Murdered for being an Atheist


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
On October 18, 2004, Arthur Shelton, a self described Christian and Eagle Scout, murdered his friend and roommate, Larry Hooper, because Hooper didn't believe in God.

On December 18, 2005, after many months of postponements, Arthur Shelton, with his defense attorney, Seymour Swartz, appeared at the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice in Detroit, Michigan, before Judge Gregory D. Bill to face charges of murder in the first degree brought by Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Christina Guiruis.

The trial began with the taped phone call Arthur Shelton placed to the Taylor police department in Taylor, Michigan, October 18, 2004, at precisely 12:44 AM. Shelton sounded calm and pridefull when he told the dispatcher he had just shot "the devil himself" with a revolver and a shotgun because "he (Hooper) didn't believe in God." Shelton told the dispatcher he was "still armed and ready to shoot again in case he moves. I want to make sure he's gone." When the dispatcher asked how many times he shot the victim Shelton replied, "hopefully enough."

Throughout the 15 minute phone call Shelton often repeated, "I'm a Christian and an Eagle Scout and I wouldn't lie," and "don't worry about me, I'm fine, but he's the devil." The dispatcher struggled to persuade Shelton to lay down his weapon and go outdoors with his arms raised. Shelton resisted, as he feared Hooper might not be "dead enough", but eventually complied.

Dead enough was an understatement. When the police arrived they were confronted with the grizzly scene of Hooper sitting upright on the couch with his head blown away and his brain laying on his hand. The autopsy report presented by the prosecutor was gruesome to be sure, but, for the record, Larry Hooper tested negative for all narcotics and alcohol.

Testimony by the arresting officer and the officers transporting Shelton to the police station revealed that while the officers were interested in gathering details about the incident, Shelton was obsessed with talking about God, the Eagle Scouts and stating he "would not talk to anyone who didn't believe in God but that he would talk to the police because he felt they believed in God."

On the second day of the trial the court played the videotape of the late night interrogation with Arthur Shelton. He appeared calm, cooperative and enjoyed the cookies and milk he was served. Once again Arthur was obsessed about talking about God and the Eagle Scouts. He stated he "was not sorry for a second that he killed Hooper." He stated, "In the eyes of the law I was wrong and will probably spend the rest of my life in prison, but in the eyes of God I have killed an evil person -- the devil himself." And when Arthur took the witness stand in his own defense he reiterated much of the same ideas.

Day three of the trial we heard summary arguments. The defense had little problem proving that Arthur is obsessed with religion, God and Eagle Scouts and pleaded for a verdict of not guilty due to insanity. The prosecution had little problem proving that Arthur was competent, knew the difference between right and wrong and called for a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree. As this was a wavered trial Judge Bill rendered his verdict quickly -- guilty of second-degree murder with mental illness.

On December 19, 2005, we returned to Judge Bill's court to witness sentencing of Arthur Shelton. The prosecution asked for the 'high end' of punishment - 25 to 45 years, while the defense was still pleading for not guilty due to insanity or, at the very most, a soft sentence at the 'low end' of punishment 15 to 22 years. Judge Bill invited Shelton to make a statement and after fumbling for words Shelton stated he was sorry that Larry was dead but he did a job that had to be done. He stated that he actually, "saw fire and smoke coming from Larry's eyes and knew he was the devil himself."

Judge Bill proceeded to tenderly read letters written to him from Shelton's family members pleading for leniency. Shelton sat facing the audience and blew kisses to his tearful and sometimes sobbing family. In the end, the now stern-faced Judge Bill pronounced sentencing -- 25 to 45 years. Shelton was stunned and tried to negotiate the sentence stating, "I'm 50 years old and that is as good as a life sentence." Judge Bill responded, "Mr. Shelton you gave Larry Hooper a life sentence by committing one of the most heinous murders to come before my court." (In a private conversation, the prosecutor, Ms Guirguis, explained that Michigan law requires that Shelton must serve 25 years before being eligible for parole.)

I add now a disgusting chain of events that took place in the courtroom, the hallways, the lobby of the court building, the staircase outside of the courthouse and even the ladies bathroom. George Shiffer and myself attended day one of the trial. Upon arrival we were asked who we were and I gave the court my American Atheist business card. Word that we were Atheists traveled fast in this court room that offered very limited seating and the only others in attendance were 11 members of Shelton's family who immediately began taunting George and me with "the people from hell, evil, and devils." At breaks they waited for us in the hall and continued with more of the same while adding "God loves you" and blowing us kisses and shoving their crosses (worn on chains around their necks) in our faces. Several of the women even followed me into the bathroom and did their best to intimidate me with their crosses. Through it all George and I never flinched, but at the conclusion of the day I reported this taunting to the Officer of the Court who admitted that they were aware of the problem and escorted us to the elevator, past and to the disappointment of the waiting group of 'good Christians'.

On Day two when George and I, together with Joe Milon, entered the court room the taunting began immediately. Within an hour the Judge announced that those making gestures and faces had better cease or they would be removed. For the balance of the day the Christians wore their neck crosses on their backs, as we were seated in the back row, while constantly flopping them about with their hand. When we returned from lunch (without court escort) the Christians were waiting for us on the seventh floor and lunged at us with small signs they had painted -- 'Jesus lives', 'God loves you' -- and, again, thrusted their crosses within 2 or 3 inches from our noses. Tempers flared and a brief shouting match began. Brief because the court officers were there in a flash.

Day three found Atheist Lee Helms in the same taunted position of the previous days though he was not known to the court or the Christians. At the conclusion of the day an officer of the court detained him stating they have been having trouble with 'those people' (Christians) and escorted him to the elevators.

Even with all that behind us, December 19th, the day of sentencing, was still a horrific experience for myself, George Shiffer, Joe Milon, Lee Helms and Marty Maier. When leaving the courtroom the 'Christian' Shelton family lay in wait for us in the hallway. Their tears dried, they surrounded us shouting these comments: "The one good thing of all of this is that another Atheist is dead and the world is better off for it" and "The only good Atheist is a dead Atheist."

Submitted by:

Michigan State Director
American Atheists
This is the irony of contemporary American Christians, they do not practice what their book tells them to. To the contrary, they routinely commit the "sins" they are warned against while feeling pious the whole while.

They don't much care for us Buddhists either. :(
This is the irony of contemporary American Christians, they do not practice what their book tells them to. To the contrary, they routinely commit the "sins" they are warned against while feeling pious the whole while.
I believe most of our members will agree that I hate religion as much as anyone and am outspoken in my anger at adults who are stupid enough to still believe in fairytales.

Nonetheless, even I understand that the vast majority of these people are not inclined to violence. They assume that their imaginary god will punish us appropriately. Some even believe, grudgingly, that if we lead righteous lives and our only "sin" is not to believe in God, that God is not so self-centered as to punish us severely for it. They understand that the essence of Christianity is the message that the fire-and-brimstone God of the Old Testament took an anger-management class, and then sent down the First Hippie to teach us about love, peace and tolerance. It would be out of character for this God to hate us.

They don't much care for us Buddhists either.
A large segment of the American Buddhist population (at least the native-born Buddhists rather than immigrants) are Christians (not to mention Jews). Buddha did not tell people to believe or not believe in gods or prophets. He simply urged them to begin their own journey in search of the truth.
Of course I did not post that to indicate it is typical of christians tho it certainly does indicate a problem. I cannot say whether Shelton would have murdered someone without his religious influence yet it is significant that he claims that as his motive. I have met many christians who are violent & many more who support violence against those they believe are not approved of by their HolyBabble. I was attacked by bible thumpers for writing a play they called evil.

The majority of christians in the USA believe the worst sin is not believing in the HolyBabble & not praying to god asking for forgiveness at some point before dying. I see no sign of anger-management in the New Testament. It is focused a bit more on the afterlife rather than inflicting punishment in the here-and-now. It is focused more on 2 individuals & a small group rather than on tribes attacking each other over&over&over&over. Tho it cannot be recognized as physical without seeing it will actually happen, the most violent thoughts are that people will suffer horribly for eternity because they did not pick the correct ticket from the belief lottery. Telling someone they will, should or deserve to go to hell should be a hate crime. Telling it to children should be prosecuted as child abuse.
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And then sent down the First Hippie to teach us about love, peace and tolerance.

Love and peace don't tolerate a thing, strict is the way. How can love be tolerant, that lets bad things in the door; division, hate. If you put up with the crap keep the crap while I take the lovers to the stary gates. Or do you mean tolerance of diffrent religions and nationalities, well to answer that God is one, and when we know love and peace we will be one with God and we will have nothing to be tolerant of.
Love and peace don't tolerate a thing, strict is the way. How can love be tolerant, that lets bad things in the door; division, hate. If you put up with the crap keep the crap while I take the lovers to the stary gates. Or do you mean tolerance of diffrent religions and nationalities, well to answer that God is one, and when we know love and peace we will be one with God and we will have nothing to be tolerant of.

I think I need a translator for most of your post but tolerance is a by-product of love & a desire for peace.
Love and peace don't tolerate a thing, strict is the way. How can love be tolerant, that lets bad things in the door; division, hate. If you put up with the crap keep the crap while I take the lovers to the stary gates. Or do you mean tolerance of diffrent religions and nationalities, well to answer that God is one, and when we know love and peace we will be one with God and we will have nothing to be tolerant of.
I was thinking of the "turn the other cheek" thingy. That's pure Flower Child pacifism.

It's ironic that atheism was, arguably, the most prominent "faith" among the hippies, yet they were following Jesus's teachings. A generation later, when the Religious Redneck Retard Revival attained prominence and Christianity once again dominated America, we've got "good God-fearing Christians" burning the Koran, and picketing military funerals because the reason they died is (allegedly) that we've become tolerant of homosexuality.

Not a lot of turning of the cheek among today's American Christians!
I think I need a translator for most of your post but tolerance is a by-product of love & a desire for peace.

No it isn't, you shouldn't even say no or never or die or hate of your a lover. Tolerance is not necisary when your a lover and there's peace.
Wow, what a shocking story.

Little State, Big God
Big State, Little God

The only solution AFAIKT is to teach children at a very very very early age what logic is, how to think rationally, and never to hit them. Hitting them only teaches them that bigger, more powerful humans, are allowed to harm smaller, weaker humans. Not hitting them at least forces the parent to give some sort of explanation for why the behavior should cease or occur - depending on the situation. Then provide children with a free society where they must provide value in order to get along with others in it.

My guess is, that a loony family like this one, is living off the State. I simply cannot see how such a crack-potted family could survive in a world where people were allowed to voluntarily stop associating with them (at all levels) unless they, at the very least, changed their behavior. Interestingly, altering one's behavior can change one's mental state at the same time. In one way or another, I am almost certain, the State is supporting these sociopaths and enabling their delusion.

I'm assuming this person wasn't criminally insane - but was taught to BE criminally insane. As such, there's an argument that his family should also be in prison for child abuses.

Again, just a truly shocking, shocking story. I wonder how the victim even became friends with this person?
We're fortunate enough that such crimes are relatively rare here. So far, most of the push by the theocrats is at the level of education - or not so fortunate, since they are theocrats and since this is the exact level Michael is talking about.
I wonder whether Shelton, lacking an atheist to kill, would have murdered someone of a religion which he viewed as evil. Or a homosexual or someone pregnant without marriage.