My Far-Fetched Theorys

A Canadian

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Registered Senior Member
i have a couple theorys id like to share:

1) acording to some religions jesus was born on Dec. 25 some time far in the past, by the virgin Mary. could aliens have impregnated her and the bright star that the wisemen followed was a UFO?

2) Is there more than one universe, is it not possible our universe is simply a neutron on a atom partical of something much larger?

3) could dinosaurs be our modern day ETs? could there have been lifeforms on this planet before the dinosaurs and they just simply packed up and left. did they kill off the dinosaurs? Could there be old ruins deep deep DEEP within our earth...?

granted there is no evidence to prove any of these theorys, but id thought id throw them at ya.
Since no one has replied, I'll give my take...
Originally posted by A Canadian
1) acording to some religions jesus was born on Dec. 25 some time far in the past, by the virgin Mary. could aliens have impregnated her and the bright star that the wisemen followed was a UFO?
2) Is there more than one universe, is it not possible our universe is simply a neutron on a atom partical of something much larger?
Yeah.. I remember that discussion from the first time I smoked pot, too!
3) could dinosaurs be our modern day ETs?
Okay... at this point you've smoked a bit too much pot.
...could there have been lifeforms on this planet before the dinosaurs and they just simply packed up and left. did they kill off the dinosaurs? Could there be old ruins deep deep DEEP within our earth...?
Yes. Archeologists digging deep deep DEEP within the earth have discovered evidence of a civilization that called itself "China".

Hope these answers helped! :D
im a ex pot head :)

i think the first one is relative tho, there are some religions that have stories of "poeple from the skys" and "lights from the heavens"

could aliens really be our GOD?
[QUOTE1) acording to some religions jesus was born on Dec. 25 some time far in the past, by the virgin Mary. could aliens have impregnated her and the bright star that the wisemen followed was a UFO?

Yes, I think your theory has relevance and is possible. They were simply trying to explain things in the best way they knew how...perhaps we are the great experiment.

3) could dinosaurs be our modern day ETs? could there have been lifeforms on this planet before the dinosaurs and they just simply packed up and left. did they kill off the dinosaurs? Could there be old ruins deep deep DEEP within our earth...?

I don't know about the dinasaurs, but scientists HAVE found unexplainable artifacts that go much father back in time than we thought humans is possible that we have had an advanced civilization on this earth in its distant past...perhaps the aliens are us and we returned to earth to recolonize it...who knows, but it sure is fun to speculate and keep an open mind, isn't it?

I just don't get people who have no's much more fun to be open to all possibilities.

Have a cosmic day!

I just don't get people who have no sense of rinabean... how sad...

:m: Peace.

P.S. Welcome to SciForums, rinabean! ;)
Thank x 2

for the reminder not to take all posts as serious...:bugeye:

and for welcoming me to the forums!:D

so glad i found all of you!

ps. I hope you do have an open mind...its a mighty big universe to be locked inside would be a waste...
Yes. Archeologists digging deep deep DEEP within the earth have discovered evidence of a civilization that called itself "China".

China ????

It was called nnnggfllssshhh at the time :D

It's funny how india kept its shape as it floated around the earth all them years ago, it's a wonder that all the rainfall coming off them big hills didn't wash it away. :eek:

Originally posted by kaduseus

It's funny how india kept its shape as it floated around the earth all them years ago, it's a wonder that all the rainfall coming off them big hills didn't wash it away.

I can not exactly remember...may be an Indian could correct me that there is a myth about a serpent holding up India from a mega ship...may be that is why...:d :D...

The quality of terraforming is not as good today as it used to be....:D
Originally posted by A Canadian
1) acording to some religions jesus was born on Dec. 25 some time far in the past, by the virgin Mary. could aliens have impregnated her and the bright star that the wisemen followed was a UFO?

Leaving the impregnation aside, the bright star and the appearence of the wise men certainly have some correlation to modern UFO sightings that are followed by visits from "vaguely Oriental" men (usually in black) who often appear in threes...

2) Is there more than one universe, is it not possible our universe is simply a neutron on a atom partical of something much larger?

Whether or not our universe is literally a neutron or an atom on something much larger, modern quantum mechanics offers soem models that support a multi-universe reality. (Bell's Theorem)

could there have been lifeforms on this planet before the dinosaurs and they just simply packed up and left.

Why must they have left? How do we know they aren't still here? We "discover" thousands of new species every year, and that's still just catching up on finding unintelligent species. If there was an intelligent species on earth older than humans (possibly possessing technology or abilities we don't understand), and that species didn't want to be found, isn't it possible they could elude us?
Rewriting "The Book" - Question

Does anyone remember the significance of the gifts that the 3 wise men bore? I know they were frankensence (sp?), mur, insense, but what is the symbolism?
1) acording to some religions jesus was born on Dec. 25 some time far in the past, by the virgin Mary. could aliens have impregnated her and the bright star that the wisemen followed was a UFO?
First off, Jesus was born in July; the only reason Christmas is celebrated on the 25 of Dec. is because the Catholic church decided that they had to move it so that it would not be affiliated with a Pagan celebration on the same day. Why the couldn't move it to the following day...who knows. Anyway, Aliens could not have possibly have impregnated Mary and been the same thing that the wise men followed. The wisemen would have needed to follow the star for nine months--unless of course the UFOs just decided to stay there in the same geosynchronous orbit for these nine months until Jesus was born only to leave immediately after. However, I guess aliens could have impregnated Mary and the star was just a star (or beacon if you want to go with the alien thing), but if the aliens were smart enough to impregnate Mary without having sex with her or leaving any distinguishing characteristics of artificial insemination (such as a needle prick or a swolen anus from the anal probe), why just leave without any further examination. I honestly do not think that true logic (God inteded logic)--particularly the part of logic that says to finish what you started--differs from planet to planet.

2) Is there more than one universe, is it not possible our universe is simply a neutron on a atom partical of something much larger?
There cannot be more than one universe. Whatever scientist came up with the idea of multiple universes was really dumb because the word universe was created to signify the entire area of space. The only way another universe could exist, is if it were to be paralleled with this one; every atom densely compacted along side its equal and slightly out of phase to keep the objects within one from colliding with those in another.(cool huh)

3) could dinosaurs be our modern day ETs? could there have been lifeforms on this planet before the dinosaurs and they just simply packed up and left. did they kill off the dinosaurs? Could there be old ruins deep deep DEEP within our earth...?
Dinosaurs could possibly have been aliens--I have thought about this myself--but the more you think about it, the less likely. Dinosaurs tended to operate in herds like animals. If they were intelligent lifeforms they probably would have created big-ass tools and not segregated other species entirely (especially because they were mostly on one landmass). However, it is very possible that aliens could have killed them off and left without a trace because aliens would have to be smart enough to not leave their personal belongings. Furthermore, there is still a lot that has not been uncovered by archaeologists; they may one day discover a piece of alien material.

Hope that helps.
As for the gold, frankincense, and myrrh...
Gold was to signify the riches that a king of kings should have
Frankincense was to symbolize divinity
Myrrh was for insensibility (so he could dedicate his whole life and bare the pain and suffering)
My best friend thinks the whole human race is made up of aliens. That we found this planet with a compatible atmosphere, but we don't really belong to the ecosystem- which is why we have a tendency to destroy nature in order to survive and develope. She has a point...
hey, the first tiny little organism came from somewhere.... probbly a alien stoped for lunch on earth and sneezed...
