

Not a cosmic killjoy
Registered Senior Member
Okay, so many people know there there are Muslim "extremists" ex. bombing innocent people. Are these the same as the "Christian Extremists" who bomb abortion clinics? (Technically not Christians at all). Do other Muslims reject these Muslim Extremists? Or do they support them?

Lets not start insulting Muslim, Christians, religions etc. I just want an answer.
There are people who kill other people.

If they are in a government, they call different people who kill other people things like terrorists so they can feel better about killing them.

If they aren't in a government they call themselves martyrs or liberators or freedom fighters, etc. so they can feel better about killing others.

Both sides often claim some god or another is on their side so they can feel better about killing others.

Both sides often claim the other side is evil so they can feel better about killing others.

Bottom line, the who people who kill other people are all on the same side: killing other people and they depend on the stupid and the gullible and the fearful and the bigot to support them.
Religions incite people to kill, it's akin to an addiction, take away it's cause, (the drug/drink/smoke) and the victim recovers from the addiction. Ie remove the gun/knife/holy book from the man's hand, and you vastly reduce his ability/desire to kill.
American Christianity is a different animal than the Christianity that exists throughout the rest of the world, I think. So if we're simply talking of the American brand, I'd say yes, they are comparable. Of course, the levels of violence do not come anywhere close to the ones of radical Islam in the Middle East, and other regions of the world, but I feel that has more to do with poverty and ignorance (read: lack of education, not lack of ability to learn) than with their religious affiliation.

I tend to think that there are more dangers that arise from strict interpretation of the Qu'ran than there are from the Bible, though.
the levels of violence do not come anywhere close to the ones of radical Islam in the Middle East

You've got to be kidding.

They blow up a bus. Big deal. We blow up entire nations. In this one war we've killed more and destroyed more than the terrorists ever dreamed of.
You've got to be kidding.

They blow up a bus. Big deal. We blow up entire nations. In this one war we've killed more and destroyed more than the terrorists ever dreamed of.

First of all, Swarm, they blew up two building in NYC, and part of one in D.C., killing over 3,000 people in a matter of a few hours. Second, we are in Afghanistan or Iraq because Jesus told us to.
Okay, so many people know there there are Muslim "extremists" ex. bombing innocent people. Are these the same as the "Christian Extremists" who bomb abortion clinics? (Technically not Christians at all). Do other Muslims reject these Muslim Extremists? Or do they support them?

Lets not start insulting Muslim, Christians, religions etc. I just want an answer.
All fundamentalist, Religious Extremists, of whatever Faith, are basically all the same, the Law of the Pharisees, the law of the Pharos, the Law of the Pharaoh, The law of the Jungle, Self-ish Righteousness, Might is Right, Islamic Law, Sharia as interpreted by men
with unclean hands..

Simply put it is the nature of the Fundamentalist, Religious Extremist, to talk out of their anus.

Islam has been Hijacked! by Fundamentalist Islam, by men with unclean hands, by Macho Men having been allowed to interpret Islamic Law, Sharia

Look at the Macho mentality of the Islamic man toward the women of their own faith and then answer the question; is Fundamentalist Islam Submissive?

Where is the Love of Allah, Compassion.

It is the Nature the True Christian, Muslim, to surrender, to have Compassion; Compassion not being born of Masculinity in the extreme, is not born of Macho Man as is Fundamentalism, Machismo being Bestial in Nature, Compassion, Surrender, being born of the Love of Christ, in the case of the Muslim, the Love of Allah, God.

Beware of the Righteousness of Macho Man, Machismo being Bestial in Nature.

The Law of the Jungle, the law of the Beast, Might is Right; A Law such as Eye for and Eye a Tooth for a Tooth is born the mentality of a Beast, Macho Man, Machismo.

I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
First of all, Swarm, they blew up two building in NYC, and part of one in D.C., killing over 3,000 people in a matter of a few hours. Second, we are in Afghanistan or Iraq because Jesus told us to.

3 buildings, 4000 people and 4 planes is laughable.

We can and have wiped out entire cities, hundreds of thousands of civilians in a single attack. Dresden and Tokyo for example.