my friend's trouble..not mine...


Registered Member
i m telling a true case ..plz don't think it a mere another story.
We were having great fun for the past few months where all of the
cg members gather and share our indepth feelings.Things seem to be going so smooth that we gradually developed an intimate friendship among 15 of us.The main char is our cf president.He has been leading cf and cg fine for a period of time. And what can i say..he has done a wonderful job.However, he cares too much abt what others think of him, which has led to his perfectionist characteristic.He wants to be the best , in studies ,final year project, on.He sleeps less than four hours a day and now being diagnosed to have a terribly low blood pressure.Doctor forced him to be warded but he refused.The reason given is he has to finish his final year project and have no time to be wasted.He fainted so often that we even plan to really 'forcing' him to be warded.He loves jesus so much and sometimes i really wonder why God puts him into such fate.His roomates,who had been so friend with him turn up to be his enemies..neither do i understand why everyone seem to dislike him..i
feel like his is a bit scary.I want to help him but what else can i do? keep praying for him? I know God has His work on him but what is it?
Those reading kindly take a few minutes and pray for him.
I don´t remeber the Japanese expression of dying of exhaustion at work, but it would have been appropriate to use here. Tell your friend that if he will continue neglecting his body he will die, and that is NOT SMART and NOT a good carreer move, and NOBODY will honor him for working himself to death. They will aprreciate him much more alive.
If he truly is smart like you said, pure logic will save him from this, just present it to him. Go on like this=death. Change=live. :)

well Bebelina has pointed out some points, but I've a few things to add.

Doctors do have a nasty habit of wanting people in wards for one reason or another, I can understand why your friend might feel that he doesn't want to get stuck in one. I can understand how you, your friends and his family might want to force him into a ward, but if you do so you might cause him to resent all of you with a mixture of feelings of "Wouldnt let me finish" and "These dotors are ruining me rather than fixing" (The latter is not always the case but it occurs)

Admittedly your friend has got to try and find time to relax, As Bebelina brought up the Japanese had a word that termed "Death from overwork" Karoshi
This occured alot over the past 30 years, as Japan's workforce was run at the time pretty much by state. I think some sort of ideal of showing the world that their workforce was surpassed by none was the agenda of the CEO's, but this caused morale problems with people that just couldn't keep up with the quota's.

No matter what you are doing in life as a form of work or study, you should realise that Health is important. Your friend if he is truly allowing himself to suffer like you say, will probably find that even if he does complete his year project before commiting himself to rest, there will probably be alot of errors in his work that probably wouldn't be there if he took some time to rest.

I'm sure he's ahead of schedule anyway, but he should rest in his own way, sleep and just do something Idle for a bit. Don't think of Idle as a dirty word, as while you idle you body can repair.

As for fainting and the like, Well I once too was at a College where I did not eat correctly, it effected me and any work I did.
There is need for vitamins and other chemicals found in vegetables and fruit. There is also a need for protein and iron (Since I'm vegetarian I decline to write meat)

The brain needs these chemicals to function, as does it need sleep at nights so it can produce melalin. Without melalin then his body will suffer at not just becoming anemic (Which will be perceived as low blood pressure) but his bloodsugar levels will be effected. (If he smokes this too will have an effect)

You should tell him to ask about if the timelimit for the project can be extended, this way he might have some time to rest. Otherwise when he does get out into the world and work he'll get eaten alive, if anyone employs him.
I don't want you or your friend to question your faith but seriously your friend may actually have to work to better himself (i.e eat, rest, find something fun and involving that he/she likes) in ways other than asking god. Call me crazy but tens of millions of people pray to god to get rich or have a terminal disease cured and most likely all of the time nothing extraordinary happens, or if anything does it can easily be explained as a coincidence. Prayer is not your solution, you may hate me for saying this but instead of taking the easy way and hoping that something that may or may not exist will help YOU just because you love it is not a viable solution. Your friend must DO something other than praying.

I have a friend who is involved in the church more than your average US citizen, I'll email her momentarily and see if she can join this thread. If you can tell I'm more of an anti-church guy, being a jewish/catholic hybrid. I'm sorry if you take offense to anything that I've said but I've grown to the conclusion that the major organizers of religion are and have been evil. The people that follow them and establish real charities for those who are not as blessed are as thoughtful and good as it gets but...I'll stop ranting. The bottom line is tell your friend to do something and not wait for prayers from people on the internet.
wat's friend for?

Thanks for the advice but sometimes it's just too hard for you to persuade him into doing something which might just suit your taste. Bebelina is right, change=live,but it seems that we are not the only ones knowing this..he knows it as well. But then human will never get to satisfied until something bad really happens ,though it is always within the expectation of themselves. The difference is ,"i don't expect it to be so serious"...didn't we? He is in great dilemma amidst right and wrong. And no one is going to make any decision for him.He is the only one to determine what's right and wrong within his personal world. Sometimes it's just so 'normal' that his right crashes ours.And worse still he is deeply convinced that others have problem understanding him.
Stryder has his point there too, if we really force him into a ward he might think that we are actually ruin his life.I tell u, it's not an
'if', it actually happens.He did point it out and what can we say...?
You tell me you are 100% sure that he is going to die of low blood pressure? and what if he survives?and what if he quit work,
doing his best to rest and the situation doesn't seem to go better or even worsen?wouldn't it be better if we let him finish his work first?

Stryder, he is not ahead of schedule,but just 'in time' to finish up the project.I don't think he has extra time to turn in earlier each know what he told us?"
I m trying very hard to take care of myself now. I am improving everday.Don't force me to change over night.I feel miserable!!!"
Well, what can we say?We did give him too much pressure and it seemed to turn his emotion even down.Thanks pollux, i understand what u said and it might be true for you to say that we need to do something practical instead of waiting for miracles.
But we are really lacked of ideas..mind suggest something for us?
Finally, i am convinced of the role of prayers in everyday life, just to tell u that.