My last thread today I promise

Silent Bob

Registered Member
Anyone have an idea of why some people like one type of music, while others will not? It seems that it's dependant on the type of person, the life of the person, and so forth, but I'd be interested to hear further input.
First off, don't promise it is your last tonight, promise another instead.

I think music and what one thinks is right has a lot to do with your enviorment. How you are raised and what was listened to around you.
I agree with Wet1 here. I also believe that people feed on the emotions which music creates. We are feeders/consumers.
One theory that I've read is that people listen to a specific kind of music that elicits a certain emotional response. More than simply listening to an upbeat son because you want to feel happy for a little bit. To the point of actually altering your lifestyle.
For instanceit is a common thing that precocious kids often listen to music that is set in a minor key. It's said that minor keyed music makes you think more.

I hope that made some sense.
I'm not nor do I believe that I was ever "precocious" but I do love the minor key songs. Couldn't get away from them when I played the guitar.
Classical here... It is interesting, the variety of feels which are found in the various scales and in the various chords. It gives meening to the notion of good and bad vibes.

Something else which struck me is the image which people (kids) feed on when listening to music. Everyone wants to be a rock star?
Never wanted to be the rock star. It was for enjoyment and peace that it brings.
I just don't understand that the music I listened to ten years ago, I can't stand now? ':confused:'
When your at school u seem to be influenced by the music that is popular with most others. As you get older music becomes more personal but the music you grew up with will be a foundation for what you get into later.
Your tastes change through the years and experience allows you to connect with some songs that would make no sense without experiences. Also there are those songs that dredge up memories of the past. It plays and you remember.
yes good point wet1 u seem to be full of them, experiences in my life have inadvertadly influenced my preferences in music.It scares me to think that in 10 years time I will have the same tastes as my parents,yuk.
Actually I do not believe that you will have the same taste in music, Neb. You are a product of your memories and experiences which are seperate from those of your parents. And even if they were the same you would interpret them different. In the end, you will like what you like and they what they prefer.

As far as good and bad points of view, we all see them in a different light. Some have more experience to draw on than others. Such is the world we live in.
Yeh sorry what I ment to say was it scares me to think that I COULD have the same tastes as my parents, its highly unlikely that I would go down their path though. no way in hell.
Hi All,
I think if you could beam our kids of the new millenium back to the early 70's, they'd all be fans of Arlo Guthrie or Don Mclean or the Bay City Rollers (S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night!, remember?) Styx, Boston, Rush - that was GOOD music. The average person exposed solely to what is popular at that time would enjoy it just as much as the next, after all, we've been making really good music for quite some time now. It's definately linked to memory in a special way, though. The first three bars of an old song can instantly transport me back 25 years. Amazing.
My kids all groan with displeasure when the Credence Clearwater Revival CD goes in, but I think had they been raised on it, they's love it as much as I do.
My real passion is classical guitar and good classical orchestra. Mozart was a genius! Why is that still universally popular after 10 or 15 decades? I have my doubts that the Backstreet boys will be filling Carnegie Hall 150 years from now, but that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
The Backstreet Boys will have trouble filling out a 6 year olds birthday party in 1 year let alone a concert hall in 150 years.
I didn't grow up with music from the 70's but when I did a little listening to some of the bands like zepplin and the cream and hendrix, sabbath van morrison and so on I loved em.
My cd collection includes my favourites from the last decade plus all off zepplins, some jimi and van and black sabbath ande more.
I think the saying is "variety is the spice of life".
what is good music

so i was reading through everyone replies and i was thinking to myself what exactly is good music everyone has their own definition of 'good music',but how exactly is that defined is it the emotion behind the music or is the sound of the music or perhaps the whole atmosphere of the music that makes it 'good' or 'bad'?personally i listen to hiphop(not commercial rap about money/guns/bitches)personally i like the beats and the emotion certain artists put out,now i realize the majority of people on here aren't exactly geared toward that mind set,so my question to you all is how do you define good music and what about it makes it good?
Music has to give us something with which to identify and align ourselves. If we can place ourselves in the setting suitable to our mood or mode, then we have more freedom. It provides a framework that can harbor many different situations. Classical music seems to affect people differently than music with direct or reiterated lyrics (i.e. pop music) because it is abstract. What you think and what another thinks can be polar opposites, whereas with mainstream or music that's dependent on vocals alone limits you to one viewpoint and one concept (that of the singer and maybe chorus).
However, it's the interpretation of those lyrics that gives us the most freedom. Each person has his or her own unique view of the situation, yet music discussed can be agreed on as a certain type.
I'm not sure how many different interpretations there are for, "Oops, I did it again."
Music is the message it gives you. Your emotions run parallel with the idea behind it if you like it. Maybe it's the way our minds formed the pattern of ideas - based on our bipedal locomotion. Each step is a beat in our life, and mountains and colors are sweeping tones that our subconscious mind plays for us.
I say the music we like represents the sound we grew up or grew accustomed to appreciate. I grew up in the Ozark Mountains and so I don't like words in my music. All natural/neo classical or mind-bending ambient electronic music that gives my creative self-a mindscape (see?) to stomp on.
It's entirely impossible to know for sure or universally, because we'd first have to know the human mind. Each must seek his or her own interpretation and that will be the only right one.

is that you lathan?
although i do agree with your point on forming our on interpretation i was trying to get a general feel for what people generally use as a judging system for selecting their music.