My Avatars


"Pfft, Rebel scum!"
Valued Senior Member
Since I'm changing Avatar each day. I'll keep you informed and put a picture of what it is so ppl in the future can see my glory

Homer Jay Simpson

From the Simpsons - duh

Picture of - Homers Brain

What, now you can't even stand to have it for 24 hours? :bugeye: So, do you have a theme, or just grab any pictures you happen to like?

And isn't it time to change? :p
Hey Firefly. I have work you know. I've got so many pictures that I can use as Avatars, its unbelieveable. I just find a clear pic i like, and shrink it down to 60x60. Easy.

My new one is a picture of death holding the Earth.

Can't show the pictures now as I link them to a space on my site and when I change it, it disappears. Oops.
Can't you host any old av's on sciforums?

Don't have a particular theme, or reason for choosing certain av's?
My theme is: Whatever the hell I feel like

I just choose one that takes my fancy and use it. If I try to upload one from the HDD, the pic doesn't come up so I have to host it on my Wolfenstein clan site
I'm changing everything every 12hrs. Soon it'll be every 6hrs.

My new location is good though......well, I thought it was good anyway
LOL, what is the obsession with changing av's? And every 6 hrs? What happened to working? :p
They have Broadband at work so I'll sneak in five minutes. That'll mean five minutes less sleeping:(
Right, its 1:48am and I've changed my Av

Someone posted this pic around 4 weeks ago. I shrunk it and made it my av
Someone posted this picture here a few weeks ago, can't remember who. I'll try to find out.

Anyway, its a big robot dude giving the old one fingered salute

Look in Art and Culture in life music to see why I envy stRgrL
Oops,sorry. Look in What Music do you Associate woth Happy Memories in Free Thoughts
S'pose I should've.

Right, this is a pic of Amanda Peet. She is the spitting image of this girl I have been dreaming of (minus Dark Brown, Wavy hair).

Its weird as I have never seen this woman b4 in my life and I found her pics yesterday purely by accident