My Abduction Experience

David Wong

Registered Member
It took me a long time to come forward with this... but I now have my story online. If you want to see it, go <A HREF="">HERE</A> and try to keep an open mind.

Actually funny. In a commercial-laden sort of way...

I am; therefore I think.
Hhahahahahahahahaha!Damn that was funny.I was
going to ask you how you got pictures from
a fake camara,then i read a little more.Ha!
I hope you can get over your alien experience,i know i could not deal with it!
*Pissing myself laughing*

Almost as funny as some of the stuff produced by 'scientific remote viewers'!!

Emitting a tachyon burst.....ooops laughing so much there's urine on the floor.....ok it wasn't that funny....but have I made my point?
WOW! Proof at last! Let's see if they can cover this one up! I'm researching everything, every source that I have at my disposal and I believe I'm making headway. The alien is most definitely from a known planet, Planet Hollywood to be exact. It's believed to be a subspecies of Homosapien of the family Reynolds, Burt. This is so incredible, this just may be the "smoking gun" that we've been waiting for. Keep up the good work Wong, you've done your country a great service in getting to the bottom of the UFO phenomenon, no matter how ugly that bottom might have been, butt keep it up!