My head hurts.


Valued Senior Member
Guys I need a hand here.

Problem; I procrastinate I've lost some determination I once had in abundance. I seem to be getting my work done the morning when its due and I could be doing much better. This is an advanced program at my school to and I want to do good. I say I'll do something but its like I can t. I'm tired all the time which is taking away from my concentration because I do alot of my homework in the morning before school. This is a big shit problem.

Anyway you guys have probably had experiences so can you give me any advice or inspiration or something. Please. My head hurts.
I'm a smart guy too Elbaz, this is my schedule for homework:

4PM everyday, no exceptions (except saturday, but you cand decide about that).

Follow that, go to sleep at 9 and you should have no problem. Or, do it earlier if you feel like it. Just get it over with and out of the way so you don't have to worry about it. It's a good feeling-believe me.
It's hard to take that first step, but after each step it becomes easier.

It was a paradox stated in another thread, but it serves well here:

"It's more tiring to stand than it is to walk."

What lies in your heart determines what you end up doing. You need to motivate yourself, give yourself a goal you greedy little... hehe. That's what I tell myself, anyway.

Priorities. You're probably not so tired as you think.
Once you get to doing something, you slip into it and it becomes easier. Even within a few minutes. The hardest part of doing something is starting it and finishing it. Usually finishing it is hard because you're eager to start something else.
When you look back at what you've done, you see the motivation to go onward.

It's just focus. I know exactly what you're talking about.

"Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect."

"The reward of a thing well done is to have done it."

"Ideas must work through the brains and arms of men, or they are no better than dreams."

"People wish to be settled. It is only so far as they are unsettled that there is any hope for them."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thanks guys.

I pretty much knew what was going to be said but I just needed to hear it coming from someones mouth in order to motivate me. I know that may be difficult to understand but it will really help me. Thnks again.
Hi Elbaz,

I've experienced this and can empathize. I wonder if you're tired of working, or tired of the subject material, or just tired of the same old routine?

Reexamining your priorities is a good idea. Are you doing what you want to do? Pursuing a goal you really like?

Getting enough sleep is critical.

Diet, too.

And do you have enough social interaction with others? Something to help clear your mind for a few hours, and more than just once a week?

Is the work itself harder than anticipated? Could you adjust your study habits or improve your study skills? Could a tutor help ease some stress by helping you with a particular subject?

It's easy to get in a rut. These would be some of the things I'd think about first.

(Taking a good multi-vitamin can do wonders, too. And a vitamin B-complex, especially if you're a female. ;) )


All the best,

Thanks for the advice counterbalance.

BTW, I'm not a female, but the recommendations were very kind. Maybe I'll try vitamin B complex anyway, couldnt hurt right, vitamins taste good, i hope they got that vitamin B stuff in flinstones format.
Thanks for the advice counterbalance. It seems already I'm getting out of this rut just by facing it.

BTW, I'm not a female, but the recommendations were very kind. Maybe I'll try vitamin B complex anyway, couldnt hurt right, vitamins taste good, i hope they got that vitamin B stuff in flinstones format.