you, Victor.

They not make fun of Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez! He invent space propellant that can reach the 100 newtons of force, and refute the photon of Albert Einstein.
Victor never recognizes when someone makes fun of him here, so why should he recognize it anywhere else.
Sarcasm doesn't travel well through a translator. Add that to it not working all the time on the internet in general, and no, he misses most of it.