My eyes.


Sustained Winds at Mach One
Registered Senior Member
Are extremely photophobic, and my optomologist advised that I wear shades during the day, regardless of where I am. There were incidents where my shades were knocked off during mid daylight and I would literally scream and yell because it really hurts my eyes so badly. He said if all goes well, my eyes wont be photophobic anymore within fifteen to twenty four months.

Im 19, and I have had healthy eyes all my life. Has anyone heard or know of this condition? How do you think it happened in the first place?
Not really all of a sudden, a few days before I visited the optomologist my eyes were stinging and aching badly. My optomologist says he was not entirely sure of how I got photophobic in the first place.
dont worry it all part of getting infrared vision and beyond :)
Hypercane ... you need to get out more ... you have to pull yourself away from the computer and go outside and play in the sandbox once in a while. The computer monitor is no substitution for natural sunlight ... even if your computer wallpaper is in fact the sun itself. :)
Haha. I usually go out in the night... after dusk usually. Perhaps that is what caused it. Trust me, I do have a life "out there" lol, its just usually during night.
join the club, i hate sunlight, every now and again i will try staying in the sun for extended periods(30mins +) but i get sunburn really easily
Everyone's righyt about artificial light: Don't stare em too often. I myself have already developed eye problem most likley because of this: loss of sight focus, can't bear seeing skylight when waking up, dizzy all the time..... wait, maybe those are also related to my habit of being vampiric...... that is, I stay late very ofetn, I remember getting to bed at 8 in the morning.......
Maybe I should take a break from the computer? Because every night (morning) I come back from home I use the computer. I'm dizzy most of the time too.