Murder Rates.....


Registered Senior Member
Buffalo proper, a city of approximately 330, 000 people, in upstate New York, had 65 murders commited in the calender year of 2001. Toronto proper, a city of approximately 2.3 million, had 59 murders in the calender year of 2001. These cities are no more than a 1.5-2 hour drive apart yet there is an incredible discrepancy.

The overall rate of homicide per 100,000 is as follows:

Overall Homicide rate per 100,000 CANADA UNITED STATES DIFFERENCE
1.83 6.62 3.6x

How is this explained?? The fact that Buffalo has a higher gross-not even per capita- number of murders for the year 2001 than Toronto is absurd given that Buffalo isn't even a quarter of the size. In fact this year, as of July 5th, Toronto has had 12 murders a full six months and five days into the year. Which if continued at the current rate will work out to about 23-24 murders for the year. What possibly could explain this?? Are Americans inherently more violent?? Perhaps there are greater social problems?? Or is it gun control?? And if it isn't gun control then how can this discrepancy be rationalized??
Please include your sources otherwise your just spouting garbage. I tend to believe you though because I've been through Buffalo proper and it's lawlessness is frightening.


Thank you Centaurus1

So what do you think is going on here?
Canucks are too bloody laid back to murder each other. :p

I suspect it's because their nation is not as powerfull or vigorous as America is.

(Wait'll Xev tries to tie this into Nietzsche)

As if America is trying to discharge the energy that the power it has has created.....

(There she goes again!)
"I suspect it's because their nation is not as powerfull or vigorous as America is."

So.......... the more military a nation you live in, the more people you will find who want to kill each other?

Wait wait wait. Can I bring this thread in and tie it onto the one about America invading Canadian culture in World Politics??? I think it was nightfall who questioned that Canada and America's cultures were different. Well how about this; Toronto is, I may be wrong, our most crime-riden city. And we're still not even half as bad as Buffalo!!!!!
"So.......... the more military a nation you live in, the more people you will find who want to kill each other?"

Kinda. Look at Europe. Then look at China.

I see this correlation between the political power that a nation has and the violentness (is that a word?!) of its citizens.

"Can I bring this thread in and tie it onto the one about America invading Canadian culture in World Politics???"

No. :)

Oh, and btw, the easy availability of guns is a huge factor here, I bet. It's soooooo much easier to kill somone with a gun, not only physically easier but mentally easiser.*

*'Cuz, you know, I've killed lots of people. :p
"As if America is trying to discharge the energy that the power it has has created....."

Will to power??

"Oh, and btw, the easy availability of guns is a huge factor here, I bet. It's soooooo much easier to kill somone with a gun, not only physically easier but mentally easiser."

Yes, I suspect-not that I know-that it's a hell of alot more antiseptic to kill someone with a gun. The old argument is that criminals don't legally buy their guns. Therefore why persecute the law abiding gun owner? Well where does the criminal get his gun(s) from if he doesn't obtain them legally? He probably steals them from law abiding gun owners or gun stores who sell to law abiding gun owners. Or perhaps from gun manufacturers who sell guns to gun stores who sell guns to law abiding gun owners. :)
is it true that there is a serious influx of foreign cultures in america?
possibly more so than canada?

do many of the ppol who migrate into the united states come from backgrounds where attributes such as aggression and ignorance are normal ways of life?
is this way of life most common in low income communities and underdeveloped countries?

does the american culture itself instill aggressive attitudes?
or does america consist of so many different cultures that it really has no identity?

i have in my own experience seen very little decent structure within the american government and it's educational system that instills in its citizens and people enough propaganda that encourages ppol 2 seek knowledge and take things easy with an open mind.

does the propaganda out there now have more of an opposite affect? is the media there 2 influence and instill behavior that will help individuals live better lives for themselves and for the way they treat others? or is the media there 2 make money.

it seems like much of the content in movies and television gets censored on the pure basis that it is too intellectual for the american public. much of a writers original intentions are either dropped or changed in order 2 appease the viewers.
if the viewers have a hard time comprehending the material in front of them, might the presenters become afraid that the viewers will loose interest? and if the viewers loose interest, will there not be less of a profit?

i find countless of ppol hu claim 2 believe they r open minded, but turn out 2 b completely ignorant.
people run around blurting out socially accepted premises' with no idea how 2 prove them. jus bcos the majority of society says something is true, does that necessarily mean its tru?

Violence is something that is so ingrained in americans that ther sometimes seems 2 b no hope 4 the country. Despite all these centuries of civilization, ppol still want 2 go out and lynch one another. I don’t know if it’s just me but don’t Americans seem 2 carry so much hate within themselves? All these ppol run around wanting 2 fry osama bin laden, they want 2 chop off penises from rapists, they want 2 execute murderers. Revenge revenge revenge. doesnt all this hate come from within the individual? What makes it so scary is the fact that it’s a group hatred. Its not jus one person. It’s everybody. Its actually socially acceptable 2 want 2 fry osama and lynch child molesters. And if u deviate from these standards u r a traitor. If u show any hint of mercy in u towards these so called evil doers, then u should b lynched as well.

Who really has more in common with a murderer? Someone who HATES the murderer or someone who is merciful without regard 2 weather mercy is deserved or not?

This poses the question about reducing the violent crime rate.
Should we try 2 make a change and propagate a more merciful society, and teach ppol not 2 b so hateful?
Or should we continue 2 propagate a more hateful society, and teach ppol 2 treat lawbreakers more harshly.

self righteous ppol seem 2 always comment on how these criminals are a wretched waste of life. they say that these criminals and sick ppol r not even human. they should all be disposed of so decent humans can live in peace.

These self righteous ppol r the ppol who scare me the most. They use their virtues an excuse 2 kill. they justify their own murderous traits. They think they r such good ppol bcos they refuse 2 look in the mirror and learn more about themselves. In the end, they turn out 2 b the worst criminals and the biggest sickos of all.
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Will to power??

Yes! Exactly! Have you read Nietzsche? I noticed your signature.


Welcome to the club of Sciforummers who've read him.

I think that the more agressive a nation is politically, the more agressive its citizens will be. I have no evidence for this - yet - but what if America is simply too vigourous?

Yes, I suspect-not that I know-that it's a hell of alot more antiseptic to kill someone with a gun. The old argument is that criminals don't legally buy their guns. Therefore why persecute the law abiding gun owner? Well where does the criminal get his gun(s) from if he doesn't obtain them legally? He probably steals them from law abiding gun owners or gun stores who sell to law abiding gun owners. Or perhaps from gun manufacturers who sell guns to gun stores who sell guns to law abiding gun owners.

Yes. That's one of the reasons I am undecided re: guns.

On the one hand, I know very well how to handle a gun and am glad that I could purchase one. On the other, well, they do make murder so much easier.

cool skill:
A moron you may be, but you make a valid point:

These self righteous ppol r the ppol who scare me the most. They use their virtueas an excuse 2 kill. they justify their own murderous traits. They think they r such good ppol bcos they refuse 2 look in the mirror and learn more about themselves. In the end, they turn out 2 b the worst criminals and the biggest sickos of all.

We all have strong agressive instincts. We may turn them on murderers and child molesters.

This is a good thing - it keeps such people from harming others - but it would be rank hypocrisy to claim that we are not discharging our hatred and desire to kill upon such people.

I do not hate child molesters simply because I have compassion for their victims, or because I regard children highly. These are factors, indeed, but I also wish to kill them because I wish to kill?


Of course, the fact that this scares you does not bode well for your character, in light of your previous comments re: rape.
"Kinda. Look at Europe. Then look at China."

Like I've always said, we all need to be more laid back.

"Oh, and btw, the easy availability of guns is a huge factor here, I bet. It's soooooo much easier to kill somone with a gun, not only physically easier but mentally easiser."

Yup. Always makes me question when a gun-nut says 'It makes less crime!'.

And cool......there's more multicultralism in Canada.
Originally posted by Xev

cool skill:
A moron you may be, but you make a valid point:
um thanx xev. i think.

in light of your previous comments re: rape.
r u gonna b like all the other geniuses in this forum and continue 2 harrass me about that rape comment i made from the naked waterfall thread? everybody tries 2 bring that up 2 use it against me in an argument. doesnt work. get over it.

maybe i should just rape u :p
Like I've always said, we all need to be more laid back.

Possibly. I'm in a nihlistic mood though. Perhaps we simply need more outlets for agression.

And cool......there's more multicultralism in Canada.

That I disagree with. Y'all seem waaaaaay more homogenous.

Cool skill:

r u gonna b like all the other geniuses in this forum and continue 2 harrass me about that rape comment i made from the naked waterfall thread? everybody tries 2 bring that up 2 use it against me in an argument. doesnt work. get over it.

Not harassment and not ad hominem neither. I have a certain healthy contempt for your weakness. Normally I respect those without the balls to be ethical, but not in your case.

You might wish to respond to my comments re: the urge to kill. Speaking of which.....

maybe i should just rape u

Trying might be a good idea. I've always wondered what it would be like to kill another human being. You'd give me the perfect justification for finding out. ;)
"That I disagree with. Y'all seem waaaaaay more homogenous."

Actually, multicultarlism is one of the greatest prides of Canada. I can't really prove this (of course), but in my experience the difference between immigrating to America and Canada can be summed up quite easily. Coming to America people are told and accept that they are now American citizens and they are to adapt to American life. Unless you go to a really small town in Canada the attitude is generally that you are to keep strong, strong ties to your home land and remain proud to it. I went to a junior high in an area that was about 1/2 asian. And they always, always spoke in another language. Many Canadians (well, okay, many Torontonians mainly) are debating whether or not our multiculturalism and lack of assimilation (there is none here) is hurting or helping us economically.
me w.e.

i dont even kno wer 2 begin with u.

xev stated:
"not ad hominem"
r u trying 2 convince me that u r not attacking my character?
xev stated:
"I have a certain healthy contempt for your weakness."
"Normally I respect those without the balls to be ethical, but not in your case."
"A moron you may be"
"Of course, the fact that this scares you does not bode well for your character"
im not convinced

it appears that u slander me, but i should be happy because you dont use these slanders to argue against my points. u actually take the points at face value despite your ill regard for the speaker (me). interesting.
ok im getting ther

so y would u attack my character? what's ur purpose?

"I have a certain healthy contempt for your weakness."
1. what do u feel is my weakness?
2. whatever it is, why do u feel it is my weakness?
3. why do u have a contempt for it?

"Normally I respect those without the balls to be ethical, but not in your case."
1. wow
2. do u feel i'm unethical?
3. if so, how am i unethical?
4. what would be ethical?
5. do u really respect those hu u believe 2 b unethical?
6. what makes me an exception?

"A moron you may be"
1. what's with that? y?

"Of course, the fact that this scares you does not bode well for your character"
1. "my character" -jus sounds a little presumptuous 2 me. im not even going 2 ask.

so what is it u got against me xev?
hav i insulted u?
does this mean we cant b friends?
oh no! my world is ending all around me! :D
You might wish to respond to my comments re: the urge to kill.
let me know more specifically what comment ur referring 2 so i can grant my own wish 4 u.
Trying might be a good idea. I've always wondered what it would be like to kill another human being. You'd give me the perfect justification for finding out.
u vixen u!
how could u?!
i think ur learning!
or possibly, u already knew!

questions (unlike the ones above, im completely apathetic about receiving answers 2 these):
hav u really always wondered what it would be like to kill a human?
-that would definitely be something we both DONT have in common.
is attempted rape a justification for murder?
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cool skill:
u vixen u!
how could u?!
i think ur learning!
or possibly, u already knew!

Yes. I know. You're trolling for responses. :)

hav u really always wondered what it would be like to kill a human?

No, I have a certain dislike and fascination with rapists. Too many "women's studies" courses. :) And I think it would be a perfect role-reversal if I raped you as you died.

I think it would be most fascinating to watch the life fade from your eyes as I came to orgasm, don't you?

is attempted rape a justification for murder?

Not murder, killing in self defense and having my wicked way with your dying body.


We'll agree to disagree. Maybe I have not seen enough of Canada, or you of the US.

Yes I have read some Nietzsche, not a gargantuan amount, nevertheless, enough to realize I should investigate further. Nihilistic or not alot of it makes sense.

48% of the city of Toronto are immigrants of which the vast majority don't speak English as a first language.

I think this exemplifies the difference in approach between the Canada and the United States. Nunavut is a Canadian territory which is equivalent to a state in the States.
cool skill:
What's going on, man. I would like to give you a little constructive criticism.
Learn how to type, in english. No one in this forum will respect your opinion, unless you can show a little intelligence. The way you type is very nearly as a child types. Visit some of the teen directed forums. Those kids think it's kewl & hip to abbreviate everything they can. It makes them look like freaking little idiots.

No matter how intelligent you are, no one will respect laziness in your typing. Believe me, man, I am the laziest low-grade genius, you will ever know. hee-hee-hee :cool:

P.S. If ya'll really want to see & weep for the future, go check out
this teen crap . Some of you may never have children, just so they won't have to deal with this kind of idiocy.
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me w.e.

do u mean it isnt kewl and hip 2 type lyk this?
and all this time i thot it was.
all this time i thot i was being hip!
oh no!
my whol life has been a lie!
my world is crumbling all around me!

shud i b lyk ratbat, and type all nice and properlike?
ill think about it


If ya'll really want to see & weep for the future, go check out this teen crap
i think it would be nice if "y'all" left those teens alone.
Some of you may never have children, just so they won't have to deal with this kind of idiocy.
the only idiocy im recognizing is a grown man downgrading a forum of children (i repeat: children) who have done nothing wrong to you but exist.
I am the laziest low-grade genius, you will ever know. hee-hee-hee
not u!
ratbat, my frend, u r spectacular!

groove on behbeh!

PS-wer did u get ratbat from? is it from TF?