My first post, and my first thought


Registered Member
in this forum :cool:

I'm glad to see free thought cultivate here and encouraged. As well as the many questions (some paradoxical, some introspective, many scientific) being asked here. Hopefully, I'll be able to do the same.
Welcome to Sciforums, HighlyFanatic.

Yes it is one of the things that drive the forums is the thoughts, opinions, and ideas that others and their posts bring to the mind in associtations. It makes for a diverse community with a lot of ideas floating around.

My first post, and my first thought

I can remember my first thought. I was traveling toward this warm, mysterious light and then, all of the sudden, I was cold. There was a sound like WHAP! Then came the stinging on my ass. Then I thought for the very first time. I thought that perhaps I should not scream in favour of some curt verbal warning. Then I realized I could not speak. So I opted for a blood curdling scream. It has worked for me ever since.
:D Thanks, Chagur.

You mean "What does that mean?" or "I am [what]?"

The first thought would have to be just "i am" with no other reference. Otherwise it would have required a previous thought to identify with.

It's all i find when i strip away all the layers of definition i have thought are me.

Welcome to Sciforums, whatsherface! Glad to see ya from SSSF!
My first thought does not go back quite a far as machaon's.
But I think I still have the attitude from that whap on the butt.
:) Thanks, Wet1, i didn't realize you were from here.

Who does remember becoming conscious? Do we think our self-awareness happened like a 'big bang' or did it just form gradually? For that matter is self-awareness a limitation we had to shrink to fit?

Welcome whatsherface

There are plenty of talkative people on these forums. I haven't been able to join in lately and have obviously missed some new amusing posters.

I can't sleep, so I'm catching up.
bye for now.
Welcome to the Sciforums
Im sure you will enjoy sharing your thoughts on this board. Everyone is very friendly and open to new ideas. *:)*
Except there is always an exception ....

We have our equivalent of Preacher here also....
Thanks Teri and Magenta,

I'm just feeling my way here, carefully. It's interesting reading what other people think when i'm not up to thinking much myself. (Mostly beats the hell out of watching tv.)


If it's interesting and food for thought i'm not too fussed who presents it, it's endless pointless repetitive bitching that bores me most. There's plenty of scope here to avoid that, it seems.

I guess the point I was making is that you should feel right at home. There is much that is simular between the boards.