My Electric Sneeze


Valued Senior Member
Well, here's what happened.....

I was in my computer science class, at which time I was a bit sick. At the time, I did feel a bit out of it and unusual, but nothing you wouldn't expect. Suddenly, I sneezed. Every electrical thing in the room just turned off, at the exact instant the sneeze escaped my mouth. Now, soon after, as I was recovering, everything turned back on. It was a power surge.

A few minutes later, people were printing things out. I could actually feel a sort of buzzing near my ears. For the rest of the day, I subtly 'felt' the electricity running through electrical things. A coincidence? I highly doubt it. Static? I doubt it too -- it was very wet at the time.

I never told anyone cause it was prolly nothing serious. I'm sure there is some logical scientific explanation. But I dont come here for logic, I come for the far fetched entertainment value.

So what do you guys make of it using pseudoscience (or actual science if you know the physical dynamics.)?
Originally posted by Elbaz

".... I'm sure there is some logical scientific explanation. But I dont come here for logic, I come for the far fetched entertainment value.

So what do you guys make of it using pseudoscience (or actual science if you know the physical dynamics.)?

Hi Elbaz.

You mentioned you were sick. It's a very important fact to solve this mystery.

So here is what I think actually happened to you:

Every life form has an energy shield which covers our body.
You can call it aura/magnetic field or whatever u want.
The point is that your energy was very weak on that day (you were sick, wern't you?).
I think that your 3rd eye is very open. I believe that u are very spiritually developed, tell you why I think so, dear Elbaz?
Well, I think you did a SELF-HEALING to your weak body.</B>
Unconsciousnessly, you took magnetic energies from your environment (In your case- the computers lab).

The sources weren't just the people around you, but the computers too!!

Understand me???

You're very impressed me, my dear friend. I see you are very open to the "Beyond Stuff"...

Groove on, I really mean it!!
Thanks for the compliment on my third eye!

I want to believe that explanation on the self healing theory, but why would magnetic energies need to be transferred to my body? Maybe some other form of atomic energy or particles could be possible, but even that wouldn't make much sense.

You see, If I did infact try to absorb THAT much energy from my surroundings, I could've killed myself. Hardly a reasonable attempt at improving my health;)

well, ignoring that, I guess the "aura" theory may have ~some~ credibility beyond modern scientific knowledge. I do have an Uncle who does Kaballah for a living. Some pretty intense stuff, may be genetic. May be wishfull thinking.....
Elbaz, Think of all the times that you have sneezed in your life and the power didn't go out. Now think if a power dip were to happen right now, out of the 6 billion people in the world one of them had to sneeze. Did they cause the power outage. Correlation doesn't mean causation.

Gil_W, if a person absorbed that much magnetic radiation, I wouldn't want to think what would happen to them. There are reasons you don't play around powerlines. Besides I'm guessing the outage would be more electrical in nature. He didn't mention convulsing and flailing about and losing memory due to his sneeze.

Elbaz, Think of all the times that you have sneezed in your life and the power didn't go out. Now think if a power dip were to happen right now, out of the 6 billion people in the world one of them had to sneeze. Did they cause the power outage. Correlation doesn't mean causation.

Yah. I'd like to believe otherwise, but your probably right. The thing is, it happened to me at the exact instant the power dipped. No discretion between my sneeze and my recovery. And if you recall, I did feel some sort of an electric buzz. Yes, there must be a logical scientific explanation (no electromagnetic radiation ;) ) But I still hold that it could've had something to do with electricity.