Muslims and Christians


Whose Worth's unknown
Registered Senior Member
Forgive my slight generalisation here, but it occurs to me that Christians protest against Blasphemy a hell of a lot less than Muslims.

Don't get me wrong - Dan Brown's books, Jerry Springer the Musical - they have all caused a certain degree of a righteous indignation from The Church.
However, I would be interested to know why Muslims seem to take this a step further. The infamous case of Muhammed the Teddy, the cartoons of the Prophet and, unforgettably, Islamic terrorism are all clear examples of blasphemy provoking a much more dangerous response.

Shariah even states that blasphemers should be killed. There is no such sentiment amongst Christians.

Is Islam a more violent religion?
Although many Christians do not follow Jesus in many things the basic teachings of Jesus still have a moderating influence on the christian population as a whole.

Messages such as loving your enemies, forgiving others, not resistance and leaving vengeance and judgement to God has the effect you talk of.

islam on the other hand has no such teachings when it comes to humanity in general. Although it does seem to promote some level of peace and mercy between the followers of muhammed. Although the reality on the ground within the islamic world between muslims is division, strife and violence. islam does preach peace and mercy but only to those who submit to the message of muhammed all others are fair game. If islam is insulted, muslims are required to avenge any blasphemy they see against islam.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days