My big point


Secret double agent deer
Registered Senior Member
I see a lot of people on this part of the sciforums posting things like "Well its not a right, but its not illigal" a current example of this is in a thread on the board right now about the morality of gays/lesbians.

I would like to direct people (well americans anyway) saying this to the bill of rights, believe it or not there are actualy 10 rights on the bill of rights, not just the first and second. The amendment in question is the ninth, which reads:

Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

And in case you cant make out the Olde American leagal speak, basicly, if its not illigal its a right :p
Imagine that, so if the government doesn't specifically say that you can't do it, then you can indeed do it. What kind of fucked up idea is that? It's anarchy, it's chaos. . . Oh wait, no it's Liberty! It's a system that caters to human rights, and personal freedom rather than to oppression and totalitarianism. Can anyone here buy into the idea that this is exactly what the founding fathers had in mind? A government that doesn’t have absolute control over its people? Pretty wild!
Your big point is a duhhhhhhh point. What I mean by that is, assuming most individuals on this forum are not idiots, that when they read your big point they're going to say... DUHHHHH.

Also, I want to add that though the 9th ammendment to the Bill of Rights is interpreted in the way of "If it's not illegal, than it's a right", does not in any way mean, "If it's not illegal, than it's right."

Notice the difference. Morality and Ethics often come into play in society's laws in some way. For example, most people find stealing to be Unethical, therefore we have laws that prevent stealing. This however, does not make all laws/actions Right in all ethical opinions nor all laws/actions Wrong in all ethical opinions. Laws simply say, "Hi I'm the majority, and we think that this is ethically right or wrong in order to help society flurish."

You can't argue ethics with law, because ethics is your own thing. So what the hell is your big point other than duhhhhh we have rights, but that doesn't make them RIGHT?
my big point is aimed at people ive seen using an argument to the affect of "Just because its not illigal dosnt mean you have a right to do it"
yay i love when people go straight to the source and post valid information.

Originally posted by Mesmerix
Your big point is a duhhhhhhh point. What I mean by that is, assuming most individuals on this forum are not idiots, that when they read your big point they're going to say... DUHHHHH.

heh you'd think. strangely this actually needed saying. most people do not need to be told so by any government. most people...
<i>And in case you cant make out the Olde American leagal speak, basicly, if its not illigal its a right</i>

I don't think that follows. A right is a specific freedom to act in a particular way. If somebody violates one of your rights, you have legal recourse.

On the other hand, if something is merely not illegal, you can go ahead and do it without fear of legal consequences, but you won't necessarily be able to defend yourself against people who might want to prevent you from doing it.

Bottom line: rights are legally enforceable.

The constitutional point here is that the US Constitution does not presume to enumerate <b>all</b> rights. It is simply saying that people can have rights apart from those granted by the Constitution. Those rights can be granted by courts or by Congress in the making of laws.