My Introductional Post.


Registered Member
Hello, I am new here, and don’t want to cause problems but, in the Threads I have read, I notice a lot of the usual Religion bashing and, of course, specifically bashing Christianity. I also see the usual Science VS Religion theme play out.

I am myself getting two degrees, one in the Science of Psychology, and the other in Theology. I also have a great love of History and of Language. I wrote my Masters Thesis on what Religion is and why everyone really has a Religion, including those who say they have no Religion.

Once my old PC is repaired, or if I find the backup, I may post that, if that’s OK. ( and if I can, as it is a bit long.)

But primarily I came here because I like to travel the Internet setting Right what once went wrong with peoples understanding of things, including History or ideas.

This posts I more of an introduction so its not centralised, but I will briefly explain some of the topics I’d like to explore, if I may.

One of the most common problems I’ve noticed in Science Forums though, and the one I will start off on, is that most of the people who Hate Religion and believe in Science instead have never properly studied Religion. I often see people claim that Religion was invented to explain the world before we had Science, for example, or that Religion hinders the advancement of Science and that we must embrace Science for Mankind to progress. This is an idea that emerged in the 19th Century with the Freethought movement and with the then new Progressivism that had taken Hold and is deeply tied to the Whig view of History. Its also rather mistaken. It’s base don a need to invalidate Religion and to establish the new Philosophical model being offered in its place. “Religion” in this context primarily meant Christianity though… just like today. Indeed, most modern Atheist Arguments were cooked up in this era and aren’t really New. Most of those arguments tended to use dubious source material or fabricate claims wholecloth to foster their ideals, and were principally produced as Propaganda. In fact, a lot of the History we know about in Religion, especially Christianity but also sadly Islam now as well is utterly false. This is bad because a lot of what is sued to demonstrate how bad Religion is is rooted in that Historical understanding. So one of the things I want to discuss, in another thread, is the actual History, both of the Religions, and of the Ideas we now hold regarding them. From the Crusades to Galileo to modern Stem Cell Research, its often a confused History that rests at the heart of a complaint.

By understanding the real History, we can move past the false assumptions we have of the Past and reinterpret what we see in the Present. We can also abandon models we now use that rely on Historical Precedents when those Historical events are improperly understood or fallacious.

Another thing I get often is the lack of actual understanding of Religious Ideas and Philosophical terms. A lot of the terms or ideas used in general debates on the Internet or in the Modern World are not really valid. For example, a lot of Atheists call themselves “Rationalists” today, to highlight their live of Reason and belief in its Primacy. However, they also promote the idea that Scientific Empiricism is the only way we can know our world. The problem with this is that Rationalism is a specific Philosophical Term that has a specific meaning, and Rationalism is actually opposed to Empiricism.

Or look at ideas about God, the Soul, Angels, and Miracles. Look at Salvation, or Heaven and Hell, or Moral Dictums. A lot of the Philosophical concepts in Religion, and the Theological concepts, are simply not well understood and the advocate of Science over Religion often blasts Religion for an absurd concept that exists only in the writings of other Atheists he got his ideas from. Its quiet frequently a Strawman.

However, I’ve been in discussion like this before where I am told that I’m redefining terms or inventing my own terms, and thus my arguments are invalid. I find this rather problematic for two reasons. Even if it’s True that I came up with new definitions for words and new ideas concerning them, that doesn’t invalidate what I’ve said or how I interpret the world. Further, most of what I say is base don Classical Theological Thought, so its not all Made up by me.

I hope therefore I have a place on this forum. I would like to discuss some of these matters I see frequently if I may.
Originally Posted by ZAV
Hello, I am new here, and don’t want to cause problems but,....

Origin of BUT
Middle English, from Old English būtan, preposition & conjunction, outside, without, except, except that; akin to Old High German būzan without, except; akin to Old English be by, ūt out — more at by, out
First Known Use: before 12th century

It is your use of the conjunction 'but' after a disclaimer in your first sentence that causes me to backpedal, lol.....

Welcome to the forums.
Welcome aboard the ship, watch out for the wenches, mates and captain, they all are up to something.

wrote my Masters Thesis on what Religion is and why everyone really has a Religion, including those who say they have no Religion.

So you don't think that you'll cause any problems, with a statement like that you already have!:rolleyes:
I hope therefore I have a place on this forum. I would like to discuss some of these matters I see frequently if I may.

But primarily I came here because I like to travel the Internet setting Right what once went wrong with peoples understanding of things, including History or ideas.

Feel free to present your views, but don't expect everyone to accept your authority and kiss your ring. If you want other people to accept your ideas, then you will have to shoulder the burden of being persuasive and convincing them why they should.

One of the most common problems I’ve noticed in Science Forums though, and the one I will start off on, is that most of the people who Hate Religion and believe in Science instead have never properly studied Religion.

Even if your criticism of the people here was justified, setting out by belittling the people that you propose to set straight is self-defeating. It's only going to harden your readers against you.

If you really do want to fight, then I think that you'll soon discover that you are underestimating us.
I’m not belittling people, but when you see people say that Science and Religion are hostile to each other, then proceed to make arguments like the existence of the Soul can’t exist in a Naturalist worldview because Souls arse Supernatural you know they haven’t a clue as to what they are even discussing.

Trust me, I’ve seen worse insults in the thread aimed at Religious people than I have posted, and did lurk here before I posted.

Let’s not pull the “You are being offensive” card. I am obviously not in this thread attacking anyone. I am, however, noting a problem that I’ve seen. Most of the Atheists on this board, or that I’ve spoken to on the net in general, and often in person, have no actual idea as to what Religion actually is, much less concepts like God, Souls, or Angels.

To put it another way, I was banned recently off a Neo-Pagan Blog. The reason? She had posted a vitriolic post filled with hatred of Christianity, and especially Catholicism, and wanted to rub in Christian Faces to the delight of other Pagans how everything in Christmas was of Pagan Origins. She even worked in comments about Easter, and even the infamous Theory that Jesus never existed and pointed out the similarities between Jesus and Horus and Jesus and Mithras.

All I did was to tell her that her information was invalid. Most of the Christmas Traditions she described had no pagan origins at all. EG, Christmas Trees of not date back to ancient Nordic Culture but to Protestant Germany in the Rhineland in the 1500’s.She accused me The modern Image of Santa Clause was created by Coca Cola in the 20th Century, and is not based on Odin. The Jesus never existed and is copied from pagan gods rubbish has been discredited too, as has the Pagan connection to Easter.

I was not rude, but was accused of being hateful and of course an intolerant Right Wing Christian who can’t stand it if anyone disagrees with me or follows another Religion.

Of course in the same week I had been told I was a Muslim because I told the kind of Christian she complained about that not all Muslim were terrorists and Allah was not the name of a pagan moon god.

They both called me Rude. I’m use to it. I tried being polite. I then realised I am polite. I’m not trying to sound arrogant but, saying that in my observation most don’t really know a lot about the topics they criticise is not as offensive as outright saying “Religious people are delusional” or “Religious people are hateful bigots”.

So let’s not try the guilt card.
I’m not belittling people, but when you see people say that Science and Religion are hostile to each other, then proceed to make arguments like the existence of the Soul can’t exist in a Naturalist worldview because Souls arse Supernatural you know they haven’t a clue as to what they are even discussing.

That sentence started out by saying that you aren't belittling people, and it ended up by saying that those people don't have a clue. That's kind of a mixed message.

Let’s not pull the “You are being offensive” card.

I just suggested that if you want people to agree with something that you say, then you are going to have to make them want to agree with it. Pissing people off works against you.

I am, however, noting a problem that I’ve seen. Most of the Atheists on this board, or that I’ve spoken to on the net in general, and often in person, have no actual idea as to what Religion actually is, much less concepts like God, Souls, or Angels.

And you do? And you're going to reveal the truth about these things to the ignorant atheistic sinners? You're going to make yourself into the board's master and prophet?

It might be better for you if you just talked to people easily, human-being to human-being. If you think that somebody is wrong about something, just say, "I disagree with that, because...", and then write a clear well-written post stating whatever your view of things is and explaining something about why you think so.

If you really feel some need to teach, do it well. This can be a learning experience for you too. I think that you can find some way to be persuasive without insulting and putting people down in the process.

The fact that you feel that somebody needs to be taught by the likes of you doesn't make them less than nothing.
I’m not belittling people, but when you see people say that Science and Religion are hostile to each other, then proceed to make arguments like the existence of the Soul can’t exist in a Naturalist worldview because Souls arse Supernatural you know they haven’t a clue as to what they are even discussing.

Why? The soul is indeed a supernatural concept.

Most of the Atheists on this board, or that I’ve spoken to on the net in general, and often in person, have no actual idea as to what Religion actually is, much less concepts like God, Souls, or Angels.
I give you The Courtier's Reply:

I have considered the impudent accusations of Mr Dawkins with exasperation at his lack of serious scholarship. He has apparently not read the detailed discourses of Count Roderigo of Seville on the exquisite and exotic leathers of the Emperor's boots, nor does he give a moment's consideration to Bellini's masterwork, On the Luminescence of the Emperor's Feathered Hat. We have entire schools dedicated to writing learned treatises on the beauty of the Emperor's raiment, and every major newspaper runs a section dedicated to imperial fashion; Dawkins cavalierly dismisses them all. He even laughs at the highly popular and most persuasive arguments of his fellow countryman, Lord D. T. Mawkscribbler, who famously pointed out that the Emperor would not wear common cotton, nor uncomfortable polyester, but must, I say must, wear undergarments of the finest silk.

Dawkins arrogantly ignores all these deep philosophical ponderings to crudely accuse the Emperor of nudity.

Personally, I suspect that perhaps the Emperor might not be fully clothed — how else to explain the apparent sloth of the staff at the palace laundry — but, well, everyone else does seem to go on about his clothes, and this Dawkins fellow is such a rude upstart who lacks the wit of my elegant circumlocutions, that, while unable to deal with the substance of his accusations, I should at least chide him for his very bad form.

Until Dawkins has trained in the shops of Paris and Milan, until he has learned to tell the difference between a ruffled flounce and a puffy pantaloon, we should all pretend he has not spoken out against the Emperor's taste. His training in biology may give him the ability to recognize dangling genitalia when he sees it, but it has not taught him the proper appreciation of Imaginary Fabrics.​

The Jesus never existed and is copied from pagan gods rubbish has been discredited too, as has the Pagan connection to Easter.
How do you discredit the lack of evidence for Jesus ever having lived?
I hope therefore I have a place on this forum. I would like to discuss some of these matters I see frequently if I may.

The forum is about science.

Do you know what science is? Please sum it up in a short paragraph, then people might have a clearer idea about your motives for intentionally choosing a forum about one topic to discuss a different one.
Also, have you considered joining any black history fora to tell them in a snide, roundabout way that they're not giving the KKK a fair chance?

Many people would feel justified in responding in kind.

That sentence started out by saying that you aren't belittling people, and it ended up by saying that those people don't have a clue. That's kind of a mixed message.

No, it’s a clear one. I am not here to belittle anyone, but know from experience I will be taken as an idiot who hurls insults simply by stating that someone is wrong. I also know how the discussions of Religion on the net by Atheists are filled to the brim with caricatures they got from other Atheists, or stupid arguments like the Courtiers reply presented below which really is based on what specific Atheists say Religion is, not what it actually is. One reason Atheists don’t make a lot of headway in these discussion is because they aren’t even addressing what Theists actually believe in. I do have short patience for mockery used as a tool as well, but see it often and now its even been sanctioned by the Great Prophet Dawkins.

Its not that I want to belittle anyone, but I do think the ideas presented by the Average Atheist online, and even those I‘ve seen here, need evaluation.

I also think this of the average Christian argument as well though.

I just suggested that if you want people to agree with something that you say, then you are going to have to make them want to agree with it. Pissing people off works against you.

In general I’ve been polite, and only really gotten curt with AID. That was after pages of him evading a point and not acknowledging it.

And you do? And you're going to reveal the truth about these things to the ignorant atheistic sinners? You're going to make yourself into the board's master and prophet?

I’ve studied Religion and Psychology at Masters level and Am seeking a Doctorate.

My goal is not to convert Atheists to Theism, but to simply clarify why the usual arguments I hear are useless and don’t really make any sense. I’ve actually done the same thing with Christians when they misrepresent Atheistic thought or Islamic Thought. One of the biggest problems on the Internet is that it becomes a sort of Echo chamber with people of the same Faith (including Atheists) only reinforcing how they see themselves and others amongst those who agree, and when they do talk to each other, never trying to see the other side, just trying to out argue the other using pretty much the same arguments again and again.

I mean, how many Times do I have to hear that Jesus never existed and was based on Horus and other pagan gods before I can say “This bloke is just copying this off a website?” Do I really have to play pretend that he’s done research on his own? How often do I have to hear a Theological concept misrepresented, then called stupid before I can safely say the Atheist who mocked the doctrine or Bible passage didn’t understand it?

It’s less that I’m some fundamentalist here to preach to Atheist Sinners the revealed Truth of God, and more that I am here to confront a problem in that most of the arguments aren’t themselves what actual Theologians or Philosophers believe in. You can’t disprove something like Christianity or Islam by citing the usual Atheistic arguments precisely becaue those arguments never address the actual beliefs.

It might be better for you if you just talked to people easily, human-being to human-being.

Whoever said I was Human?

If you think that somebody is wrong about something, just say, "I disagree with that, because...", and then write a clear well-written post stating whatever your view of things is and explaining something about why you think so.

I did that. I told someone why Elohim was not plural, and the first several posts filling three pages were polite.

If you really feel some need to teach, do it well. This can be a learning experience for you too. I think that you can find some way to be persuasive without insulting and putting people down in the process.

I don’t insult or put down anyone if I can help it. As I said, the only person I’ve directly insulted thusfar was AID, and that only after it became apparent that he won’t address what I’ve said.

The fact that you feel that somebody needs to be taught by the likes of you doesn't make them less than nothing.[/QUOTE]

I don’t know why you jump to the conclusion that I se people as less than nothing because they need to be taught by me. I think you jump to conclusions.

Why? The soul is indeed a supernatural concept.

Actually its not. The idea that Souls are Supernatural, as well as Angels, is actually a common misconception. Originally the term Supernatural applied only to God, with Souls and Angels understood as subject to the same laws of nature as Rocks or our physical bodies. The idea that a Soul Is a Supernatural entity is actually mistaken.

I give you The Courtier's Reply:

Don’t bother. The Courtiers reply can easily be rewritten so that Atheists are the ones who don’t see the Emperor is Naked, by simply depicting Atheists as too blinded by their own irrational beliefs in their own intellectual superiority that they can’t see how foolish they are. I could write a Courtiers response only replacing Dawkins with Clarck Pennock and describe how foolish the Theologian is in the same sarcastic way. The ultimate problem with PZ Meyer and basically anyone in the Modern “I hate Religion” Atheist movement is that they never question any of the talking points. The idea that there is absolutely bno evidence that God exists and that Theologians and “Religious people” refuse to see the Truth that Dawkins or others expound so eloquently is a comfortable tale that enables one to feel smug and superior, but could just as easily be turned around because its also a supreme arrogance that can just as readily blind the Atheist. It does the Atheist no good to proclaim that all Theists are delusional and refuse to see the Truth when the Atheist really does the same thing the Theist does in wrapping themselves up in a Mythology of Science and Logic that is in fact nothing but a Cultural Relic.

The Courtiers response was written in reply to a common Criticism of Dawkins that he never bothered to study Theology and has never properly addressed arguments for God’s existence, and is an extension of Dawkins own claim that one doesn’t need to study Theology to debunk it. Its stupid because ultimately Theological arguments are more sophisticated and often do reply on hard evidence more than Dawkins or Meyers claims. Its really no different than going to Kent Hovind’s website and quoting a mockery of Evolution as not real Science. Just because you can mock Theology as a nonissue and depict Dawkins as simply pointing out the Truth that the Emperor has no clothes and there is no evidence for God’s existence doesn’t mean that there is no evidence for God’s existence. If an Emperor comes in wearing 12 Pounds of clothes and Dawkins declares him Naked, its Dawkins that’s delusional, not the audience.

That’s the problem with the Courtiers response, it enables an Atheist to dismiss legitimate criticism of Dawkins or other Atheists by acting as if bringing up that they got the idea they mock wring is irrelevant.

How do you discredit the lack of evidence for Jesus ever having lived?

There is more evidence for Jesus having lived than there are for most other figures in Antiquity in the same general social strata that we know about. No Credible Historial actually takes seriously the idea that Jesus never existed. I’ll expound on that when I do my essays. I meant to this week but my hand got injured.

Still, whether or not you accept the was a Virgin born Saviour, and Son of God, Jesus surly lived as a man. Saying this is not a sign of abject Christian devotion, but of absolute Truth. Saying he didn’t exist only shows why I no longer Trust Atheists to be fully Logical all the Time and Atheism as a mere lack of belief in a god. Hey, I sue to, but I’ve seen too much group think in Atheism to buy the mythology any more, and the excuses for why its different from what “Religious people” do don’t fly either.

By the way, Bart Ehrman is even writing a book on the Jesus Myth, to discredit it. He’s an Atheist. So no assumptions.
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M. Taylor-

The forum is about science.

Do you know what science is? Please sum it up in a short paragraph, then people might have a clearer idea about your motives for intentionally choosing a forum about one topic to discuss a different one.

Mr. Taylor, I am getting a PhD in Psychology. The idea that Religion and Science are at odds, and that I am a Religious person who doesn’t know Science, is your own fallacy.

My motives are simple. I want to present what actual academics say about Religion, and why I no longer buy into the arguments I see on the web constantly and why I think they are damaging. That’s pretty well it.
My motives are simple. I want to present what actual academics say about Religion,

If by "academics" you mean "theologians", I think your statements would look less like an obvious troll and more like a sincere invitation to debate if you posted them on a forum that is actually about theology, rather than one which isn't.

If you chose to post on a science forum to discuss science, that's fine, but nothing you've said so far supports that.

If, as you expediently claim, you are familiar with the fundamental ideas of the scientific method, you will already know that it doesn't make any difference how well considered an explanation is if the basic assumption is one that doesn't have any evidence to support it whatsoever.

With science you should be able to trace back each fact to others which have all been tested carefully. If at any point you come to a bit that says "and then a god does X with his magic powers", it cannot properly be called science, and is an unwelcome and inappropriate intrusion into scientific discussions.
Then what good are you? ;)

Now that could be interesting...

If religion is fanaticism, then your religion would be dedicated towards fairness, science, and overall flawlessness with whatever malicious means you can think of. My fanaticism is telling EVERYONE move as one :)
Religion is unscientific in searching for God, unless there is only one world wide accepted faith.
Actually its not. The idea that Souls are Supernatural, as well as Angels, is actually a common misconception. Originally the term Supernatural applied only to God, with Souls and Angels understood as subject to the same laws of nature as Rocks or our physical bodies. The idea that a Soul Is a Supernatural entity is actually mistaken.
Then it should be no problem to show the physical effects of angels on the material world. And you might want to explain where they live and what they are anyway.

Don’t bother. The Courtiers reply can easily be rewritten so that Atheists are the ones who don’t see the Emperor is Naked, ...
I'm sure you could, but it wouldn't really apply, would it? There isn't a body of arcane knowledge that atheists insist you know before you can dismiss atheism.

Its stupid because ultimately Theological arguments are more sophisticated and often do reply on hard evidence more than Dawkins or Meyers claims.
Then I'm looking forward to your explanation of these because I haven't seen any yet that rely on reliable evidence.

That’s the problem with the Courtiers response, it enables an Atheist to dismiss legitimate criticism of Dawkins or other Atheists by acting as if bringing up that they got the idea they mock wring is irrelevant.
Aren't the intricacies of theology irrelevant? I mean who cares if there are 12 circles of hell or 8, the basic premise is unsupported.

There is more evidence for Jesus having lived than there are for most other figures in Antiquity in the same general social strata that we know about.
That's a strawman. I don't know if those figures really existed either, but it's irrelevant to their teachings. The teachings exist on their own merits unlike those of Jesus because if he wasn't miraculous he was just another philosopher.

No Credible Historial actually takes seriously the idea that Jesus never existed.
Argument from authority?

Still, whether or not you accept the was a Virgin born Saviour, and Son of God, Jesus surly lived as a man. Saying this is not a sign of abject Christian devotion, but of absolute Truth.
You cannot be sure about that. There were no contemporaneous records of his existence, only secondhand tales. Josephus is often cited here, but those passages are stylistically different and are consistent with the hypothesis that they are later additions, forgeries intended to give a fake historical context to what was an obscure religious movement until it caught on in Rome.

Saying he didn’t exist only shows why I no longer Trust Atheists to be fully Logical all the Time and Atheism as a mere lack of belief in a god.

I'm not saying he didn't exist for sure, just that those who claim he may not have existed have a good case, just like the claim that he survived to live past 33 and moved to France to retire get married and have a few children. Personally, I like to assume there was a person on which the myth was based, because that's usually the case and it doesn't really add anything to the atheist argument to say Jesus didn't exist.
No, it’s a clear one. I am not here to belittle anyone, but know from experience I will be taken as an idiot who hurls insults simply by stating that someone is wrong.

So why not say that a particular idea is wrong, instead of saying that the person who wrote it is wrong? It comes across as less confrontational that way. Or better yet, why not just say that you disagree with this or that idea, and here's why...?

I also know how the discussions of Religion on the net by Atheists are filled to the brim with caricatures they got from other Atheists, or stupid arguments like...

Aren't you caricaturizing both Sciforums and atheists when you write that way? In reality, many people post here on Sciforums. We aren't all atheists, and those of us who are atheists range from children to seniors, some with very little education and some with quite a bit of it, in a whole variety of subjects. People here were disagreeing with each other long before you showed up and they don't even begin to share a single opinion.

I’ve studied Religion and Psychology at Masters level and Am seeking a Doctorate.

That's wonderful. I have a graduate degree too, but I don't expect everyone who posts here to kiss my butt. And there's no reason why they should.

All that you are here on Sciforums, all that I am and all that anyone else is, is just words posted on a screen. That's all. Every one of us is exactly the same in that regard. I think that's a good thing. We are only going to be as convincing as the words that we write. If they're good words, then it doesn't matter a whole lot whether the author was a PhD or a kid in middle school. If they aren't good words, then it doesn't really matter either. The ideas that we express stand or fall entirely on their own merits.

My goal is not to convert Atheists to Theism, but to simply clarify why the usual arguments I hear are useless and don’t really make any sense.

By all means, that's what this place is for. You need only say, "I disagree with that because...", or "It might be more complicated because...", and then make your point. Start some threads to discuss your points if you like. That's better than hijacking other people's threads. Just don't go into a rant about how much you think that atheists suck.

And this being real life, other people won't always see the blinding brilliance of your ideas in quite the same way that you do. That's just how it is and you need to be prepared for it. We all have to live with that.

Whoever said I was Human?

Oh, you are certainly that. You wear your humanity on your sleeve.