Muslim Solution To Palestine


Registered Senior Member
During the time while this book was being written, the Middle East was once again the scene of conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The Israeli army have been ruthlessly bombing civilian settlements, shooting children, and trying to make the already tormented Occupied Territories more uninhabitable. Some Palestinian radicals, on the other hand, are attacking Israeli civilian targets and spreading violence with their terrible suicide bombings aimed at innocent women and children.

As Muslims, our heartfelt wish is for the anger and hatred on both sides to die down, for the bloodshed to stop, and for peace to come to both lands. We oppose both the Israeli killing of innocent Palestinians and the radical Palestinians bombing of innocent Israelis.

In our view, the most important condition for this ongoing conflict to end and for real peace to be established is for both sides to acquire and then implement a genuine and honest understanding of their respective beliefs. The conflict between these two peoples has assumed the form of a "religious war" between Jews and Muslims, though, in fact there is absolutely no reason for there to be such a war. Both Jews and Muslims believe in God, love and respect many of the same prophets, and possess the same moral principles. They are not enemies; rather, they are allies in a world in which atheism and the hatred of religion are widespread.

Based on this fundamental principle, we call on the Israelis (and all Jews) to realize the following facts:

1) Muslims and Jews believe in one God, the Creator of the universe and all things therein. We are all God's servants, and to Him shall we all return. So why hate each other? The holy books we believe in are superficially different but in essence the same, for they come from the same God. Therefore we all abide by them. So why should we fight one another?

2) Instead of living along with Muslims, would the observant Jews prefer to live along with atheists or pagans? The Torah is full of passages describing the terrible cruelties inflicted upon the Jews by pagans. The terrible genocide and cruelty inflicted upon them by atheists and unbelievers (e.g., the Nazis, anti-Semitic racists, or such communist regimes as Stalin's Russia) are clear for all to see. These atheist or pagan forces hated the Jews, and thus oppressed them, because they believed in God. Are not Jews and Muslims on the same side against these atheist, communist, or racist forces that hate them both?

3) Muslims and Jews love and respect many of the same prophets. The Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham), Ishaq (Isaac), Yusuf (Joseph), Musa (Moses), or Dawud (David), peace be upon them all, are at least as important for Muslims as they are for Jews. The lands where these holy figures lived and served God are at least as holy for Muslims as they are for Jews. So why drown these lands in blood and tears?

4) The fundamental values of Jews are also sacred to us Muslims. The word "Israel" is the name of Prophet Ya'qub (Jacob), peace be upon him, who is praised in the Qur'an and remembered with great respect by Muslims. The Magen David (Star of David), a symbol associated with King David is a holy symbol for us too. According to Qur'an 22:40, Muslims must protect synagogues because they are places of worship. So why should members of the two religions not live together in peace?

Jews and Muslims believe in the same God. Israeli soldiers who are true believers must not forget that God has forbidden the killing of innocent people and the use of violence and cruelty, and has ordered us to be tolerant, understanding, and peaceful.
Palestine is home to many Jewish, Christian, and Muslim holy places. All true believers must see that love, mercy, and peace take the place of blood, tears, and animosity in this region.

5) The Torah commands Jews to establish peace and security, not to occupy the lands of others and spill blood. The people of Israel are described as "a light unto the nations" in the Torah. As the "Rabbis for Human Rights" declare:

We are told: "Justice, justice, you shall pursue" (Deuteronomy 16:20). Why is the word justice said twice? Because, according to our tradition, one is to pursue a just cause by just means. In defending ourselves, we must always hold on to the prophetic vision of decency and humanity. The survival of the Jewish people will be determined not only by its physical acumen, but also, by its moral steadfastness.1

If the Israelis continue to treat the Palestinians as they do now, they may be unable to account for that to God. Similarly, those Palestinians who kill innocent Israelis may also be unable to account for those murders. Is it not a duty in the eyes of God to put an end to the fighting, which is dragging both sides deeper into unending violence?

We invite all Jews to consider these facts. God commands us Muslims to invite Jews and Christians to a "common formula":

Say: "O People of the Book! Let us rally to a common formula to be binding upon both us and you: That we worship none but God; that we associate no partners with Him; and that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than God." (Qu'ran, 3:64)

This is our call to the Jews, a People of the Book: As people who believe in God and obey His commands, let us come together in a common formula of "faith." Let us love God, the Lord and Creator of all of us. Let us abide by His commands. Let us pray to God to lead us further on the path of righteousness. Let us bring love, compassion, and peace to each other and the world, not hostility, bloodshed, and anguish.

That is where the solution to the Palestinian tragedy and other conflicts in the world lies. The deaths and suffering of so many innocent people remind us every day what an urgent task this is.

Palestinian Muslims, sincere Jews, and Christians all want peace and security to replace this seemingly unending conflict. All of them are praying together for this.

How Can the Palestinian Issue Be Resolved?

Jerusalem, a place holy to the three monotheistic religions, should be a city in which people can worship together in peace.
By using the principles of tolerance and moderation outlined above, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has caused so much bloodshed over the last 50 years, can be solved. In our view, establishing peace depends upon two conditions:

1) Israel must immediately withdraw from all the territories it occupied during the 1967 war and end the resulting occupation. That is an obligation under international law, various U.N. Security Council resolutions, and mere justice itself. All of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip must be recognized as belonging to an independent State of Palestine.

2) East Jerusalem, the site of significant places of worship belonging to three divinely revealed religions, must be administered by the Palestine authority. However, it must have a special status and be turned into a city of peace that all Jews, Christians, and Muslims can visit comfortably, in peace and well-being, and where they can worship in their own sanctuaries.

When these conditions are fulfilled, both Israelis and Palestines will have recognized each other's right to live, shared the land of Palestine, and solved the contentious question of Jerusalem's status in a way that satisfies the adherents of these three religions.

In the upcoming pages of the book, we will deal with and analyze the history of the Palestinian issue based upon our view outlined above. Our hope is that the constant hostility of the last 50 years or so, as well as the resulting prejudice, killing, and slaughter, will come to an end; that the Palestinian people can secure a homeland that can provide them with the peace, security, and well-being they deserve; and that Israel will abandon its policy of aggression and occupation, which wrongs its own people as well as the Palestinians, so that it will be able to live in peace with its neighbours within its legal pre-1967 borders.
PreacherX - please be aware of Sciforums' policy regarding large copy and paste articles; please see this link, and refer to section 8 on "Cutting and Pasting/Plagiarism".

If you choose to claim original authorship, well ... it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. However, a link to the web source would be greatly appreciated for attribution purposes; additionally, it would reduce the amount you need to copy and paste.

Furthermore, I think people would be interested to know that what you have cited is part of a book or pamphlet, the entirety of which appears to be available online.

At any rate, the link is -
"The conflict between these two peoples has assumed the form of a "religious war" between Jews and Muslims."

I don't believe that. It's a political war, having little to do with religion. Atheism is not the enemy of Israel.
You make it out to be equal:
"We oppose both the Israeli killing of innocent Palestinians and the radical Palestinians bombing of innocent Israelis."

But it is not. Having failed to obliterate Israel at least 3 times, the arabs are finally realizing the futility of their aggression. But it is too late. Palestinians are now victims of a cult of self-sacrifice, popular in the middle east since the time of Jesus. First stop the suicide-bombing, and then Israel will talk about borders. 1967 was 37 years ago, and the borders must be re-negotiated to deal with the new realities on the ground.

What book are you quoting?

The Isaraeli/Palestian issue is not a religious issue. It is simply a land grab with neither side willing to give up land they both think is theirs.

The solution is widespread intermarriage, or one side up and leaving, or one side killing off most of the other.

At the rate that Israel is killing off the palestinian terrorrist leaders indicates that the solution should only take a few more decades before Israel achieves peace.

Muslims are making it a religious issue - hence Preacher X's post.

Its the usual shit you get from them.
Preacher X:

tiassa has helped you this time by providing the link to the site you plagiarised. For that reason alone, this thread has not been deleted. Future plagiarism from you will be deleted.
I have just one thing to add...

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, save us from the atheists!!

Lol, what a joke.
There is no solution as long as the Jews keep thinking their God is an ESTATE AGENT who gave them the land without commison and ordered them to slaughter the Palestineans out ! :mad:
spidergoat said:
Well, the Jews DO have Israel, so that means god wanted it to happen, duh.

Yes everything that happens is Allahs will. 1400 years ago in the Quran the israel-palestine conflict was prophecised and so were the peace talks and the wars.
Preacher_X said:
Yes everything that happens is Allahs will. 1400 years ago in the Quran the israel-palestine conflict was prophecised and so were the peace talks and the wars.

And where exactly in the quran can you find such a prophecy?
Vienna said:
Muslims are making it a religious issue - hence Preacher X's post.

Its the usual shit you get from them.

it is a general land issue and a human rights issue as Israel's wall is illegal, the capturing of settlements is illegal, and having jews on both sides of the wall is illegal, killin people without a trial (hamas leader) is illegal, also Iraq was attacked for having "weapons of mass destructipon" while Israels weapons had a blind eye turned on them, and variuos other things.

and it is a religious issue to Muslims because 100,000 Muslims have died 500,000 maimed, the Prophet Ibrahim (as) grave has been turned to a half synagogue and the thir holiest place in Islam (al aqsa mosque) is under seige.

and when Jews first came to Israel in 67 and burnt down mosques it made it a religous issue to me.

and also when Israeli's sent in them soldiers in the Friday prayer in Al Alqsa mosque a few weeks ago, it became a religious issue.
"and when Jews first came to Israel in 67..."

Jews have been immigrating to Israel since 1919.