My Insistance on pH?


Registered Senior Member
Hello ,

Just have a look:

Heartburn drugs, such as the commonly prescribed Nexium or Prilosec in the United States, reduced stomach acid but allowed germs to multiply, explained head researcher Robert Laheij of Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands, in a study published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (news - web sites).
The study of some 365,000 people found the risk for pneumonia was twice as high in people using heartburn medication for three years than in people who had stopped the treatment.
Gastric acid in the stomach normally destroys disease-bearing bacteria, preventing infections. However, bacteria proliferate in the stomach of people who take anti-heartburn drugs, leading to infection in the lungs and respiratory tract, said the researchers.
Elderly people and asthma sufferers are most prone to

Widely used heartburn and ulcer drugs such as Nexium, Pepcid and Prilosec can make people more susceptible to pneumonia, probably because they reduce germ-killing stomach acid, Dutch researchers found in a study of more than 300,000 patients.

The highest risks occurred with more powerful acid-fighting drugs called proton pump inhibitors, which are sold in the United States under such brand names as Nexium, Prevacid and Prilosec. Over nearly three years, users of these drugs faced almost double the risk of developing pneumonia compared with former users.

What can you comment on this? Whether it justify my pursuals & indications about digestive pH imbalances? Some more aspects as I indicated, alike complications due to digestive pH & digestion imbalances resulting in absorption imbalances may/should soon follow.

I don't understand why we don't understand so simple & ancient based logics or knowledges.

As far as I feel, it may be quite helpful & benefit to humanity if some ancient concepts of 'constitutional base' or in modern sense
'Acid/base & water balance can be bit considered & healing substances, diseases, patients can be classified, specified & treated accordingly. It may solve lot of adversities as I indicated differant effects of differant antacids.--probably. :)

Best wishes.