multiple personalities


Registered Member
Was wondering if anyone out there can provide any info on dissociative identity disorder/multiple personalities... what i've read so far links it to parapsychology, so i hope this is the right place to post this. :)
-Arnoediad Fuinedhel
Oh! I've heard of that Multiple Personalities Disorder thing. I've read about it in fiction stories, but I haven't heard of any real MPD case. (I'd like to, though!) The only stuff I know is that they develop a new personality to take their place when they are unable to cope with some traumatic event. A lot of people live without knowing they have MPD until triggered by something that happens.

Not sure. :( If it is real, though, it's really sad. In this one story I read, a boy killed his sister and did not remember anything about it. The strange thing about it was that the boy loved his sister very much, but then a doctor found out that he suffered from MPD.
Just some interesting facts about MPD:

1: The personalities can do different things at once, for example; one can talk in the telephone while the other is reading a newspaper at the same time, without changing focus. (one is controlling the eyes and one is controlling the ears and the mouth)

2: The personalities can have differences in most things, like different allergic reactions, one can be allergic to cigarettes, while another one is smoking every day.

3: No personality feels secundary to the "main" personality (at least not from what I've found) even though they probably cannot say exactly when they were born, they are just as individual as the "main" personality. If you ask one of the personality which one is the main one, they probably would get confused or say that it's a certain personality because "she was born in the body".

4: Each personality has it's own characteristics (this you've probably heard before) and no personality has to be violent in any way (as is the misunderstanding that every MPD is dangerous). However, there are some roles that the personalities have, one role can be to protect and handle difficult situations where the "main" has failed to do so herself. Thus there also might be a agressive type in one of the personalities (or in many), but not necessarily meaning that the personality is dangerous because of it.

5: The personalities can be of different age than the "main" one. the age is usually when the personality was formed and often around that age the "main" had a traumatic experiance.

6: When another personality takes control then the "main" feels like she is looking at a theatre, seeing what happens but are unable to control it, they may describe it as looking out of a window. Being in the background.

7: The personalities can sleep, and have their own places to go to in the "main"'s mind, from what I heard, they usually sleep when not being active.

Well, that's about it...
Your # 1 and 2 are both false, those "alergic reactions" are only psychosomatic, all in the head, because a true allergy is about body chemistry, which does not change with somones personality.

Ive heard (In my psych101 course) that folks who get DID usualy get it during childhood. When faced with an extreamly traumatic situation a child can in some instances deal with it buy willfully adopting a new persona that they think is strong enough. If the traumatic situation is being beaten by a parent for instance a child might adopt the demenor of the brutal parent, or somone he has seen stand up to him. They swith back and forth, and before you know it its the most affective method for dealing with stress they have, to become this other person who feels differently about things.

It sorta gets my goat when people confuse Dissociative Identity Dissorder with Schitsophrenia. They are COMPLETELY different dissorders but i hear people confuse them all the time.
watch Identity, it's a movie based on that sort of stuff. I thought it was kind of odd and at first didn't get it until like the middle of the movie. All the personalities are the same age and stuff. It doesn't provide any information about it really but it supports some of the stuff y'all have said and is interesting.
Well for one it is a rare occurence in the human psyche...most of the reported cases are false and it is a good defense to avoid maximum jail time. Next time you see a woman with 11 personalities on Jerry Springer chances are very likely it is false, thespien provided melodrama.

BTW why is this belongs in the human science subforum...Banshee if you please.
The #1 isn't false, at least not according to a documentary of a MPD patient, she got a computer because she wanted to fulfill all the needs of her personalities, and still she was able to talk to the phone while another one was using the computer.

The allergic reactions I'm uncertain about, I found it unlikely too. But it could be possible if it's a kind of placebo. You see, the sensitivity in systems of the body can be changed by psychological means. Since the brain releases chemicals in the body due to experiance and emotion.
Originally posted by vitaminA
watch Identity, it's a movie based on that sort of stuff. I thought it was kind of odd and at first didn't get it until like the middle of the movie. All the personalities are the same age and stuff. It doesn't provide any information about it really but it supports some of the stuff y'all have said and is interesting.
Actually, they all just had the same birthday. Remember, Timmy?
from what I understand it to be in the context of parapsy. is that mpd is a form of possession. The person suffering multiple possessions over time....I, my self have experienced these and have come to terms with them. Some however experience very strong possessions that which include a separate memory trail.

Possessions do not necessarilly have to be by the dead they can also be by the living. The possessor not being aware that he/she is actually doing the possessing.