Muslim killing Muslim slows their demographic takeover of the world.

Greatest I am

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Muslim killing Muslim slows their demographic takeover of the world.

Foolish from a tribal point of view. Have Muslim men forgotten their duty to the peace and health of the greater demography and common. Men are failing to bring peace so should they not let women have a try? Muslim men, who half followed dogma seem to have a hard time implementing peace and harmony, while Muslim women, --- the peacemakers, --- are not put to best advantage.

Muslim killing Muslim religious factions and other related clans that kill each other forget the Christians gains, demographically speaking. Muslim killing Muslim is reminiscent of Christian killing many other Christian sects because they demanded identical beliefs. --- Damn literalism of myths. --- As we can all see, by the myriad of Christian sects, literalism does not improve rapprochement and best tribal end.

Please remember that in Islam’s past, all Muslim sects were one as well as living in peace with other religions about, Islam also allowed some diversity within itself. Islam and Sharia are morally superior to Christianity and this Gnostic Christian, strangely, has to mourn every Muslim death, --- because it gives literal reading Christians an advantage over those of higher moral fiber. Here those I see with a higher moral fiber would be Gnostic Christians and Muslims. But Muslim men must first allow Muslim women to take their traditional role of peacemakers. Peace gives tribes best advantage. For peace, diversity must be allowed and foolish literal reading does not allow that. Regrettably.

Islam’s women, from my point of view, are key to Islam’s best possible end. Are Muslim men ready to place their women beside them instead of behind them? Full equality. How horrible a thought to some unwise Abrahamic cults. Not to us Gnostic Christians because we attach equality to righteousness. So does the U. N.

Will Islam’s wish for world domination by thwarted by the fracturing of Muslim tribes?

Christians killed an awful lot of Christians in their painful growth. Must Muslim men and women be as foolish? All due to foolish literal reading of myths.

Do you think it likely that Muslim men, ---- right wing Muslim men that is, --- will just chill and do the intelligent thing, --- and start reading their Holy books as myths?

I sure hope so. Way too many lives are at stake. Not just Muslim live either. Hmmm; I wonder if foolish right wing Christians will reciprocate and also reject evil literal reading of their own myths.

In terms of morals, I think that Gnostic Christianity was King. That is why Rome tried and failed to supress it. Ultimately, I see Gnostic Christianity as the bridge between Islam and Christianity, --- and the religion that ultimately brings peace between all religions and brings all governments to heel. Are Muslims ready to make that happen?

No. Fundamentalist muslims kill other muslims because they see them as being infidels trying to change islam (for they do not apply the whole of sharia or hold wrong assumptions about islam etc). So no chance for them to support Gnosticism (Christian or not). On the other hand mainstream islam scholars have always accused sufis of blasphemy and borrowing from Christianity (mysticism) so no chance to agree with you either. Finally the idea of god in islam is very different from that in Gnosticism (the unconscious self of man is consubstantial with the Godhead) so that even the Sufis will say no. The only chance is the creation of a new islam but of course it will have little in common, beyond the name, with the islam of today. By the way this is also the only way in which islam, the ideology, can become a religion of peace :)
Please remember that in Islam’s past, all Muslim sects were one as well as living in peace with other religions about . . . .
Huh??? The Battle of Karbala, between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims, was fought in 680CE. That was not long after the founding of Islam. Muslims were fighting doctrinal battles among themselves for many centuries before the Reformation, when Christianity sundered into Catholic and Protestant factions and began doing the same thing.
No. Fundamentalist muslims kill other muslims because they see them as being infidels trying to change islam (for they do not apply the whole of sharia or hold wrong assumptions about islam etc). So no chance for them to support Gnosticism (Christian or not). On the other hand mainstream islam scholars have always accused sufis of blasphemy and borrowing from Christianity (mysticism) so no chance to agree with you either. Finally the idea of god in islam is very different from that in Gnosticism (the unconscious self of man is consubstantial with the Godhead) so that even the Sufis will say no. The only chance is the creation of a new islam but of course it will have little in common, beyond the name, with the islam of today. By the way this is also the only way in which islam, the ideology, can become a religion of peace :)

I don't think that Muslims killing Muslims has anything much to do with religion.

Most of their internal conflicts center on power and demographics. All tribal B. S.

Christians have killed many Christians for the same reason. Resources.

Muslims are no more stupid than any other group and they do not believe in their religion any more than the rest of the hypocrites who say they are true believers. They believe in culture and tradition and follow that and not some invisible sugar daddy waiting with a bunch of virgin pussies in heaven. Muslims are not that stupid. I hope.

Huh??? The Battle of Karbala, between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims, was fought in 680CE. That was not long after the founding of Islam. Muslims were fighting doctrinal battles among themselves for many centuries before the Reformation, when Christianity sundered into Catholic and Protestant factions and began doing the same thing.

You forget the literalist against non-literalists that happened the moment Constantine bought the Church. That was quite the purge of all but literalist fools. Rome wanted a dumbed down population and not a bunch of free thinkers. They got what they wanted but Gnostic Christians cannot be held back just as independent thinking cannot ever be stopped regardless on how hard the churches work to accomplish full submission and slavery.

Muslim killing Muslim slows their demographic takeover of the world.

Foolish from a tribal point of view. Have Muslim men forgotten their duty to the peace and health of the greater demography and common. Men are failing to bring peace so should they not let women have a try? Muslim men, who half followed dogma seem to have a hard time implementing peace and harmony, while Muslim women, --- the peacemakers, --- are not put to best advantage.

Muslim killing Muslim religious factions and other related clans that kill each other forget the Christians gains, demographically speaking. Muslim killing Muslim is reminiscent of Christian killing many other Christian sects because they demanded identical beliefs. --- Damn literalism of myths. --- As we can all see, by the myriad of Christian sects, literalism does not improve rapprochement and best tribal end.

Please remember that in Islam’s past, all Muslim sects were one as well as living in peace with other religions about, Islam also allowed some diversity within itself. Islam and Sharia are morally superior to Christianity and this Gnostic Christian, strangely, has to mourn every Muslim death, --- because it gives literal reading Christians an advantage over those of higher moral fiber. Here those I see with a higher moral fiber would be Gnostic Christians and Muslims. But Muslim men must first allow Muslim women to take their traditional role of peacemakers. Peace gives tribes best advantage. For peace, diversity must be allowed and foolish literal reading does not allow that. Regrettably.

Islam’s women, from my point of view, are key to Islam’s best possible end. Are Muslim men ready to place their women beside them instead of behind them? Full equality. How horrible a thought to some unwise Abrahamic cults. Not to us Gnostic Christians because we attach equality to righteousness. So does the U. N.

Will Islam’s wish for world domination by thwarted by the fracturing of Muslim tribes?

Christians killed an awful lot of Christians in their painful growth. Must Muslim men and women be as foolish? All due to foolish literal reading of myths.

Do you think it likely that Muslim men, ---- right wing Muslim men that is, --- will just chill and do the intelligent thing, --- and start reading their Holy books as myths?

I sure hope so. Way too many lives are at stake. Not just Muslim live either. Hmmm; I wonder if foolish right wing Christians will reciprocate and also reject evil literal reading of their own myths.

In terms of morals, I think that Gnostic Christianity was King. That is why Rome tried and failed to supress it. Ultimately, I see Gnostic Christianity as the bridge between Islam and Christianity, --- and the religion that ultimately brings peace between all religions and brings all governments to heel. Are Muslims ready to make that happen?


Since Islam is the world's fastest growing disease among all the other religious diseases you shouldn't worry about demographics. For every muslim killed by a muslim a convert is there to replace them. As for how Islam and Sharia being "morally superior" to Christianity and living in peace with other religions let's take a look at how to build a Caliphate. Evidence shows they aren't "chillin"

Christian families have abandoned their homes and fled Mosul after the Sunni rebel group, the Islamic State, threatened them with death if they did not convert to Islam or pay tax.

"Some families have had all their money and jewellery taken from them at an insurgent checkpoint as they fled the city," Abu Rayan, a Christian who left Mosul with his family told AFP news agency on Saturday.

"Some of our homes have already been confiscated and I know families who have handed their keys to neighbours, asking them to look after their property with the hope they would return one day." Rayan said.

The hardline group on Friday ordered Christians in Mosul that they could convert, pay a tax or flee the city after abandoning their possessions.

An earlier Islamic State statement said there would be "nothing but the sword" if Christians did not abide by those conditions by 9am GMT on Saturday.

The AFP said that hundreds of Christians had fled by the deadline, although Al Jazeera could not confirm these numbers.

While some families initially appeared prepared to pay the "jizya" Islamic tribute to stay in their ancient homes, messages broadcast by mosques on Friday appeared to spark an exodus.

"Christian families are on their way to Dohuk and Arbil" in the autonomous Kurdish region of Iraq, Chaldean patriarch Louis Sako, who heads Iraq's largest Christian community, told AFP.

"For the first time in the history of Iraq, Mosul is now empty of Christians," he said, putting the number of those who were still in the city on Thursday at 25,000.

The Islamic State "seems intent on wiping out all traces of minority groups from areas it now controls in Iraq," Human Rights Watch said in a statement Saturday.

The mass displacement was the latest in weeks of turmoil which has forced more than 600,000 people from their homes, left thousands dead and brought Iraq to the brink of collapse.

Funny how what looks moral to the religious can actually come across as just plain old fashioned thuggery and intimidation. I mean where are those female peacemakers when you need them.
Obviously when radicals fight other radicals and weaken each other, their shared enemies will usually derive some benefit, but I think the current fighting is peanuts compared to what's coming just around the corner. In my eyes the greatest threat to Muslim demographics isn't directly war, it's overpopulation and rapidly depleting water supplies. They spend their finances waging war and enforcing Sharia while parents continue to have more children than they can ever hope to feed without UN assistance, instead of spending it on ecological engineering, reverse desertification, treating sewage and building reservoirs to trap rainfall. That having been said, one could argue that the current fighting over limited resources is in fact itself an early symptom of resource depletion. We can only wonder what the fighting will look like when half the population can't afford basic drinkable water let alone all their other needs; the only way to stop it from happening is to reverse Muslim population growth on top of major infrastructure investments and social reforms, and fat chance that's going to happen in the next 100 years let alone the next 10.
Since Islam is the world's fastest growing disease among all the other religious diseases you shouldn't worry about demographics. For every muslim killed by a muslim a convert is there to replace them. As for how Islam and Sharia being "morally superior" to Christianity and living in peace with other religions let's take a look at how to build a Caliphate. Evidence shows they aren't "chillin"

Funny how what looks moral to the religious can actually come across as just plain old fashioned thuggery and intimidation. I mean where are those female peacemakers when you need them.


"Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God,
holds other people in contempt.
Whenever a man believes that he has the exact truth from God,
there is in that man no spirit of compromise.
He has not the modesty born of the imperfections of human nature;
he has the arrogance of theological certainty and the tyranny born of ignorant assurance.
Believing himself to be the slave of God,
he imitates his master,
and of all tyrants,
the worst is a slave in power."
--Robert Ingersoll

Obviously when radicals fight other radicals and weaken each other, their shared enemies will usually derive some benefit, but I think the current fighting is peanuts compared to what's coming just around the corner. In my eyes the greatest threat to Muslim demographics isn't directly war, it's overpopulation and rapidly depleting water supplies. They spend their finances waging war and enforcing Sharia while parents continue to have more children than they can ever hope to feed without UN assistance, instead of spending it on ecological engineering, reverse desertification, treating sewage and building reservoirs to trap rainfall. That having been said, one could argue that the current fighting over limited resources is in fact itself an early symptom of resource depletion. We can only wonder what the fighting will look like when half the population can't afford basic drinkable water let alone all their other needs; the only way to stop it from happening is to reverse Muslim population growth on top of major infrastructure investments and social reforms, and fat chance that's going to happen in the next 100 years let alone the next 10.

Fear not it is all self-adjusting.
All is well on the population front. We are doing well and there is no stopping the trends.
