Muslims in space


Not a cosmic killjoy
Registered Senior Member
Can Muslims go to space since they have to pray towards the east? I mean, how do you pray towards the east in space?
Can Muslims go to space since they have to pray towards the east? I mean, how do you pray towards the east in space?

pray towards Mecca. turning slightly to accommodate for the 17,000 mph velocity of the ISS

Can Muslims go to space since they have to pray towards the east? I mean, how do you pray towards the east in space?


Malaysian scientists and religious scholars are trying to determine how Muslims should behave in space, as the predominantly Islamic country prepares to dispatch its first astronaut next year.

More than 150 delegates attended a seminar to consider how to pray in space given the difficulties of locating Mecca and holding the prayer position in zero gravity; as well as other questions such as halal food and washing.

The application of a religion founded in the 7th century Arabian desert to space travel in the 21st century is complex. The International Space Station (ISS) moves at almost 17,000 mph, so the relative position of Mecca is constantly shifting. With 16 orbits a day, and the timing of five daily prayers determined in relation to sunrise and sunset, devout Muslim astronauts could find themselves intoning their chants 80 times in 24 hours.

"This is not possible," said Mohamad Sa'ari Mohamad Isa, of the National Technical University College of Malaysia at the meeting in Bangi, near Kuala Lumpur. The electronics lecturer has helped to develop a computer programme called Muslims in Space to determine when prayers should be made.
Mecca gps...that screams "Allah Akbar!" in your right ear, so you have to turn right, and if it screams "Allah Akbar!" in your left ear, turn left. As for zero gravity, they will have to sit on a toilet of sorts while holding it and turning.
Mecca gps...that screams "Allah Akbar!" in your right ear, so you have to turn right, and if it screams "Allah Akbar!" in your left ear, turn left. As for zero gravity, they will have to sit on a toilet of sorts while holding it and turning.

Sheikh Muszaphar (muslim astronaut) celebrated Eid ul-Fitr aboard the station, and packed some satay and cookies to hand out to the rest of the crew (while in space) on October 13, 2007 to mark the end of Ramadan.

cookie envy
Can Muslims go to space since they have to pray towards the east? I mean, how do you pray towards the east in space?

Praying could be done anywhere.

Had one not able to determine which direction toward (qibla or facing direction), then any direction will do.

Malaysian scientists and religious scholars are trying to determine how Muslims should behave in space, as the predominantly Islamic country prepares to dispatch its first astronaut next year.

More than 150 delegates attended a seminar to consider how to pray in space given the difficulties of locating Mecca and holding the prayer position in zero gravity; as well as other questions such as halal food and washing.

The application of a religion founded in the 7th century Arabian desert to space travel in the 21st century is complex. The International Space Station (ISS) moves at almost 17,000 mph, so the relative position of Mecca is constantly shifting. With 16 orbits a day, and the timing of five daily prayers determined in relation to sunrise and sunset, devout Muslim astronauts could find themselves intoning their chants 80 times in 24 hours.

"This is not possible," said Mohamad Sa'ari Mohamad Isa, of the National Technical University College of Malaysia at the meeting in Bangi, near Kuala Lumpur. The electronics lecturer has helped to develop a computer programme called Muslims in Space to determine when prayers should be made.
HaaaHaaahaaaahaaaaa this is just soooo comical. Here we are - living in a day and age when we can go into space ...SPACE... leave the planet and travel into Space. .. and we have this guy trying to figure our how to pray towards some stone in a building on earth for fear of pissing off this invisible God.... It's farcical.
Praying could be done anywhere.

Had one not able to determine which direction toward (qibla or facing direction), then any direction will do.
Now I wonder why an entire committee of scientists and religious leaders are spending weeks contemplating what the God head may really want? They take this whole-God thing a little more serious than some of us huh???
HaaaHaaahaaaahaaaaa this is just soooo comical. Here we are - living in a day and age when we can go into space ...SPACE... leave the planet and travel into Space. .. and we have this guy trying to figure our how to pray towards some stone in a building on earth for fear of pissing off this invisible God.... It's farcical.
I guess traveling into space doesn't really do much for us since we are still subject to the same shortcomings, either in space or the earth. and even then, going into space is no big deal since you have to come back anyway. I guess if you look forward to the day when star trek becomes reality, you could possibly read a bit more into space travel (lol)....

Foolish children may give much credit to the flying of a modern space capsule, but the saner section of the people will give more credit to the Creator of the truly gigantic "capsules"—namely, the stars and planets.

personally I thought it was funny when the first russian cosmonaut started to whistle patriotically about the motherland while in space
HaaaHaaahaaaahaaaaa this is just soooo comical. Here we are - living in a day and age when we can go into space ...SPACE... leave the planet and travel into Space. .. and we have this guy trying to figure our how to pray towards some stone in a building on earth for fear of pissing off this invisible God.... It's farcical.


Do Christian astronauts need to know which way is up once in space?